Not dying of heart disease fast enough? Try this!


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This reminds me of a Chick-Fil-A commercial. Eat chiken!

I am literally salivating now that you mentioned Chick-Fil-A. We don't have them here, but Chick-Fil-A sponsors a lot of cheerleading competitions. So when we were in high school our coaches would have to keep us AWAY from the concession stands until after we performed...

I miss Chick-Fil-A SO MUCH. I don't know what they do to their food, I think God cooks it himself. That is the only possible reason their food could be that good.

The bacon roll on the other hand? Do. Not. Want.

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The bacon cheese roll reminded me of the time my son and I thought it would be great to add bacon to our grilled cheese sandwiches.

Nope. Wasn't half as good as was expected. Made us both a bit queasy with all that grease. :(

If the bacon cheese roll doesn't finish one's heart off, you could always go for a 'killer' desert: The pumpple cake at 1800 calories a slice.

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You guys and food it is not so much the kind of food you have been talking about that is turning me off as much as the amount of salt that is in it.

Look at almost any fast food place and you can find the heart attack sandwich and the fat collector.

I had to eat the fast food way for almost two months because where I was staying there was no way to cook my own food. Hamburgers and me are on a vacation for a while.

I now can make my own food and a pound of stew beef goes me 7 meals.

If you had ever seen the way eggs are collected, meat is processed, veggies are processed, and really any commercial food processing you would not buy food in a store.

I could get graphic but don't see the need. think e coli and you will have a better understanding.

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I'm not the biggest fan either, I enjoy it in baked goods but not in something like a peanut butter and honey sandwich or honey toast. I even prefer my cornbread without honey butter.

Blasphemy!! Cornbread without honey butter? :eek:

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Ya'll don't know nuthin about cornbread. We do it right down here in the booger bushes of Georgia. You don't need nuthin but a bowl of pot liquor and a big spoon.

(pot liquor=juice off the collard greens)

You break a hunk of cornbread off and sop away. Kinda like the way you eat biscuits and syrup...but different.

When I die I'll have a biscuit in one hand and a bottle of syrup in the other cause I'm gonna SOP my way to Heaven!!! HmmmmmmM! :P

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sorry I learned as a kid you eat corn bread with butter on it while still hot from the oven with pork and beans or mac and cheese. Farm kid at heart you could work off anything on the farm.

As to the choc pork fat almost did the porcelain hug on that one. I have tried some strange things in my life that will not be one of them.

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sorry I learned as a kid you eat corn bread with butter on it while still hot from the oven with pork and beans or mac and cheese. Farm kid at heart you could work off anything on the farm.

As to the choc pork fat almost did the porcelain hug on that one. I have tried some strange things in my life that will not be one of them.

Hot cornbread with melted butter and pork and beans. Yuuuuummmmmyyyy

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