Question on worthiness.


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so i'm in a bit of a problem, and by "bit" i mean HUGE. i'm a returned missionary, i served an honorable mission. some of the principles that i tought on my mission i had to put into practice after, and i've come short. The girl i'm dating and i have been struggling with the law of chastity for quiet sometime now. i know i love her, and i also know beacuse of what i've done i've expressed that love in the wrong way. and now i'm tryin to decide if it is correct that i should marry her as i feel i should. the problem is, i know it is impossible for me to recieve answers where i am right now, since i'm not worthy and all.

so... knowing the repentance process is a lengthy one in this case, how do i make sure that i dont miss out on the oportunity of marrying this girl, who i believe could be teh person i want to spend the rest of my life with?

i've searched through countless talks and church material, but i seem to always run into "in order to recieve an answer about who you should marry, you need to be worthy"


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How about confessing to your Bishop and getting his opinion? Ultimately, as much as you don't want to hear this, that's something you should be taking to your Bishop.

He has stewardship over you and thus will give a much more approprate answer than any random strangers on the Internet.

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and now i'm tryin to decide if it is correct that i should marry her as i feel i should. the problem is, i know it is impossible for me to recieve answers where i am right now, since i'm not worthy and all.

Wrong, you are never unworthy to receive the guidance of the spirit, you have the gift of the holy ghost. If she is the right one for you then the spirit will confirm it. I agree with the others that you should talk to your Bishop. If you do get married it may be better to get married sooner than later, you may not be able to get married in the temple right away, but you both can work on that together.

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I agree with Sanguaro: Who said that you can't get an anwer to a prayer because you messed up? Were all the people on your mission worthy at the moment their recieved answers about the church being true?

I do think talking to the bishop is fantastic advice, and will show Heavenly Father that you are willing to humble yourself. In humility we recieve answers to prayers.

And I highly doubt a loving father in heaven is going to not answer a prayer about such a big and important decision, just because you screwed up :), especially if you are willing to make things right.

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Great advice from the forum members!

If this woman is someone who you could see spending the eternities with, than YES...don't wait to seek the guidance of your leaders. Set up an appointment with your Bishop. It might not hurt to set up an appointment with the Bishop and you and your girlfriend together. Even if she is not the one for you eternally, still, seek the guidance of your leaders.

Either way, you will look back in the future and be eternally grateful for this decision. you cannot change the past but you can find amazing healing and forgiveness in the present and future. Experience that will bless your life and the life of others.

The healing of the atonement brings Godly sorrow. Godly sorrow is a form of remorse that drives one to change behavior and seek the loving embrace of the Savior. The worldly sorrow of the adversary is a dark guilt that makes you feel unworthy of the Lords help and spirit. It drives people to not seek help but "fear" help. Do not allow yourself to feel are a son of God and his love is perfect. The Savior is merciful and calms and soothes the penitent...resulting in positive progression. Seek the guidance of your leaders and yes, there may be a time allotted for repentance but you will feel peace and a powerful feeling of progression as you seek the Saviors help in this manner.

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Wrong' date=' you are never unworthy to receive the guidance of the spirit, you have the gift of the holy ghost. [/quote']

Just wanted to correct this little piece of misinformation. The scriptures tell us that "the Spirit of the Lord doth not dwell in unholy temples." One must remain worthy to have the Spirit dwell with them and receive all the benefits of that gift. More info can be read on this at one of my favorite gospel references.

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so i'm in a bit of a problem, and by "bit" i mean HUGE. i'm a returned missionary, i served an honorable mission. some of the principles that i tought on my mission i had to put into practice after, and i've come short. The girl i'm dating and i have been struggling with the law of chastity for quiet sometime now. i know i love her, and i also know beacuse of what i've done i've expressed that love in the wrong way. and now i'm tryin to decide if it is correct that i should marry her as i feel i should. the problem is, i know it is impossible for me to recieve answers where i am right now, since i'm not worthy and all.

so... knowing the repentance process is a lengthy one in this case, how do i make sure that i dont miss out on the oportunity of marrying this girl, who i believe could be teh person i want to spend the rest of my life with?

i've searched through countless talks and church material, but i seem to always run into "in order to recieve an answer about who you should marry, you need to be worthy"


You can receive answers to your prayers if you pray with real intent. If you pray and are not cofused by what you propose to the Lord, you have received your answer.

