Best Laid Plans Foiled!


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It really was a good plan. I would keep working driving a forklift last this week and next week (easy job, no walking), take a week vacation while my short-term disability kicked in for maternity leave, and then have my daughter on/about the week of Sept. 23rd. It was an excellent plan. My days off last week and the weekend were to get last minute baby items and clean the house, all that stuff.


Gwendolyn Marie Meadows decided she wanted to be born August 25th, 2010. Showing the same stubborn nature as her various aunts and her sister she completely ignored the drugs used to stop contractions. She's so cute, even if she's a little orange. We had to take her back to the hospital Sat. for a 24 hr baking under the bili lights but now she's home, mom's home, and everyone is just plain relieved. Just wanted everyone to know.

I love this site and the people on it, btw. I really missed not being able to log on for the week!

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It really was a good plan. I would keep working driving a forklift last this week and next week (easy job, no walking), take a week vacation while my short-term disability kicked in for maternity leave, and then have my daughter on/about the week of Sept. 23rd. It was an excellent plan. My days off last week and the weekend were to get last minute baby items and clean the house, all that stuff.


Gwendolyn Marie Meadows decided she wanted to be born August 25th, 2010. Showing the same stubborn nature as her various aunts and her sister she completely ignored the drugs used to stop contractions. She's so cute, even if she's a little orange. We had to take her back to the hospital Sat. for a 24 hr baking under the bili lights but now she's home, mom's home, and everyone is just plain relieved. Just wanted everyone to know.

I love this site and the people on it, btw. I really missed not being able to log on for the week!

I hope you enjoy working under your new boss.

The Traveler

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I didn't post much about it, Wingnut. I tried hard to not talk about it all the time, and I guess I went overboard in the other direction lol. I did mention it in a few baby threads :P

Thank you all for the congrats! I am very happy with both my daughters :D

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