At home celestial room; good or bad?

Guest saintish

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Guest saintish

I found this picture online, It is a resort with its own "celestial room" this got me to thinking. it would be kind of neat to have your very own "celestial room" in a spare room in your house. However I also feel like this might cheapen or mock the celestial rooms in actual temples. all in all i am mixed to say the least. Im sure i'll get plenty of opinions here:D

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Guest saintish

I love the idea, and i understand what pam is saying about making your home a heaven like the temple, but i am still hesitant. Should you take it to the extreme of making a faux celestial room? What if you were to dedicate the room as a special place in your house for prayer, meditation, etc.?

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I think many people have special places in their home that they use for prayer and meditation. A place that takes them away from the distractions of the world. My livingroom is a place that there is no tv, no phone. It's the place that I have more religious type items as decor.

A former Bishop of mine had a livingroom that had white furniture etc. It's where their family held family prayer etc. In fact they jokingly called it their celestial room because of the decor. If families are celestial, what better place to hold family prayer etc than in a room that has the reminders of it?

Edited by pam
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I don't understand your concern. The Celestial Room in the temple is so much more than furniture and carpet. What makes it Celestial is what went on before it, what it represents and how we reverence it. Covenants and obligations are done prior to the Celestial Room.

If someone wants to recreate the look of the Celestial Room in their home, I say let them do it. If they decide to completely replicate how to enter their own personal CR, then there is a problem.

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It seems nice and having a dedicated room seems like a good idea. The only problem I see with it is the slippery slope potential. Basically the gradual replacement in the hearts of the people using it of the need to go to the temple. Or worst the idea that if you have a 'Celestial Room' in your home what about other temple rooms and then the how about ordinance work?

Admittedly that is far down the slope but it would be a slow slide of gradual acceptance. People would need to on watch and guard for that.

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It seems nice and having a dedicated room seems like a good idea. The only problem I see with it is the slippery slope potential. Basically the gradual replacement in the hearts of the people using it of the need to go to the temple. Or worst the idea that if you have a 'Celestial Room' in your home what about other temple rooms and then the how about ordinance work?

Admittedly that is far down the slope but it would be a slow slide of gradual acceptance. People would need to on watch and guard for that.

If people start using it as a replacement for actually going to the temple I can agree with you.

But just to have a room that is a family's special place, I don't have a problem with.

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Guest saintish

It seems nice and having a dedicated room seems like a good idea. The only problem I see with it is the slippery slope potential. Basically the gradual replacement in the hearts of the people using it of the need to go to the temple. Or worst the idea that if you have a 'Celestial Room' in your home what about other temple rooms and then the how about ordinance work?

Admittedly that is far down the slope but it would be a slow slide of gradual acceptance. People would need to on watch and guard for that.

I could see this happening: someone thinks to themselves "maybe i should wear all white in this room" and then perhaps they think, "maybe it would be ok to wear temple clothes"

Its definitely a gentle slope but i could see it happening. Perhaps as long as it is kept in perspective and moderation the room itself would not be a bad idea.

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I don't like it. Having a special or more formal room in your house is fine. My mom has one -- the couch is even white (okay, off-white, but very very pale). I grew up with a formal living room separate from the family room. I have no problem with that.

"Home can be a heaven on earth." We are nearer to heaven at home than anywhere else besides the temple. There is no caveat there that says, "but only if you have a formal living room, or a room that looks like the celestial room of the temple."

I don't like that it's trying to mimic the overall appearance, or that it's being marketed -- literally, marketed -- as a DIY celestial room. It feels cheap and sacrilegious.

Edited by Wingnut
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I agree with Wing here. I don't feel good about it. If they want to have a special room where they can spend time together as a family or pray, fine but imitate somehow one of the most special rooms in the Temple...hmmmm not sure about that.

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I don't like that it's trying to mimic the overall appearance, or that it's being marketed -- literally, marketed -- as a DIY celestial room. It feels cheap and sacrilegious.

Perhaps if that was actually their intent. I have white furniture in my living room. My former Bishop had white furniture in his livingroom. Never was there the intent to mimic the celestial room.

*edit* I now realize you are talking about the business.

Edited by pam
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Guest saintish

my biggest complaint is that this resort outside of Provo is marketing that it has a "celestial room" do Utah mormons really take such things into consideration when planning vacations?

Molly Mormon- I dont Know dear the marriot is owned by a member.

Peter Priesthood- I know but this resort has its own celestial room!

My apologies in advance if that little piece of satire offended any true blue Utah Mormons.

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Perhaps if that was actually their intent. I have white furniture in my living room. My former Bishop had white furniture in his livingroom. Never was there the intent to mimic the celestial room.

I get that. I'm referring to the photo in the OP, or to someone who might be intentionally trying to create their own celestial room.

(I do have to agree with slamjet though...white couches? Kids? Pets? Anyone with shoes or who ever steps foot out of the house? :D)

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It's easy to have a white couch with kids and pets when you have a livingroom and a familyroom.

True, I guess. It's just totally not my style. It just seems boring and stiff to me. (But I hate my mom's style, so maybe that has something to do with it. :))

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True, I guess. It's just totally not my style. It just seems boring and stiff to me. (But I hate my mom's style, so maybe that has something to do with it. :))

haha I guess I'm just boring and stiff. I LOVE my livingroom. Mixture of white furniture with dark wood tables and antiques.

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my biggest complaint is that this resort outside of Provo is marketing that it has a "celestial room" do Utah mormons really take such things into consideration when planning vacations?

Molly Mormon- I dont Know dear the marriot is owned by a member.

Peter Priesthood- I know but this resort has its own celestial room!

My apologies in advance if that little piece of satire offended any true blue Utah Mormons.

Why target Utah Mormons? Why not just Mormons in general? Seems it would be targeting more those outside of Utah than in Utah. I live in Utah and I certainly wouldn't plan a vacation in Provo.

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