i intend to live forever....so far, so good!

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there is a story told of aa young buddhist who was on his journey home one day when he came to the banks of a wide river. staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in front of him, he pondered for hours on just how to cross such a wide barrier.

just as he was about to give up his pursuit to continue his journey, he saw a wise teacher on the other side of the river. the young buddhist yells over to the teacher, "oh wise one, can you tell me how to get to the other side of this river"?

the teacher ponders for a moment looks up and down the river and yells back, "my son, you are on the other side".

life is all about our perspective, right? what do you use every day to keep your problems in perspctive....from a christian point of view. sorry if this is a strange question, i am just wondering how my lovely lds friends (and other christian friends) smile every day.

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"If God be for me than who can be against me?" Of course, the world has a plethora of answers. The boss, the other driver on the road, the snooty store clerk, the creditors, the Democrats/Republicans, the counter-cultists, the liberals/conservatives...etc. But, really, if there is one omnipotent God...and He is for me...I can get through anything. And, with the promise that I shall be fully reconciled to my Creator...the stuff may still be difficult, but sometimes it's not the journey--it really is the destination. When I finally get there, I imagine I'll look back, and like my predecessors from the 1960s, say "What a trip!"

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sometimes it's not the journey--it really is the destination.

how very unthoreau of you!!

do you think there is a sense of urgency for christians with regard to life (or what comes after)? is it a sin to waste time? if so, what is considered waste?

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. - Henry David Thoreau

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just wondering how my lovely lds friends (and other christian friends) smile every day.

I smile by collecting funny self-efacing Mormon jokes!


The LDS missionaries might be able to convince my wife that marriage is eternal, or they might be able to convince her that heaven is a place of joy and eternal happiness, but after being married to me for 12 years they would be unable to convince her of both at the same time.


A man dies and is getting his tour of heaven. His guide is pointing out the various features and landmarks when the man asks, "What's that cliff?"

"Oh, you don't want to look down there. That's hell!"

The man is curious anyway, and creeps up to the edge and looks over. He sees lush, green valleys, verdant farmland and trees everywhere. "This doesn't look so bad," he says. Puzzled, the guide comes over and looks down.

"Dangit!" he snaps, "Those Mormons have been irrigating again!"


A Nephite woman sitting at a dressing table with her Nephite husband still lying in bed, with a picture of their Central American Archaeological Temple-style Wedding on the wall. She says "First you're righteous. Then you prosper. Then you get proud. Then you get wicked. Then you get humbled. Which is it going to be today?"


It's Show and Tell day in school, and each kid has to bring something that represents their faith. Little Mary walks to the front and says in a very soft voice, "My name is Mary. I'm Catholic, and this is a rosary." Little Isaac walks to the front and says, "My name is Isaac. I'm Jewish and this is a dreidel." Little Nephi walks up and says, "My name is Nephi. I'm LDS and this is a casserole."


A Catholic priest, a Baptist pastor and a Mormon bishop are out fishing in a boat. As the day goes on and they are becoming more friendly, the priest says, "I feel like I can confide in you guys. I have been known to drink on the job, and sometimes sleep through confessions." The pastor says, "I accep that. I have my failings. I have been known to take sermons written by others, and give them as my own." The bishop says nothing. Finally, the other two say to him it's only fair that he confess some failing of his own, since they have. So he says, "Well, I have to confess I have a serious fault. I am sometimes given to gossip. And I can hardly wait to get to shore!"


Two clergy persons are on an airplane, a Catholic priest and a Mormon bishop.

After a while, the priest turns to the bishop and asks, "Is it still a requirement of your faith that you are not to drink coffee?" The Mormon bishop responds, "Yes that is still one of our beliefs" The Catholic priest then asks, "Have you ever had a cup of coffee"? "Yes," says the Mormon bishop, "I have to admit--on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tried a cup of coffee." The Catholic priest nods in understanding and goes on with his reading.

A while later, the Mormon bishop speaks up and asks, "Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?" The Catholic priest replies, "Yes, that is still one of our vows." The Mormon bishop then asks, "Father, have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?" The Catholic priest replied, "Yes, Bishop, on one occasion, I was weak and broke my vow." The Mormon bishop nodded understandingly for a moment.

A few minutes later he smiled, looked at the Catholic priest and then said, "A lot better than coffee, isn't it?"


The young son of a Mormon bishop was in church one morning when he saw for the first time baptism by immersion.

He was greatly interested in it, and the next morning proceeded to baptize his three cats in the bathtub.

The two youngest cats weren't very pleased about it, but suffered the young man to do it, but the old family tom cat rebelled. The old feline struggled with the boy, clawed and tore his skin, and finally got away.

