Grand Sign of the Son of Man?

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"Then one grand sign of the son of man in heaven. but what will the world do? they will say it is a planet. a comet, &c. consequently the sun [son] of man will come as the sign of coming of the son of man; is as the light of the morning cometh out of the east."

"So also is the comeing of the Son of Man. The dawning of the morning makes its appearance in the east and moves along gradualy so also will the comeing of the Son of Man be. it will be small at its first appearance and gradually becomes larger untill every eye shall see it."

- Joseph Smith

And behold, this will i give unto you for a sign at the time of his coming; for behold, there shall be great lights in heaven, insomuch that in the night before he cometh there shall be no darkness, insomuch that it shall appear unto man as if it was day. (Helaman 14:3)

If you clink the link below you can see the path of "comet Elenin and comet Honda" in the upcoming months.


This link is the offical NASA (never a straight answer) website and shows the list of NEO's or Near earth objects.

NEO Earth Close Approaches

If you look at Honda, you can see it is the only one with 0.0 H (mag)

h (mag) is simply a scale of brightness. I find this intriguing because Jupiter (the brightest star in the sky) has a h (mag) of NEGATIVE 2.2

Only time will tell....

I have wondered concerning the sign of the “Son of Man” as referenced in scripture (Matt 24:30). It is interesting to me that the sign of his birth was not foretold in Biblical scripture but was in scriptures that were available to the “Wise Men of the East”. We now know that the ancient sign of the Son of Man was a new star in the heavens.

If that new star, so long ago was a supernova about 600 light years from earth a new star would indeed appear with the brightness close to the sun and would be visible even at the brightest part of the day. Radiation from the event could cause a temporary fluorescing of the ozone that would light up the entire night sky like a fluorescent light - such a light would have no shadows. Thus I have speculated that the Star of Bethlehem quite likely could have been a distant star of our galaxy going supernova.

In a like manner a closer supernova could have many effects that are given in prophesy. Such a star about 400 light years from earth would be devastating. In a instant the energy could set a blaze entire forests and push various objects of our solar system from the current orbits - causing stars to fall. The event would destroy all life on earth; unless, of course, there was divine intervention.

Perhaps the sign spoken of in Matt 24:30 will not be so unlike the star of Bethlehem.

The Traveler

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haha guys, although i find your jokes hilarious I would like to point out a very important detail.

This "planet,comet,sign" was "discovered" by a man named Leonid Elenin. That is strange for a few reasons. The first being that a "leonid" is simply a celestial body found in the comet Leo, Which is exactly what this is.

Why is that important you might ask?

Click here: Leonids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and look under 1800's and see if you notice anything.

6 days after that event the prophet declared the quotes in my original post....

Edited by ConvinceTheWorld
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So can you give a day that the Son of Man will come?

Heck. Gimme a week. I am going to go out on a limb and say you're wrong, like every other person who claimed to know the day of the second coming.

haha guys, although i find your jokes hilarious I would like to point out a very important detail.

This "planet,comet,sign" was "discovered" by a man named Leonid Elenin. That is strange for a few reasons. The first being that a "leonid" is simply a celestial body found in the comet Leo, Which is exactly what this is.

Why is that important you might ask?

Click here: Leonids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and look under 1800's and see if you notice anything.

6 days after that event the prophet declared the quotes in my original post....

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I never claimed to know the day...Nobody knows not even the angels in heaven.

Nonetheless its a fact that the bible and the book of mormon says over and over again there will be signs in the heavens preceding the 2nd coming.

According to scientists this thing only comes around every 26,000 years. I believe the earth to have 7,000 year temporal existence but still not like this means anything....

Not like there have been more natural disasters in 2011 than there ever has been since record keeping began, and the year isnt even over....

Not like Gordon B Hinckley told us to get our houses in order....

Not like wickedness and iniquity are more prevelant than it ever has been...

"When you see these signs, unmistakenable evidences that his coming is nigh, Be not troubled but stand in holy places and be not moved until the day of the Lord comes."

But yeah. Lets just go about our days and say "all is well in Zion, ye Zion prospereth"

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It's not like there haven't been a whole heck of a lot of signs that haven't been fulfilled, yet.

