Green tea inside of supplements

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I try to avoid supplements with green tea in them, but that is mostly because my mom and I have similar medicine sensitivities and she has had bad reactions from supplements with green tea in them. Currently I am pregnant and dealing with morning sickness and found a gum that helps combat the nausea, when I discovered that it had green tea in it I stopped using it. I suppose it really depends on how your body reacts to different things.

When it comes to the WoW I think it gets a bit difficult when it comes to medicines and supplements.

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Green tea is tea.

After being pestered by the members, the Lord clarified it through His prophet, that he meant tea and coffee. Doesn't matter if they are hot or cold, in ice cream or a pill, if you want to live the law completely don't ingest them. The green tea fad is ludicrous, touting it as such a cure all when in fact we know from our Creator, that in any form it is not meant for the body (inside anyway).

I suppose one could be justified by calling it medicine but there is nothing green tea is going to do for you as far as health benefits that can't be accomplished with something else that we have NOT been commanded to ingest.

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Green tea is tea.

I suppose one could be justified by calling it medicine but there is nothing green tea is going to do for you as far as health benefits that can't be accomplished with something else that we have NOT been commanded to ingest.

Do you have any evidence supporting your statement, "there is nothing green tea is going to do for you as far as health benefits that can't be accomplished with something else?" Or is this a knee-jerk reaction because drinking green tea for pleasure violates the Word of Wisdom?

In the Word of Wisdom the Lord gave an example of how tobacco could be used medicinally (in the treatment of animals). Thus it seems clear to me that substances man is not supposed to use pleasure may be used medicinally. Today nicotine is used to treat Parkinson's Disease and other diseases. (For clinical information, among others, you could contact Colleen McBride, director of the cancer prevention, detection and control program at Duke University Medical Center.)

I wouldn't use something containing codeine because I enjoyed it just as I wouldn't drink a beverage containing green tea because I enjoyed it, nor would I smoke tobacco. (Because I want to keep the Word of Wisdom and such acts violate the Word of Wisdom.) However, if a physician prescribed medication containing codeine I'd take it. The same principle would govern my use of nicotine and green tea (as an active medicinal ingredient).

There is a significant difference between using a substance medicinally and using a substance for pleasure. A close examination of the Word of Wisdom indicates the Lord approves of the medicinal use of substances he has forbidden us to use for physical pleasure. As always, there is a major difference between the Spirit of the Law and the Letter of the Law.

Edited by Daniel2020
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I have always avoided any supplements with Green tea, but was speaking to my Bishop last Sunday and he said that he had just read a statement by the First Presidency which stated that supplements with Green Tea are ok to take, but it seemed as if they were more worried about the caffeine in them. So, I bought some glucosamine with green tea and love it!

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I have always avoided any supplements with Green tea, but was speaking to my Bishop last Sunday and he said that he had just read a statement by the First Presidency which stated that supplements with Green Tea are ok to take, but it seemed as if they were more worried about the caffeine in them. So, I bought some glucosamine with green tea and love it!

I don't know how to say this without sounding offensive, but I don't believe what your bishop said. The First Presidency has pretty much stayed out of the business of micromanaging the Saints. And a letter such as that would be read to the congregations world-wide as green tea is used so widely by many countries. Further, if caffeine was something that the First Presidency was concerned about, they would release a statement to the church as a whole. They have made statements that anything addictive should be avoided and intimated that caffeine is included; however, no definitive statement from the First Presidency regarding avoidance of caffeine has been released.

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No offense taken, and thank you for caring enough to be cautious. I spoke with him 2 weeks ago, and last week he was sick and will be out of town for the next 3 weeks. But, you are right. I should pry a little more to find out a little more about this letter. I agree with you, and believed it was a letter that would be read over the pulpit, but have not heard it yet. I'll find out where exactly he read this letter and let you know.

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Green tea is tea.

