Things of The Past!


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I thought this might be fun. The idea is to list as many "things of the past" that YOU remember in your lifetime that are no longer popular or common. You don't necessarily have to list "things". You can list old sayings, old wives' tales, old traditions, etc etc. So just list them as you think of them. There's many out there.

Here's one: "Be kind. Rewind."

I remember reading that on rental VHS labels.

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The following cartoons:






Gummi Bears

Rescue Rangers

Duck Tales

Tale Spins

I am sure there were lots of others that I am not remembering. Plus lots of other stuff, I am listing only the cartoons right now because that is one of the clear memories from my childhood.

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Stamps you had to lick

Green screen computers

Printer paper that was one long strip of paper with perforrated lines, and the printer ink would be in "blocks" so the letters would be all blocky instead of looking like reguar script. (I remember coloring in SO many "school spirit" banners with huge pixelated letters!)

Turn-dial TV's

Having to go to the ATM before you made a purchase, because you couldn't use a debit card at check-out.

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Pokemons are still around. My son still plays with them and gets new ones.

Same with YoYo's. In fact he got one for his birthday last month.

How about cell phones that weigh 5 or more pounds and could only be used to call someone.

This is true, however the OP stated to list things which are no longer popular or common. At one point in the UK, it was consider "uncool" if you were in school, and did not have a YoYo. This was the height of its popularity, it was around 1998 back when I first started secondary school. It's quite rare if you see them in the school playground any more.

Pokemon, to my knowledge, has no-where near the popularity that it once had. I very rarely come across kids, at least here in the UK, who still have pokemons. Still, I'm so glad I was a couple of years above the age group that this phase affected at the time. My brother wasted so much money on them :D

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I have to do this:

AskJeeves (yes, I know it's still accessible, but who actually uses it any more?)




Dialup modem in order to get online


Pretty much everyone being on AOL dialup, with their horrendus idea of a web browser and all around general internet experience

Windows 3.1 :eek: (hey, I installed it on my brothers computer last year, I'd forgotten how stable it actually was)

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Car with: Starter button on the floor, dimmer switch on the floor, horn ring on the steering wheel, vents on the hood and side of the car, water bags for crossing the desert, manual lever for the windshield wipers, choke lever and throttle (old style cruise control) on the dash board and a dump clutch for sport cars.

Phones with operators that ask, “Number please”, Black and white TV, crystal set radios, Iver Johnston racing bicycles; Bear trap binding on skis, front doors on homes without a lock, sugar beet welfare farms, ward Gold and Green Balls, road shows, all church basketball and softball tournaments, 2 and ½ year foreign missions, seminary classes for high school credit, stake conference in a tabernacle, ward meeting houses that were never locked, cardboard on a stick fans on the benches at church (no air conditioning) and the Panorama on the 4th of July in Provo.

And last but not least – being able to walk into the “old” Church office building and seeing someone in the 1st presidency without a security guard or an appointment.

If you are wondering – I do miss the good old days when I was neither good nor old.

The Traveler

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I thought this might be fun. The idea is to list as many "things of the past" that YOU remember in your lifetime that are no longer popular or common. You don't necessarily have to list "things". You can list old sayings, old wives' tales, old traditions, etc etc. So just list them as you think of them. There's many out there.

Here's one: "Be kind. Rewind."

I remember reading that on rental VHS labels.

There is always a song I heard while being schooled in England called 'Lola' by the Kinks.

Or watching the Thunderbirds. :P

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Or watching the Thunderbirds. :P

During my mission, we were naughty and watched thunderbirds on youtube for a bit. We were caught out, and rumour spread around that we had been watching "inappropriate content" on the internet. They were actually quite disappointed to find out that "inappropriate content" meant thunderbirds.

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