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Ok, since coffee, black tea, cola and alcohol are out, what do you all drink?

In work, i've found myself drinking raspberry and rosehip tea alot lately and then water of course. Is that kind of tea acceptable?

How about other carbonated drinks? is everything frowned upon? I found this really good carbonated apple drink recently but I can't help feeling it's on the black list.

Not sure how it is in your countries/states but almost everyone in Finland has a sauna bath in their house. It's really necessary to drink something more than just water afterwards (preferbly carbonated) to quench your thirst! Any tips pro LDS?

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Any cola is fine. No one has ever said we cannot drink coke. Some more fundamentalist memebers will try to tell you it is, but it is YOUR CHOICE. Its not out. I drink it all the time like several posters here.

But in answer to your question.....I drink sugar-free fruit squash, milk and water. I have carbonated drinks like coke as a treat and in restaurants.

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I personally can't stand carbonation, only drink it rarely. Most members i know, though, love soda pop, including my husband and son.

I drink water mostly. I will also drink milk (but only if i have cookies to go with it :D), lemonade, fruit juices, mint or chamomile tea. Any herbal teas are fine, though it's my understanding that green tea is out (someone please correct me if i'm wrong).

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Oh yeah, hot chocolate!! Gotta have hot chocolate in winter!

My mother-in-law drinks cola all the time. I swear, that's the only thing she does drink, both caffeinated and non-caffeinated.

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Ok, since coffee, black tea, cola and alcohol are out, what do you all drink?

In work, i've found myself drinking raspberry and rosehip tea alot lately and then water of course. Is that kind of tea acceptable?

How about other carbonated drinks? is everything frowned upon? I found this really good carbonated apple drink recently but I can't help feeling it's on the black list.

Not sure how it is in your countries/states but almost everyone in Finland has a sauna bath in their house. It's really necessary to drink something more than just water afterwards (preferbly carbonated) to quench your thirst! Any tips pro LDS?

Perhaps Finrock can chime in since he is from that region. ^_^

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Mostly water because we have a really really good well ... also in our area we have alot of people from Mexico so one of the grocery stores carries their food products and they have a wonderful lemonade mix ... I do pop (non-caffinated as it real does a number on me) once in awhile as well as herb tea and hot choc ... but water is the biggie ... over a gallon a day!

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Water, G2 (preferably the Lemon-Lime or Blueberry-Pomegranate) and the occasional diet caffeine free cola (though admittedly with cherry syrup, I only get it at gas stations) or that light minute made stuff. Those are the usual drinks, I really try to keep the calories I'm drinking to a minimum, and I try to minimize my diet soda intake as well.

So mostly its water though its not like its 100% low/non cal, the occasional apple beer or shake makes it into my splurge days (or I just sacrifice actual nutrition and compensate for it with less calories through the rest of the day). And even if I do splurge at a restaurant it tends to be water, its what I'm used to and I try to drink copious amounts of it, sometimes I drive the wait staff to distraction and they just leave a pitcher of it at the table instead of constantly refilling it themselves. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question, the Word of Wisdom states that HOT drinks are not for the body or belly.

I know that even though that hot drinks has been clarified as coffee and tea, my question is, since it does say hot drinks, shouldn't ALL hot drinks be included, like hot chocolate, or any other hot drink?

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I know that even though that hot drinks has been clarified as coffee and tea, my question is, since it does say hot drinks, shouldn't ALL hot drinks be included, like hot chocolate, or any other hot drink?

Feel free to email Brigham Young (“I have heard it argued that tea and coffee are not mentioned therein; that is very true; but what were the people in the habit of taking as hot drinks when that revelation was given? Tea and coffee. We were not in the habit of drinking water very hot, but tea and coffee—the beverages in common use” (Discourses of Brigham Young, p. 182)), through Ezra Taft Benson ( “Hot drinks [defined as tea and coffee] are not for the body.” (E.T. Benson, Ensign, May 1983)) that they got it wrong and that they should change their views to accommodate yours.

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I have a question, the Word of Wisdom states that HOT drinks are not for the body or belly.

I know that even though that hot drinks has been clarified as coffee and tea, my question is, since it does say hot drinks, shouldn't ALL hot drinks be included, like hot chocolate, or any other hot drink?

To a certain extent, possibly. There have been some studies that linked extremely hot beverages to oral cancers, but only under habitual use and I think there are a relative few studies that find that conclusion, which leads me to believe it's an overstated finding (meaning, not clinically significant). I wouldn't put much stock in it.

Besides, if the 'hot drinks' were really about temperature, then what about iced tea and iced coffee? Remember, ice wasn't something people had access to in the 1830's, so such beverages wouldn't have even been dreamed of.

So I'm with Snow on this one...historical context is essential to understanding this one.

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In work, i've found myself drinking raspberry and rosehip tea alot lately and then water of course. Is that kind of tea acceptable?

Herbal Teas are perfectly acceptable, in fact good for you (try to use honey instead of sugar, if using a sweetener)

How about other carbonated drinks? is everything frowned upon? I found this really good carbonated apple drink recently but I can't help feeling it's on the black list.

The reason some LDS avoid certain colas is because of caffeine, not carbonation. But carbonation is not good for you anyways, it breaks down calcium and can lead to various weak bone conditions.

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Diet Rockstar, Grapefruit juice (unsweetened), nonfat milk, and a sundry of other diet sodas. I've tried a few herbal teas, but haven't found anything I really like yet.... as for coffee....I keep looking for a coffee replacement.

Some energy drinks have green tea extract, so you gotta look out for that :)

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Grapefruit juice (unsweetened)

Hey, I'm not the only one! I also like just plain old cranberry juice (not cocktail) and get funny looks from some people. :)

I keep looking for a coffee replacement.

I know Postum was discontinued a few years back, was Pero as well? Caro as appears to be available but mostly in the UK and New Zealand (if Wikipedia is to be trusted). Maybe you can get a UK member of the boards to set up a pipeline for you.

I imagine both of these routes, and the last one in particular are gonna be expensive though.

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Oooh many. When out and about to random places, I usually buy volvic flavoured water. In the mornings I drink milk (and often in the evening too) and in the evening hot chocolate. At work I am well known for my coke/pepsi consumption... it helps to keep me alert, though I'm trying to drink more water at work. I also have a passion for mcdonalds strawberry milkshake, though that rarely happens.

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I know Postum was discontinued a few years back, was Pero as well? Caro as appears to be available but mostly in the UK and New Zealand (if Wikipedia is to be trusted). Maybe you can get a UK member of the boards to set up a pipeline for you.

I imagine both of these routes, and the last one in particular are gonna be expensive though.

Found 'em both on amazon, although in 6-pack form. I need to find some single jars to see which one I like :)

Thanks for the heads up- I thought postum was all there was!

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Here: Amazon.com: Pero Instant Natural Beverage - 7oz - Powder: Health & Personal Care .

Also, when looking for stuff, don't underestimate the power of Google Product Search, I've not looked food up with it, but I've used it for lots of other things.

I found a place online that had decent prices per jar (~$6), so I bought one of each kind. I ordered it with 3 day shipping, so it should be here Wed- i'll write a mini review for each :)

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I found a place online that had decent prices per jar (~$6), so I bought one of each kind. I ordered it with 3 day shipping, so it should be here Wed- i'll write a mini review for each :)

Yeah for the internet! :D

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