Is it tacky to bring your own snacks to the movie theater?


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Whoa... yep, it's old... but I read the first few pages and was scratching my head...

Seems like lots of people out here think it is okay to bring snacks into a theater that specifically disallows it. C'mon guys! You really don't see that this is plain WRONG? Just the fact that you're "sneaking it in" should give you a clue!

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C'mon guys. It is not allowed! If nothing else, y'all need to learn RESPECT. It's not something you should be happy about!

Okay, so I'm sounding really judgemental. I'm not judging you. Just pointing out that there are rules and it is not okay to break it. Just like it is not okay to download non-free copyrighted movies off the internet!

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10.50 a ticket is cheap.

When Milk Duds won't do: $29 movie ticket and champagne theaters open

you can now see your movie in a "first class", business, or coach seat :).

Did you know that the theater only makes money off of their food? All the $ from ticket sales go directly to Holleywood. (or so I have been told by someone who works at a theater). Support your local theater! Buy more popcorn!!!!

I'm not so sure about that. If it were the case, then I would think ticket prices would be the same at every theater around the country, and they aren't.

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I'm not so sure about that. If it were the case, then I would think ticket prices would be the same at every theater around the country, and they aren't.

Ticket prices are affected by cost of operation - which is also different around the country.

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We have a couple of small theaters in town that just charge $5 for a ticket and they make their money on popcorn and drinks. their prices on the popcorn and drinks are reasonable and so i buy my concessions there and since they dont make any moeny on me in the ticket price i figure its a way to do good business. the Big theater that charges $10 for a ticket and $25 for popcorn and two drinks well i figure i will take my own suppy if i go there!

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I couldn't care less if its tacky. This is war! It's war over who gets to have my money!!! The business gets to do sneaky manuvering to make its money. I get to do sneaky manuvering to keep mine. I fully support the big purse option or the promise of icecream cones after we leave the theater.

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The business is not sneaking around to get your money. This is a capitalistic society. Price depends on what the consumer are willing to pay for. If you think the price is too high, you do not CHEAT. Instead, do not buy.

Wait until you get done with the movie and get a snack. Or eat before you go to the movie. Or go to a theater that allows outside snacks. Do not CHEAT and think it is okay because you are protecting your money.

Is this really so hard a concept to grasp?

So, you think, I'm not gonna buy in the theater anyway, so I'm not hurting anyone for bringing my own snack. BULLOCKS! The business paradigm for a concession stand at a theater is the OPPORTUNITY for sales. You do not sell popcorn at the beach. You can't sell it there. You sell popcorn at the theater because movie and snacks go together. You bring your own snacks, you CHEATED the theater.

Edited by anatess
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Oh antess. You are ruining all my fun.

Sorry, it's a peeve. One of things I'm teaching my kids... the little things are the things that could make or break my kids' moral compass.

Okay, I'll make up for it... My kids always want their own drinks at the theater. I always get the large drink with free refills and we share. So, I bring their own cups and I pour out the drink into their own cups. There's no rule against sharing.

Yes, it is tacky. But, in this case, I don't care.


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You mean they still have movie theaters in this day of Netflix/Blockbuster videos delivered to your door to keep as long as you want, like 2 weeks after they're released (ok, that's an exaggeration, but they're out fast). Hmmmm....who'd have thought??!! I haven't been to a movie theater for ages and likely never will again. I don't need the sticky floors, gum under the seats, expensive tickets, more expensive refreshments, etc. I can enjoy the movie in the luxury of my home for a fraction of the cost on my 52" TV. Why in the world would I go to a movie theater??!!

Did you know you can make the equivalent of a movie theater's $6 popcorn for about $.25 at home? And for the $4 drink you can get a 12-pack. And for the $4 candy bar you could eat yourself into a sugar coma!

Who dug this old thread back up anyway?

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Excellent point, Nb. Heck, many of my kids friends have theaters in their homes! I'd rather watch a movie, especially ones that I am gonna see once and forget about, in the comfort of my snuggie and bunnie slippers.

It's very rare that I want to spend money at the theater. 90% of the time, netflix it. I reserve the 10% for big blockbusters that can't be appreciated on a 42inch screen.

(for the record, I don't actually own a snuggie or bunnie slippers.)

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My son and I recently went to see the Sherlock Holmes movie. At one point before the movie started we noticed a terrible smell; like someone took off their shoes. We decided it must be the lady sitting next to my son, taking out her homemade popcorn that she brought with her. In this case I am against people bringing their own treats. But I see no difference in someone who comes to the theatre and does not buy any snack at all with someone who decided to buy a chocolate bar at a store two days ago and it happens to still be in their purse.

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has a theater at home and still goes to the theater. it's a family experience - we call it "dates" - sometimes just my husband and I, more times the whole family. watching the movies at home doesn't qualify as a date.


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I carry bottled water inside my huge killer purse everywhere I go. I take it out and drink from it while at the movies.

Sure they sell bottled water there for 3-4 dollars but most of the theaters I go to also have free water available from fountains. To me water is still one of those items that you should be able to enjoy without guilt or concern, almost like fresh air. ;)

I don't know, maybe my head is in the clouds on this. :D

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That sounds insanely good! Posted Image

Ooh, it is! You make a balsamic vinaigrette that contains a little salt, Dijon mustard, shallots, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. I'm not a fan of walnuts, so I get some sugared pecans and add those, buy a bag of spring mix salad, add whatever pears are in season (sliced beautifully), and crumble Gorgonzola cheese over it. Mmmmmm ...... It made New Moon so much more bearable. And my sister-in-law bought a popcorn and drink for us to share, soothing our consciences. :P

Another time I was being way health conscious and brought in carrot sticks and water. Another time I filled my pockets with mandarin oranges. I think the theaters should have a produce section. Or maybe a salad bar. :D

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As I am going to the movie in about 3 hours I volunteer myself to be a "guinea pig." I will take my own food into the movies and let you know if I felt any twinges of guilt etc. I promise if I do..I will throw any evidences of that food away. (After I've eaten it I mean. Wrappers etc.)

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Yeh it's tacky. Bringing your own snacks to the cinema would be like bringing your own utensils to a restaurant. But I do it too and I've done it for a long time. The real question is "should" you bring your own snacks? As someone had mentioned, most cinemas don't allow outside food or drink, so technically you're breaking the rules. So I guess it depends on how comfortable you are doing that.

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If the ticket prices were low then yes -- tacky. Theaters have pretty much doubled the standard ticket price.. they no longer make their money from selling food and drink alone. Put tickets back down to $5 and keep the theater and chairs clean -- I'll buy snacks. Until then it's up to me to make my movie-going experience enjoyable.

Bottom line is that I'm not going to pay extra for a mediocre product.

Edited by bmy-
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