With considerable effort the boy caught the old tom again and proceeded with the "ceremony." But the cat acted worse than ever, clawing and spitting, and scratching the boy's face.

Finally, after barely getting the cat splattered with water, he dropped him on the floor in disgust and said: "Fine, be a Methodist if you want to!"


A Mormon told me that they don't drink coffee. I said, "A cup of coffee every day gives you wonderful benefits." He said, "Like what?" I said, "Well, it keeps you from being Mormon ..."


The BYU athletic director is being lobbied by a bowl game sponsor. "At the big after game party, we have all kinds alcoholic beverages, from the finest beer to the best aged brandy."

"We don't drink alcoholic beverages," the AD says.

"Well, we have the best coffee, fresh ground, handpicked coffee beans, the most exquisite of teas."

"We don't drink coffee or tea."

"Well, then, cola beverages, Coke, Pepsi. . .Don't tell me you don't drink cola beverges, either," the sponsor says incredulously.

"Actually we do," the AD says. "But not in front of each other."



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but sometimes it's not the journey--it really is the destination. When I finally get there, I imagine I'll look back, and like my predecessors from the 1960s, say "What a trip!"

For me it is the journey and who I am joined with in the journey. I have found joy when I am joined with others and very little of worth in the exclusive journey for self - regardless of the perceived destination.

Anything obtained exclusively for self is at best only a false illusion of joy.

The Traveler

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how very unthoreau of you!!

do you think there is a sense of urgency for christians with regard to life (or what comes after)? is it a sin to waste time? if so, what is considered waste?

Out of the Reformation came "the Protestant work ethic." Redeem the time, for Jesus is returning soon. Souls are dying--we must be about the Father's business. Yes, there can be a sense of urgency. And, in unbalanced fellowship, the result can be a joyless spirituality.

Our Scriptures also tell us to rejoice, that joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and that the load Jesus gives us is easy, the burden light. The famous 23rd Psalm speaks of resting by still waters.

I do perceive that Christian spirituality, at least the American variety, tracks far too practical, and has not nearly enough tolerance for the mystery, wonder, ecstasy, and childlikness that is also deep in our history tradition.

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Hello Ms Bodhi,

life is all about our perspective, right?

Some day you and I will come to know about the full perspective we both enjoyed together as friends in the pre-mortal life before we came to this life.

what do you use every day to keep your problems in perspctive....from a Christian point of view.

For some of us, it is the promises we received in our Patriarchal Blessings - which includes the hope and assurances we will receive in this life and beyond.

For others, it is the presence of the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead which includes Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. To have the Holy Ghost present in each hour of our lives is a remarkable blessing for those who need constant companionship and direction during this mortal life.

There is also our Testimonials from past mortal experiences during this life, which insures that God knows we know, and that we can never deny it.

And there is also the knowledge there is no fear of death, for it will be the next step into a life that is beyond our greatest dreams. (Of course, for some of us the fear of public speaking or the fear of moving is on our list of items to avoid) ;)

i am just wondering how my lovely lds friends (and other Christian friends) smile every day.

Some things are reserved for you to experience once you receive your own testimony from God. Other things are reserved for you after you act on the testimonies you receive from God. As a child I had many questions and hoped that I would be quickened to becoming an adult, so as to figure out why my parents were the way there were. But my parents knew they could try to explain why they were happy, but doing the journey is a better companion than just hearing or reading about it.

do you think there is a sense of urgency for Christians with regard to life (or what comes after)?

I have no urgency. I used to, until I realized I could never get my life's work done. So I just continue along at my turtle pace, which is consistent and thoughtful. (I suspect I will have a boatload of work to do in the next life) :)

is it a sin to waste time? if so, what is considered waste?

Again, I think when you receive your Patriarchal Blessing at some time, your goals will be crystallized into a much shorter list of what God would be pleased to see you do.

Imagine how it was when Adam lived to several hundred years instead of the shorter lifespan we have today (although 90 years is not that bad). We have several more generations of life ahead of us in this mortal life, and as we pass from one generation to another, you and I can reflect on how we put aside the importance of life and how we can improve it.

My very best,



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Spending hours on forums? hahaha

If life is a river then we are missing the scenery. If life is a highway through Nevada, then it helps us kill time.

So what is this Protestant Work Ethic? A way for one to say I believe, so that one is relieved of any burden of sharing their fruit? :confused:

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Hello Ms Bodhi,

Some day you and I will come to know about the full perspective we both enjoyed together as friends in the pre-mortal life before we came to this life.

For some of us, it is the promises we received in our Patriarchal Blessings - which includes the hope and assurances we will receive in this life and beyond.

For others, it is the presence of the Holy Ghost, a member of the Godhead which includes Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. To have the Holy Ghost present in each hour of our lives is a remarkable blessing for those who need constant companionship and direction during this mortal life.

