Your spiritual thoughts on H1N1


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Hello Everyone,

After reading everything in the news lately about the H1N1 fatalities, I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I am a very active member in the church, and I have sooo many questions going through my mind. Questions such as...

-Is it right to pray to be protected from this? Or should we accept it as God's will?

-Have you prayed about getting yourself/family vaccinated? (I bring this up only because of the major divide in opinion over the safety of the vaccine)

-The big question: Are you honestly ready to meet your Lord? This is an extreme question, but it is very important to consider with the relatively high fatality rates.

-Is your testimony strong enough to face this without fear?

Maybe the H1N1 is here to humble us, and maybe for someone like myself, to really put my testimony to the test. I have found myself pouring my heart out to my Heavenly Father the last couple days, praying for virtually everyone. This is just a really scary time. I wish everyone and their families the best.

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Good questions!!

Maybe its because I'm in the medical field that I'm not that fearful. I believe that the Lord gives us things to humble us and to help remind us of Him.

You have every right to pray to be protected. Heavenly Father wants to hear from us when we are worried, scaried, and yes even happy.

I personally got vaccinated both for the 'regular' flu and rc'd the H1N1.

Am I ready to meet Heavenly Father........................NOPE!!!! I have a loooooooooong way to go, but I don't have a say in it either way.

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Hello Everyone,

After reading everything in the news lately about the H1N1 fatalities, I have been doing a lot of soul searching. I am a very active member in the church, and I have sooo many questions going through my mind. Questions such as...

-Is it right to pray to be protected from this? Or should we accept it as God's will?

-Have you prayed about getting yourself/family vaccinated? (I bring this up only because of the major divide in opinion over the safety of the vaccine)

-The big question: Are you honestly ready to meet your Lord? This is an extreme question, but it is very important to consider with the relatively high fatality rates.

-Is your testimony strong enough to face this without fear?

Maybe the H1N1 is here to humble us, and maybe for someone like myself, to really put my testimony to the test. I have found myself pouring my heart out to my Heavenly Father the last couple days, praying for virtually everyone. This is just a really scary time. I wish everyone and their families the best.

actually this flu is not as deadly as saome are beleiving it to be, it is simply another seasonal flu bug, no worse than any others in the last few years. I myself went thru it a couple weeks ago now my wife has it, my neice just getting over it, my baby nehew just got over it, two of our daughters just got over it. its not all that bad.:)

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I've been pondering the whole swine flu thing. I'm not sure about the safety of the vaccine; it's been developed so quickly, and I wonder if they've had time to learn enough about potential dangers and side effects. Also, like thirty thousand people in the US die each year from regular flu, and only a couple hundred have died from swine flu. Maybe if it's all just a mass panic attack. (Famous last words...)

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I really thought that a lot of it was all hype...then I started reading about all the healthy kids/young adults that are passing away...and passing away in such a short time. I.e...fever on wednesday, ICU Thursday...dead on Friday. I have found a couple of websites that have presented these news stories, all have the same story of a rapid downward spiral of condition. I know this isn't happening to everyone, but my heart shatters when I hear about healthy people with their lives in front of them just dying in a matter of days from something like H1N1. Lets pray for each other.

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As we've been the last days there were be numerous pestilences and plagues etc. I think some of the things that we see happening are just the beginning and are just going to get worse. One of the reasons why preparedness is so important. I was reading an article the other day about how prepared are you if your family or your neighborhood was put into a quarantine for a month? Really made me stop and think.

Am I ready ready to meet Heavenly Father? So far from it. At least I realize it and can admit it.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

it is hype... yea it can kill, but so does any flu... only difference is, the media doesn't tell you every time that happens

it's serious for some people, sure, but I'm not at all worried about it personally.

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I really wish those questions had been asked in regards to an illness that I could really take seriously.

It's just that H1N1 is just another flu strain that has everybody scared because we know it by NAME and because back in the '70s a bunch of people died from faulty flu vaccines for it.

It isn't really any different from the other common strains of influenza (which are plenty bad enough.) As was said earlier, we hear more deaths from it because the media is reporting every single one.

Anybody remember the "summer of the shark" on the East Coast? It was in 2001 and we hears about all these shark attacks. The Governors of MD, DE and VA commissioned a scientific study on why there were so many shark attacks. We heard theories like Global Warming, pollution, excessive fishing, etc.

The truth: There were fewer attacks that year than average.

Why did we get this idea it was an unusual year? Because the media turned it into a crisis. They reported every single shark attack where normally they'd never have bothered. IT all started from a truly interesting story of a boy whose uncle saved him from a shark by beating the fish to death and retrieving the severed arm from it. THAT was newsworthy, but it did trigger the media feeding frenzy (pardon the pun) on shark attacks.

