OCD much?


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Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one that eats m&ms according to color, and I eat the 'bad' colors first so I can savor the 'good' colors. My worst OCD though is if I start to read something I absolutely must finish it, even if it's the worst book ever. If I hate it I'll skip every 20 pages or so but I will know how it ends!

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As for reading, I will read the first chapter (or two) to get the characters straight, then I read the ending, then I will finish the book. I like to know the ending...much more enjoyable that way...;)

The joy of Murder on the Orient Express is completely lost to you.

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I thought I was the only one that did this.

Okay mine is about pillowcases. I can NOT sleep on a pillowcase unless it has been ironed. I don't care if it's permanent press and can go straight from the dryer to the pillow. It HAS to be ironed before I can put it on the pillow and sleep on it.

I had a roommate that had to iron her pajamas. She was so obsessive about it that if she ever forgot, she'd iron them after they were already on! They were baggy, so she'd pull the fabric away from her skin and iron it. Nuts!

I have to have all my work systems in a certain order. If something happens to one of them and the order gets mixed up I have to close everything and pull it all back up again in order.

Like the windows on your computer screen? Me too. I have to have Outlook opened first, and then Firefox. If I'm chatting with my husband, I have to close Firefox, because the Messenger window has to be next to the Outlook window on my taskbar.

I will not buy canned goods in uneven quantity...

Same here. I stack them in twos, so uneven quantities don't make sense to me. If I had enough room to stack them in threes, I might buy nine at a time, but nine is kind-of weird, so I'd probably stick with six.

My dinnerware set is a "four color" pattern set...I cannot store them with two of the same color touching. If someone else puts them away "wrong", I have to fix them.

My dinnerware is all one color, but I would be like that, too, if I had multiple colors. If I had two colors, they would have to alternate.

I am always counting...how many steps I climb, how many pictures hanging on a wall, how many houses on a block...no doubt about it, I am definitely OC!

You sound like Harold Crick. Ever seen Stranger Than Fiction?

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Monk hasn't posted yet?

My MIL has two chairs in her living room. She alternates each week which she sits in so they and the carpet wear evenly.

I always hang my clothes on the hanger facing the left. I have a certain order i open programs at work so the buttons on the bottom are in a certain order. we got new ones yesterday, and today was my first day using mine. drove me crazy all day because it makes all the ie programs(i hate ie) group the buttons together...another program i use as a separator now jumps to the end.

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Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I sometimes count the stairs on a commonly-used staircase. I have three sets of stairs in my home and I always count them as I climb or descend them. I think it stems from using stairs in the dark as a child and not knowing how far up or down I was. This system helps me when I have large or awkward things in my arms such as a baby when I use them.

I also have a system for m&ms. When eating the peanut ones, I will pour an amount out onto a surface and separate them by color. I will eat the color of the lowest number first and work to the largest number. Once I choose a color to eat first, I will separate them by size and eat the smallest first and work up to the largest. I also warm m&ms in my hand for a short while, not so long that the coating gets sticky, just long enough for the chocolate inside to get a little soft.

Am I crazy? I think Pam will answer that one in the affirmative.

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I'm mainly OCD about nerdy stuff:

If I'm modding a 3D game, and the textures are one pixel off I must fix them, even if it means retexturing the entire room.

When I'm programming, and there is 1 little quark in my program, I can sit around rearranging my code for hours before deciding to live with a small bug.

Sometimes when typing posts, I use backspace and type a word over, just in case I spelled it wrong.

my icons in folders must always be in order of file type, so that I don't go hunting for a file and end up running over several .ogg files before finding something.deh or package.pup.

During the school year, my folders have to be alligned in such a way in my back pack to where for every folder that faces one way, another must face the opposite. Large folders count for 2 or 3, depending on if they're 3 or 5 inch.

What's funny is the fact that, as I'm typing this, I have a useless folder open, a real folder that has no use in front of me, a cup that I haven't used in about a day, an empty yogurt from goodness-knows-when, and an empty bag of chips XD

(BTW: for all who are curious: .ogg is an open source sound format, .deh is a file for a certain moddable game I have, and .pup is an installation file for Puppy Linux, an Operating System I have.)

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Okay, so pretty much everyone I know has their own tiny form of OCD. You know, the weird quirks or neuroses that are unique to them. I want to know what yours are.