After being pestered by the members, the Lord clarified it through His prophet, that he meant tea and coffee. Doesn't matter if they are hot or cold, in ice cream or a pill, if you want to live the law completely don't ingest them. The green tea fad is ludicrous, touting it as such a cure all when in fact we know from our Creator, that in any form it is not meant for the body (inside anyway).

I suppose one could be justified by calling it medicine but there is nothing green tea is going to do for you as far as health benefits that can't be accomplished with something else that we have NOT been commanded to ingest.

A true diet pill is monitoring ones food proportion and exercising. :P

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I have always avoided any supplements with Green tea, but was speaking to my Bishop last Sunday and he said that he had just read a statement by the First Presidency which stated that supplements with Green Tea are ok to take, but it seemed as if they were more worried about the caffeine in them. So, I bought some glucosamine with green tea and love it!

Hmm...I have not seen anything that came from the First Presidency or was announced what you stated. What the First Presidency is worried about, is the excessive usage of pharmaceutical drugs among members.

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I have always avoided any supplements with Green tea, but was speaking to my Bishop last Sunday and he said that he had just read a statement by the First Presidency which stated that supplements with Green Tea are ok to take, but it seemed as if they were more worried about the caffeine in them. So, I bought some glucosamine with green tea and love it!

I just took a peek at the Official Communication Library and found nothing from the First Presidency that says anything about tea. The most recent letter contained in the archive was June 11, 2010. I think your bishop is thinking about some other statement, and I would be surprised to see it in any setting that was binding.

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Don’t mistake supplements with medicine. If you read the fine print in any of those supplement commercials, they state that the FDA has not evaluated that product. In other words there is no proof that the ‘drug’ works. There are medicine that has ingredients that is against the Word of Wisdom, however there is an ‘asterisk’ in the WOW that states basically that it is ok when the ‘drug’ is used as medicine. Do your homework, like I said, the FDA does NOT evaluate, or is in charge of making sure that supplements actually work.

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I must agree that the green tea "cure all" is a fad. A study i saw showing the " cancer prevention" in mice results when made equivalent with humans would require about 5 gallons a day in consumption.

However i would be hesitant to say "tea is tea". Yes it is from the "same plant", but so is street grade heroin, legally prescribed vicodin, and the poppy seeds in the delicious chicken brought to ward potlucks by one of our high priest wife.

The Bishop didn't feel the need to cancel the next temple trip after that potluck, or yank TRs from the mothers recovering from c- sections with the aid of narcotic medication.

Also while the lord may have prohibited coffee and tea from the saints (or those who may be called saints) he banned the Jews from eating stuff we love. To say tea isn't for the body (anybody) because we are told to abstain would be like a Jew claiming shellfish or pork is not for the body.

I would also agree with hemi's "diet pill" diet and exercise:thumbsup:

and point out that nicotine is not (explicitly) against the WoW (tobacco is) as nicotine is not unique to tobacco but is common in the nightshade family which includes eggplant,red peppers, tomatoes and potatoes.

Now you know why lays potato chips motto is "bet you cant eat just one";)

(i am aware the concentration in these plants are less then in tobacco)

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...they state that the FDA has not evaluated that product. In other words there is no proof that the ‘drug’ works.


Really? When the FDA puts its seal of approval on a food or drug item, it acknowledges that it has reviewed research on said item, and that said item is approved for human consumption for certain indications. The FDA doesn't do the research (they do conduct some, but certainly not all), and they are by no means foolproof. There are numerous drugs (and food items) that have been FDA approved that have turned out to be disastrous.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Our neighbor in the young women's presiceny, was told by her oncologist, a bishop, that green tea might be very good for her recovery from a very rare form of bone cancer. I can't tell you one way or another how this will workout.

My grandfather, had bladder cancer several times related to his smoking. (After he had quit smoking). His doctor put him on some obscure tea regimine that they use in India. He hasn't had a recurence in 15 years. That could be a coincidence.

Personally tea is tea. Whether black, green, herbal, iced, etc. Plus green tea is a fairly effective laxative! :eek: (Must drive faster!)

