UFO over Ohio


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I always thought people that reported UFO's were those with vivid imaginations like those that report sightings of Big Foot or Lock Ness Monster. But now it's happened to me.

I was sitting in my living room and all of a sudden the whole area outside lit up. After my initial shock, I went outside and crept along the side of the house. When I got to the corner I looked around and there was this large object hovering in the air. That was enough for me. I hurried inside and called 911. The dispatcher said they had received hundreds of calls. They had been in touch with the Air Force and had also called the observatory at Ohio State University. One of the veteran scientists said he didn't think we were in any immediate danger. He said is a was a common phenomenon seen is some parts of the U.S. called the Sun.

I had heard rumors of the existence of such a thing, but hadn't seen it for so long I didn't recognize it.

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I've been to Area 51 (well, to the public land right next to it, before the Govt anexed the land), and saw UFO's in the night sky there.

I figure they were experimental military aircraft, because they didn't have any kind of flasing lights on them. But hey, "I saw UFO's in the skies over Area51" just sounds so cool, no real need to clarify.

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Before the reveal I was wondering why on earth you'd call 911, what are they gonna do about it?

What are you talking about? They know everything don't they? I know they even get called for recipes.

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The devil is in the details. To me, "UFO's" means "unidentified flying objects". It means stuff in the air that we don't know what it is. Of course there are UFO's.

Do you mean something different? I know a lot of people who seem to equate the word UFO with "alien visitor from another planet" or "proof of government conspiracy". Is one of those definitions what you mean?


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I remember one summer at a cottage about 40 years ago a group of us were seeing what appeared to be coloured stars ziggzagging across the sky. That same summer we also witnessed things that were of a satanic nature. Maybe the 2 were related.

let's see...in the 60's, a cabin in the woods....were there dark colored bottles and funny twisted cigarettes being passed around?

:lol::lol::lol::lol: j/k

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On the subject or real UFO's. My wife and I were on a country road about 20 years ago, I saw something in the sky and stopped in the middle of the raod and got out to get a better look. It was the shape of a large wing, had a few lights and made absolutely no sound. I was really puzzled until a few years later when a Stealth bomber crashed in California. Up until that time the Air Force had deniied having such a plane. When they finally had to admit it and showed a picture of one it was exactly what we had seen that night. As I thought about it, it had been flying in the direction of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. I think many UFO's have military backgrounds.

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