Satan wants to take the mistakes you have made, and compound the felony by making you feel you can't pray. But you can.

See you bishop and clear up your chastity problems, and you will be able to see a very visible way of getting out of the predicament you are in. You are not the only one who has fallen into satan's trap, and you won't be the last. Just don't start believing you are irredeemable, because you're not.

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Just wanted to correct this little piece of misinformation. The scriptures tell us that "the Spirit of the Lord doth not dwell in unholy temples." One must remain worthy to have the Spirit dwell with them and receive all the benefits of that gift. More info can be read on this at one of my favorite gospel references.

I see where you're going with this. I do agree that there is a distinction with the gift of the Holy Ghost, when you have the gift of the Holy Ghost you can have the constant companionship of the Spirit, but the Spirit does not simply abandon those who may be unworthy or may be struggling. Isn't that when you need the Spirit the most? The Spirit may not be with you constantly but I think that no matter what the situation is if you call on the spirit it will be there to comfort you and teach you. If this were not so, then how would you explain the people through time and from all religions who have been influenced by the Holy Ghost? Do you think Martin Luther wasn't moved by the Spirit to post his 95 Theses? Do you think that the great artists and musicians of the world aren't inspired by the Spirit to produce their great works? Do you think that all those who are earnestly seeking God and trying to live good lives, even if they're not LDS, can feel the Spirit? I think too often we as LDS think we have a monopoly on the Spirit and only those who are 'worthy' by our definition can feel it.

“The great religious leaders of the world such as Mohammed, Confucius, and the Reformers, as well as philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and others, received a portion of God’s light. Moral truths were given to them by God to enlighten whole nations and to bring a higher level of understanding to individuals. … We believe that God has given and will give to all peoples sufficient knowledge to help them on their way to eternal salvation” (“Statement of the First Presidency regarding God’s Love for All Mankind,” 15 Feb. 1978).

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I see where you're going with this.

Wow, you'll have to explain it to me then because i didn't think i was going anywhere except to correct an untruth. Make sure you get that ESP tuned in nicely before you try though. ;)

Honestly, i'm not too worried. The OP seems to know the truth. He also seems to know how to get that Spirit back, that is, through repentance and humility. He's already been given the proper advice, that is, go to his bishop, and one can only hope he will take it. I'm content and will, therefore, defer from taking this thread further off topic.

Have a blessed day. :)

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Satan wants to take the mistakes you have made, and compound the felony by making you feel you can't pray. But you can.

You're exactly right.

President Boyd K Packer said-

"One of the adversary’s sharpest tools is to convince us that we are no longer worthy to pray. No matter who you are or what you may have done, you can always pray."

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Yeppers. Pray. Even those who have not yet received the gift of the Holy Ghost, can receive answers to their prayers, by the Holy Ghost no less... Missionaries all over the world count on that fact (Moroni 10:3-5). So, why not you?

And don't forget, you have the Spirit of Christ, and if you will heed the dictates of your conscience, you will once again be led to Christ, and full repentace. You can then renew your covenant through the ordinance of the Sacrament, thereby maintaining a remission of your sins. Then the Holy Ghost can dwell in you as that constant Companion that you desperately long for.



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well even if you are not worthy right now pray to the lord, he is always there for us with his arms stretched out to embrace us... he loves us all and wants the best for us... Look towards him in this time of need and he will comfort you, it will just take longer then you expect probably and definately talk with your bishop begin the process of repentance as soon as possible!

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