Wait... That's exactly it. There are a whole heck of a lot of signs that haven't been fulfilled, yet.

And you are saying you know the day. If this light in the sky is the Son of Man, as you have suggested, then physicists know the exact day it will swing 'round.

I never claimed to know the day...Nobody knows not even the angels in heaven.

Nonetheless its a fact that the bible and the book of mormon says over and over again there will be signs in the heavens preceding the 2nd coming.

According to scientists this thing only comes around every 26,000 years. I believe the earth to have 7,000 year temporal existence but still not like this means anything....

Not like there have been more natural disasters in 2011 than there ever has been since record keeping began, and the year isnt even over....

Not like Gordon B Hinckley told us to get our houses in order....

Not like wickedness and iniquity are more prevelant than it ever has been...

"When you see these signs, unmistakenable evidences that his coming is nigh, Be not troubled but stand in holy places and be not moved until the day of the Lord comes."

But yeah. Lets just go about our days and say "all is well in Zion, ye Zion prospereth"

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Nonetheless its a fact that the bible and the book of mormon says over and over again there will be signs in the heavens preceding the 2nd coming.

They do say that. Does this mean that these signs will stop after the second coming? If the signs in the heavens continue after the second coming, wouldn't that imply that the signs in the heavens before the second coming weren't really related to the second coming?

According to scientists this thing only comes around every 26,000 years. I believe the earth to have 7,000 year temporal existence but still not like this means anything....

So what about the evidence that suggests a temporal existence of much longer than 7,000 years?

Not like there have been more natural disasters in 2011 than there ever has been since record keeping began, and the year isnt even over....

Nonsense. See, for example....

Not like Gordon B Hinckley told us to get our houses in order....

I'm sure he wasn't the first prophet to say that. Nor was he the first non-prophet to say it

Not like wickedness and iniquity are more prevelant than it ever has been...

Every generation in the history of mankind has claimed this. I'm not sure the increase is nearly as bad as we make it sound.

"When you see these signs, unmistakenable evidences that his coming is nigh, Be not troubled but stand in holy places and be not moved until the day of the Lord comes."

But yeah. Lets just go about our days and say "all is well in Zion, ye Zion prospereth"

all is not well in Zion. But you don't want to get me started on that topic. In any case, looking for signs of the Second Coming is a pretty frivolous pursuit. The whole point of the Gospel is to be prepared for it. If you're leaving in accordance with the teachings of Christ, it doesn't matter if He returns or not.

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If you look at Honda, you can see it is the only one with 0.0 H (mag)

h (mag) is simply a scale of brightness. I find this intriguing because Jupiter (the brightest star in the sky) has a h (mag) of NEGATIVE 2.2

Not to nitpick, but I wanted to put a little clarification on this. In the magnitude scale (which is a log scale), the lower the number, the brighter the object. For example, the Sun has an apparent magnitude from Earth of -26.7. So if Jupiter has a magnitude of -2.2 and Honda has a magnitude of 0, then it's actually dimmer than Jupiter by 2 orders of magnitude.

A quick read.

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It's not like there haven't been a whole heck of a lot of signs that haven't been fulfilled, yet.

Wait... That's exactly it. There are a whole heck of a lot of signs that haven't been fulfilled, yet.

And just to add complexity and a little fuel to the fire, some prophecies that were fulfilled weren't prophesied until after the least according the the scholars in the Bible Project at Hebrew University

"An ancient version of one book has an extra phrase. Another appears to have been revised to retroactively insert a prophecy after the events happened." (source)

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Regardless if its the grand sign spoken of by joseph smith there is definitely something going on here.

I wrote down the dates of the Earthquake in Japan, Earthquake in Chili, and Earthquake in New Zealand and then I looked at the graph on and either exactly on or within a few days of, there was an alignment with the sun earth and elenin.

You dont have to take my word for it. Go look at the graph. click the arrow and move the angle until you see an alignment with Elenin, then go google that day and earthquake.

For me this is 100% proof.

This woman posted this video warning everyone on March 8th that an alignment was coming and to move from the fault lines saying that (1:20 in the video) it would fall on March 11 . Sure enough 3 days later the earthquake in Japan...