So it is with H1N1. Sorry my answer wasn't spiritual :D.

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I just have to add an additional 2 cents..........................

As far as, is it all a hype? It very well could be. Do I personally think its one nope. I can tell you from a some what uneducated medical mind that the WHO and the CDC are concerned and do not want a repeat of what happened in 1918-1919.

Education is a huge part of the battle and perhaps 'hype' is getting confussed w/ education.

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A friend of mine who was a healthy, athletic 28 year old, died on October 1st from H1N1, so it's definitely something I'm very much aware of, and I'm getting the vaccine as soon as it's available. Until then, I've been doing a lot of hand washing and cleaning with bleach. I've even had to use more lotion on my hands than usual because the soap has been drying them out so much.

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While I don't think we need to opinion is that we do need to be aware of what's going on and take the necessary precautions. What's the saying? An ounce of prevention...

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I've even had to use more lotion on my hands than usual because the soap has been drying them out so much.

If by "drying out", you mean to the extent that they become painful, the only time I've ever known this happen to me was when I was suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which caused me to panic about disease and illness, and as a result of this caused me to wash my hands rather excessively. I would suggest you are going to extremes if this is happening.

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2009 flu pandemic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5335 worldwide deaths from 2009 in the entire world.

List of motor vehicle deaths in U.S. by year - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

43,313 deaths in automotive accidents in the US alone in 2008.

So the questions we should ask is:

Is it right to pray to be protected from this? Or should we accept it as God's will?

Have you prayed about taking public transportation, which suffers a much smaller rate of accidents, than your car? Considering there were 947 casualties in all of North America and automotive accidents are roughly 4300% higher, it makes sense to protect your family with public transportation.

Are you ready to meet your maker every time you step behind the wheel of a car? Are you 4300% more confident to meet him than you are when you worry about H1N1?

Is your testimony strong enough to drive a car, knowing you might die and meet your maker?


Honestly, those last two questions are important, but associating them with H1N1 is ridiculous. Your odds of dying from H1N1 in North America are tiny. And since the EU has a Population: 491,018,683 and the US has 300 Million people, the odds are even smaller for me.

Meeting God: Important to prepare for. Worrying about H1N1: Not so much.

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it is hype... yea it can kill, but so does any flu... only difference is, the media doesn't tell you every time that happens

it's serious for some people, sure, but I'm not at all worried about it personally.

About 36,000 in the USA to be exact. Take the same precautions that you take with any flu.

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I'm not too overly concerned about H1N1 and did not get vaccinated for it.

And regarding hand washing.. Most antibacterial soap will remove oil and moisture from the skin. You don't have to be OCD to get badly dry hands from it. I've had mine crack from dryness just from daily hand washing.

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Don't want to panic you, but my mom knows someone who died from it and my co worker knows someone who died from it. I also have a co worker that has a cousin who was put into a medically induced coma because the swine flu caused 2 collapsed lungs and either kidney or liver failure...can't remember witch. So, yea, there it is.

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I have to admit that I'm VERY jaded about this whole "pandemic" about swine flu. As you may or may not know, I am a nursing student. A couple weeks ago, I did shift in the local ER for some clinical hours for school. Small town hospital. We had more people come in than usual that night. 90% of them thought they had the swine flu. :rolleyes: None of them did, according to the ER physician.

I don't like all of this media hype. I think it is scaring people needlessly. A sniffle seems to suddenly require a trip to the ER instead of staying home or going to the regular clinic. It takes up resources in the emergency department that should be used on people who are sicker or hurt worse.

Here's the big IMPORTANT thing to remember: You treat swine flu just like THE REGULAR FLU!! Keep your butt at home and rest. Drink lots of fluids. Take tylenol or ibuprofen as needed for fever or pain. You should be better in 7-10 days. ;) The thing is, the people get so angry at the health care workers who tell them this. Believe me, if your case was bad off enough to require being hospitalized, we wouldn't be talking about staying home and drinking lots of fluids!

In short: get your flu shot, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, keep your hands clean and away from your eyes, nose and mouth; and try to avoid other people who ARE sick. Unless you're over 65, under 18 or have an impaired immune system, you should be okay with just taking precautions. :cool:

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Speaking of the H1N1 Virus, I have recently done some studies on it. A lot of people were telling me how bad it was but I did some research and discovered that just over 100,000 people have been infected with it in the U.S. Of those people, only a few hundred have passed away. If you add the whole population of the United States in to the mix, then you are looking a probability of first catching the virus, then dying from the swine flu, of less than .05%

So, in all honesty, the likelihood of you dying on your way to church is probably just as high.

Edited by pam
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