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The church has a very extensive program called LDS Family Services.

LDS Family Services

"LDS Family Services provides licensed child placement services including infant adoption, and special needs adoption."

It also provides "assistance for birth parents and others facing an unplanned pregnancy."

Another program is called Families Supporting Adoption which "seeks to promote a positive view of adoption."

Families Supporting Adoption

In other words, there is a lot of support for adoption.

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One of my former bishops was adopted, and his own daughter and her husband were wanting to adopt.

I also know many others in the church who have been adopted or who have adopted children. These adoptions have been a wonderful blessing to all involved.

My husband and I hope to adopt in addition to the biological children we already have, though our finances at this time do not allow it.

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My wife and I are adoptive parents. We brought two teenage hellions into our home and did our very best to raise them, trying to remove the "street" from them. They're full grown now and moved out of the house. There are so many kids out there who need guidance and to be loved and not just little infants given up for adoption. My two cents.

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My daughter is adopted. Her birthmom considered abortion but was too far along to legally do it. Thank goodness. I can't imagine my life without her. She is beautiful and a joy to me in every way.

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The below is from this resource put out by the church: - Family Table of Contents - True to the Faith

“Adoption,” True to the Faith, (2004),7–8

Children are entitled to be raised by parents who honor marital vows and who provide love and support. Adoption can be a great blessing for many children who are born without this opportunity.

When a child is conceived out of wedlock, the best option is for the mother and father of the child to marry and work toward establishing an eternal family relationship. If a successful marriage is unlikely, they should place the child for adoption, preferably through LDS Family Services. Placing the infant for adoption through LDS Family Services helps unwed parents do what is best for the child. It ensures that the child will be sealed to a mother and a father in the temple, and it enhances the prospect for the blessings of the gospel in the lives of all concerned. Adoption is an unselfish, loving decision that blesses the birth parents, the child, and the adoptive family.

If you are married and you and your spouse want to adopt a child, be sure you know all legal requirements of the countries and governmental agencies that are involved. Counsel with your priesthood leaders and, if possible, with staff members in LDS Family Services. If LDS Family Services is not available in your area, work with your priesthood leaders to locate licensed, authorized agencies that protect both the children and the adoptive parents.

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My wife and I are adoptive parents. We brought two teenage hellions into our home and did our very best to raise them, trying to remove the "street" from them. They're full grown now and moved out of the house. There are so many kids out there who need guidance and to be loved and not just little infants given up for adoption. My two cents.

Most parents who do adopt would by pass children like this....kudos brother for striving to help others.

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Guest queries

We brought two teenage hellions into our home and did our very best to raise them, trying to remove the "street" from them.

Did it work, skalenfehl?

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