That's SENATOR Boxer. And don't you forget it!


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Oh my heck...of all the arrogant, obnoxious remarks. To tell a Brigadier General..don't call me ma'am.. I'm just appalled.

I'm very embarassed for the General.

She doesn't even deserve the ma'am.

Edited by pam
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I saw that and thought that here is a man who has spent his life saying Sir and Ma'am. Probably from the time he was a boy. I don't care if it was Boxer or any Republican woman senator. That is just wrong.

It is because of men like this General that our politicians live the life they do.

I hope that there is an uproar over this and she has to publicly apologize to this General.

Ben Raines

Semper Fi, Ma'am

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I think she either failed to realize that military people use the terms Sir and Ma'am frequently. On they other hand, perhaps she noticed that he was addressing her male colleagues as Senator.

In any case, I think the protocol for Congressional hearings is to use the terms Senator or Congressperson. When addressing the President, you would say Mr. President. When addressing Palerider, the correct protocol would be to say, "Hey you".


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I always like to look at these situations in perspective, and so I listened to the first forty-minutes or so to see how he addressed the male senators, thinking perhaps he had been calling them senator all along.


Senator Boxer was the first speaker, and once she was done with her opening, which contained her request, the general did go on to call Senator Vitter (male) "senator," but then also referred to him as "sir." I suspect he called Vitter senator the first few times because of Boxer's chastisement.

In Senator Boxer's defense, which is barely nil, I do have an example from academia that tends to make us professional women cringe. I have seen female professors with doctorates called Ms. Petersen, while the men are called Dr. Petersen. But to be honest, this was ten years ago, and I've not seen it as an issue since.

I think this was a bit of preening on Boxer's part, and totally uncalled for. I also have to say the general responded very graciously.


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Cheap shots are better than expensive ones when on a tight budget.

I got to thinking about this comment I made. I have read far too many posts from Moksha as I'm starting to sound like him. :P

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I love how Biden is about the dumbest guy in modern political history with more mistakes in 1 interview than most politicians have in a lifetime but since he is a Liberal he gets a pass. Obama even has more slip ups than most Republicans yet he also gets a pass.

Palin on the other hand being in the GOP does nothing and gets labeled an idiot... but then again all Conservatives get either the idiot label or evil mastermind label. I can always tell who is the most Conservative in the GOP without even hearing them speak, all I got to do is see who the media attacks the worst and chances are thats the best guy. Same works in reverse for who is the weakest link they praise (McCain) that is until he actually goes up against their guy.

On the topic I felt her request was ok, she just went about it the wrong way. Working so 'hard' to become a Senator, she should have learned some tact. I think this whole thing is being way overblown.

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I love how Biden is about the dumbest guy in modern political history with more mistakes in 1 interview than most politicians have in a lifetime but since he is a Liberal he gets a pass. Obama even has more slip ups than most Republicans yet he also gets a pass.

Palin on the other hand being in the GOP does nothing and gets labeled an idiot... but then again all Conservatives get either the idiot label or evil mastermind label. I can always tell who is the most Conservative in the GOP without even hearing them speak, all I got to do is see who the media attacks the worst and chances are thats the best guy. Same works in reverse for who is the weakest link they praise (McCain) that is until he actually goes up against their guy.

On the topic I felt her request was ok, she just went about it the wrong way. Working so 'hard' to become a Senator, she should have learned some tact. I think this whole thing is being way overblown.

Each side has their share of Lunkheads....thats why we need term limits.....:)
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