OCD much?


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Okay, so pretty much everyone I know has their own tiny form of OCD. You know, the weird quirks or neuroses that are unique to them. I want to know what yours are.

A few of mine include:

*When I make nachos, I can't just dump the chips onto the plate (or pan). I have to arrange them very deliberately and specifically for maximum cheese coverage and minimum chip wastage.

*If there are crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc., I have to arrange them in "rainbow order." If there's one color misplaced, it drives me nuts.

*You know how cheap ball-point pens often have embossing or printing on the barrel? Well, whether uncapping to use or re-capping after use, I always make sure that the extended part of the pen cap is lined up exactly with the lettering on the pen barrel.

So what are yours?

(Side note: It's a joke between my husband and I that it should actually be called "CDO" because then the letters are in alphabetical order...just like they should be. :))

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I'm in agreement with ya, wingy. My CDO's include:

when turning the volume up or down, it must be in increments of 5--no volume 21, it needs to be 20 or 25.

I absolutely can't stand a twisted phone cord--I'm like a leprechaun--I have to stop what I'm doing and untwist it.

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Okay, so pretty much everyone I know has their own tiny form of OCD. You know, the weird quirks or neuroses that are unique to them. I want to know what yours are.

A few of mine include:

*When I make nachos, I can't just dump the chips onto the plate (or pan). I have to arrange them very deliberately and specifically for maximum cheese coverage and minimum chip wastage.

*If there are crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc., I have to arrange them in "rainbow order." If there's one color misplaced, it drives me nuts.

*You know how cheap ball-point pens often have embossing or printing on the barrel? Well, whether uncapping to use or re-capping after use, I always make sure that the extended part of the pen cap is lined up exactly with the lettering on the pen barrel.

So what are yours?

(Side note: It's a joke between my husband and I that it should actually be called "CDO" because then the letters are in alphabetical order...just like they should be. :))

Oh, that was a great post Wingnut. The chip idea is REALLY a good one. I don't make them but I'll keep that in mind next time! I laughed at the CDO things :lol: I like things lined up too, I like the lids closed on everything (shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) I eat M&M's or Skittles (or the like) by seperating all the candy by color before eating them, and I hate to get sticky so I keep things nice a clean and don't get my hands all sticked up!

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I'm in agreement with ya, wingy. My CDO's include:

when turning the volume up or down, it must be in increments of 5--no volume 21, it needs to be 20 or 25.

I absolutely can't stand a twisted phone cord--I'm like a leprechaun--I have to stop what I'm doing and untwist it.

On the radio, I'm not so picky about volume, but with the TV, I also do increments of 5.

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Oh, that was a great post Wingnut. The chip idea is REALLY a good one. I don't make them but I'll keep that in mind next time! I laughed at the CDO things :lol: I like things lined up too, I like the lids closed on everything (shampoo, toothpaste, etc.) I eat M&M's or Skittles (or the like) by seperating all the candy by color before eating them, and I hate to get sticky so I keep things nice a clean and don't get my hands all sticked up!

T, I eat my Skittles by color also--green, then yellow, then orange, then purple, then red.

I also eat my fries before I eat my burger--I don't like cold fries, but I can tolerate a cold burger.

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I have to use up the last drop of ketchup. I keep the bottle upside-down and if nothing but air comes out, I add some water and shake it up to "loosen" the stuck ketchup from the sides...

does that count?

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Guest Godless

I'm a time freak. When I go somewhere, I make a point of knowing exactly how long it will take me to get from A to B and I plan my departure practically down to the second. I rarely do house chores, but when I do, I carefully calculate how much time it will take to do them. So on the rare occasions that the chores do get done, I finish all of them. And since I ride the bus everywhere, I carefully plan how long I can stay at any given place when I'm running errands or even just going to the pub for a few drinks. With the latter, I'll calculate how many beers I can have, sorted by size and alcohol strength, and time them in such a way that I'm finishing my last one right before the bus comes.

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I don't just have a tiny form. I have it full blown! OK, not really full blown, I've read about worse cases. But I still have it bad. I don't really feel like talking about it, but it is a pain in the neck to live with!

My mother is OCD, so yeah, I can kinda relate. But, at the same time, I find some kind of peace in the "consistency" and "predictability" of my mother's quirks.

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I arrange the icons in the desktop, according to the wallpaper I have, If I change the wallpaper I've got to change the order of the icons... and the windows sidebar too, depending of the color of the pic.

I hate to get sticky so I keep things nice a clean and don't get my hands all sticked up!

I second dr t's on this one, can't stand sticky, it's a weird phobia I have, I guess, this is the reason I cant eat candies too often =( .,.. I got goosebumps thinking of sticky

Edited by glow_inthe_dark_girl
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I arrange the icons in the desktop, according to the wallpaper I have, If I change the wallpaper I've got to change the order of the icons... and the windows sidebar too, depending of the color of the pic.

I'm kind-of the opposite. I have my icons arranged, and even if I really really like a picture, if it doesn't work with my icons, I won't use it.

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I have to categorize people. I have just lumped everyone who posts on this thread in the 'crazies' file.

And to think I was just going to post on this too.

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*You know how cheap ball-point pens often have embossing or printing on the barrel? Well, whether uncapping to use or re-capping after use, I always make sure that the extended part of the pen cap is lined up exactly with the lettering on the pen barrel.

I thought I was the only one that did this.

Okay mine is about pillowcases. I can NOT sleep on a pillowcase unless it has been ironed. I don't care if it's permanent press and can go straight from the dryer to the pillow. It HAS to be ironed before I can put it on the pillow and sleep on it.

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I have to categorize people. I have just lumped everyone who posts on this thread in the 'crazies' file.

Wait..does that include yourself since you did in fact post on this thread. :P

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When I bite my cheek on one side and it's bleeding and aching and a chunk is hanging out of it, I just can't rest until I bite the other cheek to make it match. Same with tooth fillings and hangnails.

You don't want to know what happened when I broke my arm.

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I have to sleep with my alarm clock on the floor, I can't sleep if I can see the glowing red numbers. I can't eat vegetables if they are mixed with other vegetables, like peas and carrots. If I eat something like a stew or a stir fry that has vegetables all mixed up I have to eat the veggies one at a time, I have to eat all the potatoes before I eat the carrots or all the broccoli before I eat the pea pods. I have to have all my work systems in a certain order. If something happens to one of them and the order gets mixed up I have to close everything and pull it all back up again in order.

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My increments of 5 includes my use of the treadmill and stationary bike...cannot stop, even if I am in pain, till I get to the next "5".

I will not buy canned goods in uneven quantity...

My dinnerware set is a "four color" pattern set...I cannot store them with two of the same color touching. If someone else puts them away "wrong", I have to fix them.

My clothes are hung by color, and must be lighest-to-darkest in each color group. I cut every tag out of every thing I own.

I am always counting...how many steps I climb, how many pictures hanging on a wall, how many houses on a block...no doubt about it, I am definitely OC!

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