Mayan 2012 apocalypse vs. Boyd K Packard


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Except Packer's talk really doesn't do anything to limit the timing of the Second Coming... At all (Which is how I take the 2012 prediction)

Why? Because after the Second Coming comes the Millennium... And during the Millennium lots of things will change but being mortal and marrying and having kids will keep on going. Thus it could happen tomorrow (or in 2012) and Packer's words will still hold true.

Edited by estradling75
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Except Packer's talk really doesn't do anything to limit the timing of the Second Coming... At all (Which is how I take the 2012 prediction)

Why? Because after the Second Coming comes the Millennium... And during the Millennium lots of things will change but being mortal and marrying and having kids will keep on going. Thus it could happen tomorrow (or in 2012) and Packer's words will still hold true.

Exactly the point I was going to bring out.

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I say this, because the US debt is not over, it is not under control...just delayed with a bill that was approved to prevent the collapse some months back.

I just looked at the GDP vs capital debt and I think the first time in US history, the DEBT has passed GDP. Not good! What else may come of 2012? mmm perhaps a us passenger or war plane knocked out of the sky by a surface to air missile launched by a terrorist. Seems there are 10,000 plus shoulder launched missiles missing from the former government of Libya. Do not count me on flying over Middle Eastern territory any time soon.

In 1885, the largest Solar Flare storm in historory hit the united states. It was reported that Morse code stations caught fire from the effects of the solar storm. Today, most of the developed world depends heavily on electronics of all types to get though the day. Now imagine, a solar storm so big, it will wipe out almost all electronics. Not only will electronics be wipped out, but major substation transformers will be wipped out. Substation transformers are not mass produced, and it can take months to recieve a new one.

I should be smart, and build up a supply of modified veggie oil to run in my diesel truck. My truck only needs three things to get it started, glow plugs, starter and a battery. No electronics required. If we ever get hit, and I am lucky, I may be able to start my truck.

Best to save not only food, but everything you use on a daily basis. Also, if you have a cabin, expect to stay in it if the city goes into Anarchy looting and roving crime waves.

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Today’s youths can look forward to "getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren,"

Mormon apostle Boyd K. Packer: The end isn't near | The Salt Lake Tribune mobile edition

Since most people know I love helping people prepare so that they can be self-reliant if things get bad, I've heard that it isn't just the SLC tribune, but many Latter Day Saints are saying that President Packer said we have generations before things get I have to wonder if they went to hear or have listened to the 2011 October Priesthood Session talks of President Uchtdorf and President Eyring...neither one sounded like we have generations before things get difficult...IMHO FWIW

These are not real quotes...just my notes...but I believe the part in quotes are fairly accurate. As the printed versions aren't out yet I can't check for accuracy...wish I FWIW.

President Uchtdorf

It will take all of us, working together to successfully apply the principles of welfare and self-reliance.

**Right now it doesn't take "all of us" to take care of ourselves and the poor around us. Something would have to happen that would take away our government security blanket before WE would have to all work together to care for ourselves and the needy...for many if not most of us that would be the end of the world as we've know it in itself...

President Eyring...

The doctrine are the words of Christ...if we have the Holy Ghost we can know what we should do in the future and will have the courage to do it, "to face whatever difficulty we face in the future. We are being prepared for priesthood service that will become more challenging with time." It is to form a habit of pushing on through fatigue and fear that might make you think of quitting...spiritual staying power comes from working past the point when others would have taken a rest.

***If right now the priesthood is being prepared for priesthood service that will be more challenging with time and require us to work through and past fatigue and fear...that sounds like some challenging times ahead.

To me President Packer's words assure me that while things may be very difficult and challenging for a time...if we are faithful and have been obedient to His commandments most of us will live to be able to have children and perhaps see their children have children...

Other's have said to keep our eyes on the blessings of Zion when things get difficult...From what President Packer said we should because that is certainly where we, our children or their children are headed.

Edited by lds2
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