What does amaze me though is the claims that teas and now coffee are full of anti oxidants and so good for everyone. I'm not sure an adddiction is good for anyone.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Hallmark
Posted (edited) · Hidden

Green tea helps in burn fat and boosts metabolism. The recent study reported that

3 – 5 cups of green tea per day can help you burn more than 70 calories per day,

which amounts to 7 pounds per year.

health clubs cheltenham

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  • 1 month later...

Green tea helps in burn fat and boosts metabolism. The recent study reported that

3 – 5 cups of green tea per day can help you burn more than 70 calories per day,

which amounts to 7 pounds per year.

health clubs cheltenham

I would rather be fat and heading to the Celestial Kingdom than skinny anywhere else. I have struggled with this myself trying to justify taking supplements that contain green tea that are proven to help my ailments but I have felt strongly that to follow the word of wisdom, I shouldn't partake of tea. Unless the Lord tells me it's OK, I'll stick to what has been said, by him through the prophets. Tea is tea whether in supplements or as a beverage, tea is tea.

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I would rather be fat and heading to the Celestial Kingdom than skinny anywhere else. I have struggled with this myself trying to justify taking supplements that contain green tea that are proven to help my ailments but I have felt strongly that to follow the word of wisdom, I shouldn't partake of tea. Unless the Lord tells me it's OK, I'll stick to what has been said, by him through the prophets. Tea is tea whether in supplements or as a beverage, tea is tea.

Isn't this a contradictory way of thinking. If the WofW is both a health and obedience commandment, wouldn't being fat (due to over eating) be going against the whole idea of why you follow it in the first place?


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Isn't this a contradictory way of thinking. If the WofW is both a health and obedience commandment, wouldn't being fat (due to over eating) be going against the whole idea of why you follow it in the first place?


according to you most Americans are in violation of the Word of Wisdom just based on their size alone. I was specifically referring to green tea being used to help a person lose weight. I have yet to hear from any church authority that being overweight will keep you from receiving a temple recommend, but partaking of tea will, so how do the two actually compare, and by the way, there are many other things that can cause a person to be overweight other than overeating. Even following the word of wisdom cannot always prevent obesity.

Edited by john doe
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according to you most Americans are in violation of the Word of Wisdom just based on their size alone.

Not true, I have no stats to compare over weight vs. not over weight to determine if "most" is the correct adjective to use. And the WofW only applies to American Mormons, not all Americans.

I was specifically referring to green tea being used to help a person lose weight. I have yet to hear from any church authority that being overweight will keep you from receiving a temple recommend, but partaking of tea will, so how do the two actually compare, and by the way, there are many other things that can cause a person to be overweight other than overeating. Even following the word of wisdom cannot always prevent obesity.

So you would rather be deliberately unhealthy (as in overweight), which goes against "treating your body as a temple" than drinking one drop of tea.

IMO, there is something strange about that kind of thinking.


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So you would rather be deliberately unhealthy (as in overweight), which goes against "treating your body as a temple" than drinking one drop of tea.

IMO, there is something strange about that kind of thinking.

I have great difficulty believing you. Do you truly and honestly find it strange that someone would say, "I would rather follow God's word and commandment and be unhealthy than disobey God and be healthy"?

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I have great difficulty believing you. Do you truly and honestly find it strange that someone would say, "I would rather follow God's word and commandment and be unhealthy than disobey God and be healthy"?

Yes!! If the WofW was supposed to be given as health advice (which IMO, is not the best advice), then wouldn't a person strive to be healthy and be reasonable in following that advice. If you've decided that you believe abstaining from coffee and tea is healthy for you, then fine, but to go overboard and view the commandment in such a legalistic way, that you totally ignore the whole purpose of the commandment; then IMO that is just plain crazy.


Edited by Maureen
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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited) · Hidden

I always try to avoid any kind of food supplement. As about green tea, personally i like it because it is very good for health and for our whole body.

Edited by abeera
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