Watching the Superbowl


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...Simply look around in Sacrament to see who's at church and then you know 'Who's on the Lords side who!'....

And by certain people not being there, you know exactly the reason for their sin?

...The Brethren don’t spell out a complete list because they are following Joseph Smith’s maxim: They teach us correct principles and then expect us, household by household, to govern ourselves.

Instead of spending the Sabbath constantly on watch to avoid violating some minute rule, we are to spend the day in worship and service.

Some work will be done on the Sabbath, by even the most righteous. Not every Sunday is Fast Sunday; meals must be prepared. We must get to church somehow. Cleanliness means that most of us will bathe, will wash dishes, will change children’s diapers, will clean up litter at church … and so on.

And there are those whose jobs require them to do paid Sabbath labor. For instance, the interpreters and broadcasting personnel at general conference or other Sunday broadcasts. The employees of radio and television stations that do not go off the air. Hospital workers. Night watchmen. Policemen. Firemen. Workers who will lose their jobs if they don’t take Sunday shifts. Need I go on?

If somebody really thinks it’s wrong to take the Sunday paper, then they shouldn’t take it — by the principle Paul set forth when he explained that the gospel did not forbid the eating of meat, yet if someone really felt that it was a sin to eat meat, he “is damned if he eat” (Romans 14:23).

Every family’s circumstances are different; so are their traditions and judgments. As long as they respect the Sabbath, setting it apart as a day different from all others, in which worship of the Lord and ministering to those in need are paramount, then what business is it of mine if their rules differ from those my wife and I have instituted in our home?

“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother’s way” (Romans 14:12-13).

Let us all keep the Sabbath as best we understand what that means, for our family, in our circumstances.

And let us not judge others for having made decisions different from our own, whether more or less lax.

For the Sabbath has more than one test to it: How we keep the Sabbath is one, but how we judge our neighbor is certainly another.

MormonTimes - Sabbath Day rules


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Super Bowl Sunday is a great day to see who's *really* on the Lords side!! Simply look around in Sacrament to see who's at church and then you know 'Who's on the Lords side who!'

Hmmm, my ward canceled Sacrament Meeting today. Now What? Are we all sinners? Or is it because we had an adult Stake Conference meeting last night, got up early this morning and attended a Stake Leadership meeting, and then had our Sunday Stake Conference meeting. We got home from our church meetings with 4 hours to spare before the game.

Personally, I don't care to go to Super Bowl parties on Sunday, instead I usually stay home and spend the evening with my family. If the big game also happens to be on TV and we watch it while we are spending quality family time together, where's the problem? Doesn't family togetherness count for anything these days?

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Guest Godless

Super Bowl Sunday is a great day to see who's *really* on the Lords side!! Simply look around in Sacrament to see who's at church and then you know 'Who's on the Lords side who!'

I have never encountered a ward whose meetings interfered with evening programming.

Last I checked, it doesn't say 'Keep the sabbath day holy...unless the Super Bowl in on!' Watching the Super Bows is...or was...a *really* good way to set a *really* bad example for a LDS member....and sin at the same time...unless of course you watch it a day later!!! *hint*

From atop your soapbox, that may be true. However, I see no reason why Super Bowl Sunday can't be a day for families and like-minded friends to gather and enjoy each others company while watching football. I watched one year from the home of an LDS family (and a couple of other LDS families from their ward) in Indiana whom I barely knew. I was up there for Army training and they were kind enough to invite me over to enjoy the fellowship. All in all, it was a very enjoyable and wholesome experience that did absolutely nothing to lessen my opinion of the members of a church that I was beginning to doubt.

FWIW, I spent this evening drinking beer, watching football, making a vinaigrette for class, and bonding with my best friend of nearly 9 years. In fact, I actually paid very little attention to the second half of the game. It was a very relaxing and meaningful day for me, and that was with well over a quart of beer in my bloodstream. If a "sinner" like me can find comfort in bonding with an old friend on the biggest day of sports in the US, then I'm sure that the typical LDS individual (or family) can engage in some good bonding and fellowship as well in complete sobriety, and I see no conflict with LDS doctrine in that.

Edited by Godless
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Super Bowl Sunday is a great day to see who's *really* on the Lords side!! Simply look around in Sacrament to see who's at church and then you know 'Who's on the Lords side who!'

Last I checked, it doesn't say 'Keep the sabbath day holy...unless the Super Bowl in on!' Watching the Super Bows is...or was...a *really* good way to set a *really* bad example for a LDS member....and sin at the same time...unless of course you watch it a day later!!! *hint*

All it tells them is that Mormons really don't consider the sabbath day very holy....if they even know your a member...which I hope they don't if you watched it with them!

When they asked you about watching it, the best thing you could of done was use it as a missionary tool, and explain to them about the sabbath day...instead of agreeing to join them in sin.

You must be thinking of the wrong 'temple!!' Members with temple recommends don't party and drink on Sunday, and not on any day...unless they lie when they have their temple recommend interview!!

And if this was the correct temple, they would already be introduced to the church, so there would be no need to use sin as an excuse to eventually introduce them in to the church. Not a member = no recommend! No recommend = can't talk to them at the temple!

Well, I'm one of those members who will be sitting in the Telestial Kingdom watching the Superbowl with other non-Celestial people.

I'm really glad to know that judging others is a requirement for the Celestial Kingdom. I'm going to venture a guess that Austin Collie is actually slated for Outer Darkness--he didn't just watch the game, he played in it.....

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Well, I'm one of those members who will be sitting in the Telestial Kingdom watching the Superbowl with other non-Celestial people.

I'm really glad to know that judging others is a requirement for the Celestial Kingdom. I'm going to venture a guess that Austin Collie is actually slated for Outer Darkness--he didn't just watch the game, he played in it.....

I'll probably be one of those ones too. Though probably not sitting next to you beefche as you don't like me right now. :lol:

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This thread is a perfect example of

Isaiah 5:20

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light.

I'm really glad to know that judging others is a requirement for the Celestial Kingdom.

Next time you read the bible, check the JST part of that!*hint* Judging is perfectly OK to do if you follow the JST version of the verse!

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Perhaps watching the SuperBowl is not evil, but are there better ways to keep the Sabbath day holy? That is really the question.

I am an expert on choosing better ways. Now that my ward is on the early block, I sleep for more hours than I worship--but I do try to wait until after the meetings rather than snoring through Sacrament.

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Guest Godless

This thread is a perfect example of

Isaiah 5:20

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light.

Next time you read the bible, check the JST part of that!*hint* Judging is perfectly OK to do if you follow the JST version of the verse!

So, how do you define "righteous judgment"? Does it mean making baseless assumptions about the spiritual status of people who choose to watch football on Sunday? Does it mean holding others to the exact same interpretation of your God's commandments by which you live? Since you like quoting scripture, perhaps you should check out Matt 7:3-5.

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