Looking for business name


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I'm not up on my British colloquialisms, but "The Flylady" has a certain ring to it.

Edit: Oh, I just found out about the "original" flylady. I suppose that name is trademarked already . . . :(

yup sorry I should have explained Flylady is the US lady that does housework. I just think me Ma is better - wondering about BusyBee


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yup sorry I should have explained Flylady is the US lady that does housework. I just think me Ma is better - wondering about BusyBee


I heard her speak here in Utah and while she has some good tips, I think her business could use some organization. She seemed to have a quick fix for everything but by the time you compile all the "simple things to remember" you'd have a 3,000 page manual and be even more overwhelmed by her tips than you would your own housework. I'd try to stay as far away from looking like a FlyLady imitation as possible.

My mind is blank at the moment :huh:, but I'll be trying to think of names.

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How 'bout "Call Mom!"?

There is a clever play on words with this one if we can just discover them.

"You don't live with your Mother anymore, but "OUR MOM" will help you clean up your act (and your kitchen)!"

"Can't find it? Call Mom!" And use a "red phone" like the old "bat phone" as part of the logo.

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If you want to use the busy bee theme, think of lots of synonyms. bee buzz hive swarm stinger bumble honey. How about something like "Honey Swarm Cleaners". It invokes a sweetness as well as a whirlwind of action. And it's unique enough, especially if you add the "Cleaners" to the end, that it will not be trademarked. If it is trademarked, change it to "Honey Swarm Housekeeping" or something unique enough to be trademarked. You could even use "Busy Bee Cleaners" as long as any other trademark of Busy Bee isn't in the house cleaning genre.

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If you want to use the busy bee theme, think of lots of synonyms. bee buzz hive swarm stinger bumble honey. How about something like "Honey Swarm Cleaners". It invokes a sweetness as well as a whirlwind of action. And it's unique enough, especially if you add the "Cleaners" to the end, that it will not be trademarked. If it is trademarked, change it to "Honey Swarm Housekeeping" or something unique enough to be trademarked. You could even use "Busy Bee Cleaners" as long as any other trademark of Busy Bee isn't in the house cleaning genre.

I tend to stay away from anything about busy bees and beehives. Too Utahish.

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I know I would seek out a website called Obsessive Express Cleaning. The name suggests cleaning that goes above and beyond the norm. Might even make for a good British comedy show.

idea is to make cleaning less obsesive than flylady though - with my Mum's system I have a bigger house, clean less and even have a super tidy garden, not to mention 3 loads of washing a week. It less than half the work of flylady

I did consider calling it Flying Less


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