Searching for work can hurt your credit


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Okay so here is the first thing I personally (don't shoot me anyone) have seen the Obama administration looking into that I so totally agree with.

With the job market the way it is...having hits against your credit a double whammy. - Searching for a job can hurt your credit

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I can answer that. It if involves handling a lot of cash for example...and you have an extremely lousy credit lets potential employers know if there could possibly be a risk of theft. Those that can't handle their own financial issues might be tempted to handle a companies financial assets...okay..well handle them right out the door.

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The sad part about that kind of system...checking credit score for employment..are those that have just had some bad luck...maybe have had some health issues etc..and have lost a good credit rating. They have a harder time finding work at a time they really need it.

That's why I'm glad the Obama administration is reviewing this policy.

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The sad part about that kind of system...checking credit score for employment..are those that have just had some bad luck...maybe have had some health issues etc..and have lost a good credit rating. They have a harder time finding work at a time they really need it.

That's why I'm glad the Obama administration is reviewing this policy.

I am sure they write a bill under a 1000 pages to fix this
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See why I don't have a "just in case, emergency" credit card? And ya'll thought I was crazy

I don't have one either, it's cash or I don't need it that bad lol.

Can you believe Wal-Mart checks your credit if you apply there? I don't think my current employer does, though. Probably cause it's Canadian, they're nice people :P

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I have seen it used in bank jobs and law enforcement, which makes some sense, but didn't realize it was used by other industries as well. I think it's suck. I used to have perfect credit until sickness and 2 deaths in the family resulted in maxing the Credit Cards and losing the second job in the family. The cash or i don't need it idea is great for stuff but when you live on the other side of the country and lose a loved one your options are limited. I think this is a step in the right direction.

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I have seen it used in bank jobs and law enforcement, which makes some sense, but didn't realize it was used by other industries as well. I think it's suck. I used to have perfect credit until sickness and 2 deaths in the family resulted in maxing the Credit Cards and losing the second job in the family.

Wow. My wife and I have about $80,000 in life insurance on each other but I know it isn't enough. I have no life insurance on my kids which I probably need to get. $10,000 on each of them would be good.

My wife and I currently have about $4,000 in credit card debt. The debt is at a 3 percent annual interest rate locked in for life but we hope to have it all paid off by April 2010.

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Wow. My wife and I have about $80,000 in life insurance on each other but I know it isn't enough. I have no life insurance on my kids which I probably need to get. $10,000 on each of them would be good.

My wife and I currently have about $4,000 in credit card debt. The debt is at a 3 percent annual interest rate locked in for life but we hope to have it all paid off by April 2010.

It wasn't that "close to home". My wife's coverage is just shy of 1/2 a million so i would be ok (financially )if something happened to her. It was my mother (who died twice) and my my wifes great grandmother. We had to make 3 last minute cross county trips as a family of 4 in 1 year with all the expenses, plane tickets, rental cars, eating on the road, hotels etc.

Then to top it off we lost our second job while gone which really put a hurting on us.

I have more debt then years on earth and interest rates so high a $200 minimum monthly payment goes straight to interest.

But even with all my debt i would never bite the hand that feeds me by robbing the workplace. It is a shame that enough people do that many employers are checking credit.It is also a shame employers assume they will.

I mean if personal debt is the main cause of employee theft how do college grads get jobs^_^

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Okay so here is the first thing I personally (don't shoot me anyone) have seen the Obama administration looking into that I so totally agree with.

With the job market the way it is...having hits against your credit a double whammy. - Searching for a job can hurt your credit

Pam, at this point, credit scores is low-key by what is unofficially, a global depression. Be happy to hold a job. Be happy we still have abundance of food, water, and family. Even if we still plan for tomorrow and seek positivism in life, all that will change very soon. Our priorities should be family and home. Help many of our brethren as we can. Then prepare for the return of the Savior.

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I have no debt and have about 15000 in savings.

Of course, I have no house and no car at the moment because I moved to England. ;)

FT will you marry me? ;) Shoot...I take back the proposal. I don't want to be your 8th wife. :P

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