MARCH 11-23 EVENT?! Signs and Evidence - YouTube

Again Fast forward to about 1:17

but of course this will be dismissed by the wisdom of the world which is foolishness before God...

Edited by ConvinceTheWorld
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The ELENIN Timeline, road to the EndTime

Here's somebody who believes like you do who also made a handy dandy calculator of all the 'alignments' that Elenin would make. He did this in the past.

Lessee... Nothing happened today, which was an alignment.

Nothing on August 3rd.

Nothing between July 18th and August 1st.

Nothing on July 5th.

Seems to me that this is silly goosery at its finest. A tiny celestial body is going around the sun. That happens an awful lot. I believe in the Saviour. I believe we're living in the end times. I don't know how long those end times are, but I think we can safely say the saviour is not that rock.

Regardless if its the grand sign spoken of by joseph smith there is definitely something going on here.

I wrote down the dates of the Earthquake in Japan, Earthquake in Chili, and Earthquake in New Zealand and then I looked at the graph on and either exactly on or within a few days of, there was an alignment with the sun earth and elenin.

You dont have to take my word for it. Go look at the graph. click the arrow and move the angle until you see an alignment with Elenin, then go google that day and earthquake.

For me this is 100% proof.

This woman posted this video warning everyone on March 8th that an alignment was coming and to move from the fault lines saying that (1:20 in the video) it would fall on March 11 . Sure enough 3 days later the earthquake in Japan...

MARCH 11-23 EVENT?! Signs and Evidence - YouTube

Again Fast forward to about 1:17

but of course this will be dismissed by the wisdom of the world which is foolishness before God...

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Here's the next big honkin date:

Sep 26-28th (The website says this could be the biblical "three days of darkness". Elenin is between Earth and sun - same alignment that supposedly caused the Japan quake - except this time - Elenin will be closer to us)

Ok ConvinceTheWorld - I'm calling you out. I propose a little bet. If nothing happens, you have to dress up in a pink tutu and sing "I'm a little teapot". If something happens, I'll dress up. Do you have the courage of your convictions? Do you truly believe deeply enough in this deal to risk a little public embarassment if you turn out to be wrong?

This is not the first time I've made (and won) such a bet.


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If nothing happens, you have to dress up in a pink tutu and sing "I'm a little teapot". If something happens, I'll dress up.

If the bet is picked up you will probably need to define the something and nothing into less vague terms so that accurate assessment can be made.

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Here's the next big honkin date:

Sep 26-28th (The website says this could be the biblical "three days of darkness". Elenin is between Earth and sun - same alignment that supposedly caused the Japan quake - except this time - Elenin will be closer to us)

Ok ConvinceTheWorld - I'm calling you out. I propose a little bet. If nothing happens, you have to dress up in a pink tutu and sing "I'm a little teapot". If something happens, I'll dress up. Do you have the courage of your convictions? Do you truly believe deeply enough in this deal to risk a little public embarassment if you turn out to be wrong?

This is not the first time I've made (and won) such a bet.


I accept your bet. I will literally do it on webcam. :rolleyes:

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We are going to see a very bright light appear very soon. It will keep getting bigger until every eye has seen it. Then there will be a terrible earthquake as we have never seen before.

Johns vision of the virgin giving birth, clothed with the sun, with the moon at her feet and 12 stars upon her head is happening on September 30th. Which is the exact same sign of Christ's Birth. Therefore I give it till the end of October for either the light to appear, or a huge earthquake.

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We are going to see a very bright light appear very soon. It will keep getting bigger until every eye has seen it. Then there will be a terrible earthquake as we have never seen before.


Therefore I give it till the end of October for either the light to appear, or a huge earthquake.

So, to make sure we understand - by "bright light" you mean something visible during daytime (assuming no clouds). And it will stay visible, and get brighter, for at least 24 hours of visible brightness. Yes?

And by "huge earthquake", you mean at least 9 on the richter scale? (Again, there are hundreds of earthquakes occuring naturally every day. 6, 7, even the occasional 8.something occurs every now and then without making the news.)

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