Seinfeld creator urinates on Jeus?

john doe

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Are you offended by the joke or the application?

Both. Mocking the religious beliefs of others is offensive, even if we think those beliefs are absurd.

I'm sure i stand alone in this but i think the joke is funny

I certainly hope you stand alone in that.

(how people immediately find the miracle in the mundane).

I often find the supposedly "mundane" to be miraculous, yet I still hope for people to be civilized and decent enough not to mock me for my beliefs.

I agree that the idea of a weeping painting is absurd. I still think it is wrong and, frankly, downright uncivilized to mock it in such a manner.

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I'm personally offended by the portrayal of urinating on Christ. But I can put those personal feelings aside since many times my religion is held up for ridicule. Once I get past my personal feelings, I am still offended by this person's complete lack of a sense of right and wrong. I shouldn't be surprised, but I view this as another in a long line of how Hollywood has gotten completely out of touch with American values. I think this one is way over the top even for those scumbags. The bothersome thing to me is that people think this kind of garbage is even remotely funny. By showing this, they are not only offending Christians for urinating on a picture of Jesus, but they are also taking a direct shot at Catholics who pray to the supposed signs of faith. While many may find those things silly, to openly mock them is uncalled for.

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I'm personally offended by the portrayal of urinating on Christ. But I can put those personal feelings aside since many times my religion is held up for ridicule. Once I get past my personal feelings, I am still offended by this person's complete lack of a sense of right and wrong. I shouldn't be surprised, but I view this as another in a long line of how Hollywood has gotten completely out of touch with American values. I think this one is way over the top even for those scumbags. The bothersome thing to me is that people think this kind of garbage is even remotely funny. By showing this, they are not only offending Christians for urinating on a picture of Jesus, but they are also taking a direct shot at Catholics who pray to the supposed signs of faith. While many may find those things silly, to openly mock them is uncalled for.

How do you define American values?

When i think "American values"i think of the Constitution and the freedoms it protects. While we might disagree with this display we must accept that the same freedoms that allow someone mock another religion are the same freedoms that allow us to follow that religion.

I think we need to learn to take the good with the bad.

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How do you define American values?

When i think "American values"i think of the Constitution and the freedoms it protects. While we might disagree with this display we must accept that the same freedoms that allow someone mock another religion are the same freedoms that allow us to follow that religion.

I think we need to learn to take the good with the bad.

I didn't read the term 'American values' anywhere in my copy of the Constitution. Can you show me where it's located?

I agree, they have the right to be offensive, but I also have the right to be offended at their offensiveness. This show is offensive. And while I agree there is good and bad all over, I don't think I have to 'learn to take it'. I can and will fight for the good, and reserve the right to call the bad out for the evil it is and work to rid our society of it. This show was over the top in its offensiveness and should be called to answer for it. They likely won't, and they are probably loving the attention they are getting as a result of it, but that doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean I have to put up with the garbage they spew.

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When i think "American values"i think of the Constitution and the freedoms it protects. While we might disagree with this display we must accept that the same freedoms that allow someone mock another religion are the same freedoms that allow us to follow that religion.

What leads you to believe we haven't accepted that already?

I think we need to learn to take the good with the bad.

What do you think it means "to take the good with the bad"? Does it mean to remain silent while people act in despicable (if legal) ways?

If so, what, if anything, would you say to the defilers? Would you likewise accuse them of non-acceptance?

Don't those same "American values" you are promoting also protect a religious person's right to express disgust when someone mocks and debases symbols he finds important?

Seriously, I can't figure out where you're coming from at all. Your observations make no sense in the context of this discussion.

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I didn't read the term 'American values' anywhere in my copy of the Constitution. Can you show me where it's located?

I agree, they have the right to be offensive, but I also have the right to be offended at their offensiveness. This show is offensive. And while I agree there is good and bad all over, I don't think I have to 'learn to take it'. I can and will fight for the good, and reserve the right to call the bad out for the evil it is and work to rid our society of it. This show was over the top in its offensiveness and should be called to answer for it. They likely won't, and they are probably loving the attention they are getting as a result of it, but that doesn't make it right and it doesn't mean I have to put up with the garbage they spew.

Your right. American values isn't in the Constitution. It isn't defined anywhere because it's ambiguous term. That's why I asked you define it.

You do have the right to be offended. But as Elder Bendnar counseled

When we believe or say we have been offended, we usually mean we feel insulted, mistreated, snubbed, or disrespected. And certainly clumsy, embarrassing, unprincipled, and mean-spirited things do occur in our interactions with other people that would allow us to take offense. However, it ultimately is impossible for another person to offend you or to offend me. Indeed, believing that another person offended us is fundamentally false. To be offended is a choice we make; it is not a condition inflicted or imposed upon us by someone or something else.

So we can, learn to take it, accept the fact that in a place where Christians are free to openly profess their religious beliefs non Christians can as well.

Or we can chose to be offended.

Through the strengthening power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you and I can be blessed to avoid and triumph over offense. "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them"

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How do you define American values?

When i think "American values"i think of the Constitution and the freedoms it protects. While we might disagree with this display we must accept that the same freedoms that allow someone mock another religion are the same freedoms that allow us to follow that religion.

I think we need to learn to take the good with the bad.

I am thinking that I am not in full agreement with your statement. I do not believe that our founding fathers intended that as a society we take the “good” with the “bad”. I believe that what was intended is that the government not be the end all power to decide and dictate what is good and bad in every single situation but that every citizen has the power to speak out their opinion.

I believe this is a good example. Many today think as long as the government does not have the power to act that no one else should ether. I think such thinking is silly and socially irresponsible. I think that what should happen is that people should speak and take out whatever lawful action suits them and that our silly friend should feel the scorn and disrespect felt by society. But I do not believe that a new law defining something like a “hate crime” need be brought forth.

I agree with the founding fathers – let’s keep the government out of such things and let society and elements of society do what-ever they will to show their disapproval that is not outside the law.

In my opinion he is wrong to flaunt such disrespect for responsible elements and good citizens of society. I may not go and protest at his workplace but I may make a contribution to someone that is willing to do so and for sure I will become very critical of his entertainment work. I am sure I do not want him to continue to make large sums of money with my support.

The Traveler

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Your right. American values isn't in the Constitution. It isn't defined anywhere because it's ambiguous term. That's why I asked you define it.

You do have the right to be offended. But as Elder Bendnar counseled

So we can, learn to take it, accept the fact that in a place where Christians are free to openly profess their religious beliefs non Christians can as well.

Or we can chose to be offended.

Well, you go ahead and take it. I won't. And I will continue to speak out about people who are offensive, both to God and myself.

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