There is also our Testimonials from past mortal experiences during this life, which insures that God knows we know, and that we can never deny it.

And there is also the knowledge there is no fear of death, for it will be the next step into a life that is beyond our greatest dreams. (Of course, for some of us the fear of public speaking or the fear of moving is on our list of items to avoid) ;)

Some things are reserved for you to experience once you receive your own testimony from God. Other things are reserved for you after you act on the testimonies you receive from God. As a child I had many questions and hoped that I would be quickened to becoming an adult, so as to figure out why my parents were the way there were. But my parents knew they could try to explain why they were happy, but doing the journey is a better companion than just hearing or reading about it.

I have no urgency. I used to, until I realized I could never get my life's work done. So I just continue along at my turtle pace, which is consistent and thoughtful. (I suspect I will have a boatload of work to do in the next life) :)

Again, I think when you receive your Patriarchal Blessing at some time, your goals will be crystallized into a much shorter list of what God would be pleased to see you do.

Imagine how it was when Adam lived to several hundred years instead of the shorter lifespan we have today (although 90 years is not that bad). We have several more generations of life ahead of us in this mortal life, and as we pass from one generation to another, you and I can reflect on how we put aside the importance of life and how we can improve it.

My very best,



hello mn....

thank you for your response. it was well written and thoughtful. i have to admit, however, that some of what you said excapes me. i do apologize, but i am not as familiar with lds terminology (or christian, for that matter) as i would like to be. what is a patriarchal blessing?

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hello mn....

thank you for your response. it was well written and thoughtful. i have to admit, however, that some of what you said excapes me. i do apologize, but i am not as familiar with lds terminology (or christian, for that matter) as i would like to be. what is a patriarchal blessing?

To keep it simple here is a link that may shed some clarity with PBs. LDS.org - Ensign Article - Teaching Children about Patriarchal Blessings

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i have to admit, however, that some of what you said escapes me. i do apologize, but i am not as familiar with lds terminology (or Christian, for that matter) as i would like to be.

Thank you for your comment. It reminds me of when I first attended a foreign language class in high school many years ago. I expected the teacher to teach us in English, but from the very start he only spoke in the foreign language. So here I was listening to something I could not understand for days and days until I started to pick up on little pieces and put them together. (I'm not sure if they teach that way anymore today).

I am a convert to the church (my family was not LDS), so I understand exactly what you are saying. The missionaries which visited me in my home were very patient and understanding when I asked questions such as "what does that mean?".

Thank you for reminding me how I felt back in those days.

what is a patriarchal blessing?

Our church defines Patriarchal Blessings as . . .

  • Patriarchal blessings are given to worthy members of the Church by ordained patriarchs.

  • Patriarchal blessings include a declaration of a person's lineage in the house of Israel and contain personal counsel from the Lord.

  • As a person studies his or her patriarchal blessing and follows the counsel it contains, it will provide guidance, comfort, and protection.
Also, I found this for you:

Those who have received a patriarchal blessing should read it humbly, prayerfully, and frequently. It contains personal revelation and instructions from Heavenly Father, who knows our strengths, weaknesses, and eternal potential. Patriarchal blessings may contain promises, admonitions, and warnings.

Those who follow the counsel in their patriarchal blessing will be less likely to go astray or be misled. Only by following the counsel in a patriarchal blessing can one receive the blessings contained therein.

While a patriarchal blessing contains inspired counsel and promises, it should not be expected to answer all of the recipient's questions or to detail all that will happen in his or her life. If the blessing does not mention an important event, such as a full-time mission or marriage, the person should not assume that he or she will not receive that opportunity.

Similarly, the recipient of the blessing should not assume that everything mentioned in it will be fulfilled in this life. A patriarchal blessing is eternal, and its promises may extend into the eternities. If one is worthy, all promises will be fulfilled in the Lord's due time. Those promises and blessings that are not realized in this life will be fulfilled in the next.

Patriarchal blessings are sacred and personal. They may be shared with immediate family members, but should not be read aloud in public or read or interpreted by others. Not even the patriarch or bishop or branch president should interpret it.

Those who have received a patriarchal blessing should treasure its words, ponder them, and live to be worthy to receive the promised blessings in this life and in the life to come.

To find out how to receive a patriarchal blessing, Church members should speak with their bishop or branch president.

Source Link


Although the best source for questions is with the local missionaries in your area, we can certainly help you with just about any of your general questions you have here. We are delighted to have you!

On the other hand, when the missionaries visit you (as they did for me years ago) there is something extra which will be present that is not especially present on the internet. You will have the Light of Christ and the Missionaries will have the Holy Ghost. The truth can be manifested to your heart and soul in person, which is a marvelous experience to look forward to.



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