A few of mine include:

*When I make nachos, I can't just dump the chips onto the plate (or pan). I have to arrange them very deliberately and specifically for maximum cheese coverage and minimum chip wastage.

*If there are crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc., I have to arrange them in "rainbow order." If there's one color misplaced, it drives me nuts.

*You know how cheap ball-point pens often have embossing or printing on the barrel? Well, whether uncapping to use or re-capping after use, I always make sure that the extended part of the pen cap is lined up exactly with the lettering on the pen barrel.

So what are yours?

(Side note: It's a joke between my husband and I that it should actually be called "CDO" because then the letters are in alphabetical order...just like they should be. :))

Are you me? I do all of these!
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I have to sleep with my alarm clock on the floor, I can't sleep if I can see the glowing red numbers.

Me either, thats why I got a travel alarm clock. One of the ones with the black LCD display (like this) , that way I don't stay up all night calculating just how much sleep I'd be getting if I fell asleep right then.

I had a companion on my mission with one of those clocks that displayed on the ceiling and he insisted on using it, twas a nightmare, I'd roll over or what have you and there it would be on the ceiling or high on the wall of the bedroom mocking me with its devil like red display of some unreasonable time like 1:00 am. :eek:

Edited by Dravin
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ok...so i just got here.......hello?....THE NAME???.....i'm slow, ok?.........have always been.. .lol....i HAVE to say it......is it the same thing?....is OCD like being anal-retentive?.......hope you more exsperienced-in-therapy understand that...lol........so..all my music is in alphabetical order AND according to music type, classical, rock, etc......and as a cook, my kitchen is ALSO set up so, you might get the idea......and, YES, i am so OCD, but NOT as bad as Monk, ok?.......for me, it's in a GOOD way.......so if i mention something to you,,it's ONLY because it's probably for your best interest....i mean, REALLY....can't you see that the way you have it is probably incorrect?

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Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I sometimes count the stairs on a commonly-used staircase. I have three sets of stairs in my home and I always count them as I climb or descend them. I think it stems from using stairs in the dark as a child and not knowing how far up or down I was. This system helps me when I have large or awkward things in my arms such as a baby when I use them.

I also have a system for m&ms. When eating the peanut ones, I will pour an amount out onto a surface and separate them by color. I will eat the color of the lowest number first and work to the largest number. Once I choose a color to eat first, I will separate them by size and eat the smallest first and work up to the largest. I also warm m&ms in my hand for a short while, not so long that the coating gets sticky, just long enough for the chocolate inside to get a little soft.

Am I crazy? I think Pam will answer that one in the affirmative.

I'm not going to say a word. Not ONE word.

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I thought of another one that I have. If I'm watching TV or a movie, and I see an actor that looks remotely familiar, it drives me nuts until I figure it out. I either have to come up on my own with what I know him/her from, or I have to look it up on IMDB. I get really distracted from the storyline if I can't figure it out.

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I've noticed that some people take the Communion Sacrament exclusively with their right hand.


I choose to take the sacrament with my right hand because I view that hand as my "covenant making" hand. I'm not Nazi about it--I've held some kiddos and only had my left hand available.

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I'm in agreement with ya, wingy. My CDO's include:

when turning the volume up or down, it must be in increments of 5--no volume 21, it needs to be 20 or 25.

I absolutely can't stand a twisted phone cord--I'm like a leprechaun--I have to stop what I'm doing and untwist it.

I also have a thing about increments in numbers, the totals of listed numbers, etc.

It comes out in just about everything I do.:rolleyes:


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Guest missingsomething

1)I have to open my mail immediately and if the bill is wrong... I have to call immediately.

2)I have to clean the toothpaste top and it HAS to be pushed from the end.

3) Toliet paper and paper towels MUST go over the top.

4) No food can touch on my plate ... regardless of how it "all ends up"

5) There can be no stains on my kids clothes or they go....

6) I have to set the alarm ahead so I can hit snooze 2 times

Ok ... sniff sniff..... IM FULL BLOWN OCD TOO! OOooooOOOOooo the horror.

well whew... at least I dont have the volume one!

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I thought of another one that I have. If I'm watching TV or a movie, and I see an actor that looks remotely familiar, it drives me nuts until I figure it out. I either have to come up on my own with what I know him/her from, or I have to look it up on IMDB. I get really distracted from the storyline if I can't figure it out.

I do that too!

This thread is really starting to scare me! :D

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