Don't like Dr. Jeffress' comments about our faith?


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Guest mormonmusic

When I read the reacton of the general population and religious/political leaders to Jeffress' comments, I found myself silently hoping that Heavenly Father is intervening on our behalf. Perhaps in his His own mysterious way, he's supporting his people and trying to create a society that is more tolerant of Mormons and their beliefs. I haven't heard so many positive comments about Mormons in the press for some time, nor have I heard so many comments deriding someone who is antagonistic.

This is a breath of fresh air!!!

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I encourage everyone to send an email and let Dr. Jeffress know how you feel about comments that he made this last weekend regarding our faith. We need to speak up for our faith and not let people continue to spread misinformation!!

Is there something important about this guy over all the other Naysayers in the world, that don't have or use correct information? If you feel slighted by him, it's your job to let him know, and to do it with kindness and genleness... and no matter the result, let it go peacefully.

we still have major people still claiming that Christ's resurrection was a hoax, I can't see how it will be any better in regards to Joseph SMith and the restoration.

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I encourage everyone to send an email and let Dr. Jeffress know how you feel about comments that he made this last weekend regarding our faith. We need to speak up for our faith and not let people continue to spread misinformation!!

"A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." --unknown

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I believe this actually could turn out to be a blessing in disguise because now the next idiot minister that wants to step up and say something about us in the press will maybe think back to what Jeffress said and the reaction (or should I say non-reaction) he got from all the candidates as well as former President Bush (all not wanting to comment). This will hopefully make them think twice about how this could end up backfiring in their face. I'm sure we've only seen one-tenth of the fallout that Jeffress got from this. Better to get this kind of ignorance out of way early in the campaign than to have it fester later on when people are more hyped up over the election.

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When I read the reacton of the general population and religious/political leaders to Jeffress' comments, I found myself silently hoping that Heavenly Father is intervening on our behalf. Perhaps in his His own mysterious way, he's supporting his people and trying to create a society that is more tolerant of Mormons and their beliefs. I haven't heard so many positive comments about Mormons in the press for some time, nor have I heard so many comments deriding someone who is antagonistic.

This is a breath of fresh air!!!

I think this has been building for a long time. How much divine intervention has played a role is debatable, but there may be some of it.

In my opinion, the most notable influences are (in no particular order)

  • Having a black president -- I know many think this is blown out or proportion, but barriers are easier to tear down after the first one falls.
  • South Park and the Book of Mormon Musical -- Remember that as much as they may have ridiculed Mormons, they consistently pushed the message that, in spite of our 'eccentricities' we really are good people trying to do good things. That message showing up in pop culture probably helped spread the word.
  • The I'm a Mormon campaign. I think this probably got some help from the coincidental timing of the Book of Mormon musical, but I think it's an effective campaign that normalizes our image.
  • The general increase of secularism in our culture -- it's become much more socially unacceptable to denigrate any religion (unless you denigrate them all).

There are probably a few more influences with roots going back 15 or so years, but those are the recent events that I think played a role in the change in public opinion to these kinds of events.

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Mike Huckabee fell right into that hole 'hook, line and sinker' back in 2008. It really belittled his campaign in my eyes and we might've had someone else for the GOP instead of John McCain.

(And since neither are current candidates, we can talk about them.)

I think all the other candidates are keeping 2008 in mind as how they talk about other seemingly controversial faiths.

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It's funny that so many of you will "speak out" against "speaking out." Are you putting your two cents in just to discourage others that would speak up not too? If you want to be quiet, then follow your own advice.

I agree with everyone that lives their life as an example, but we are being encouraged by church leaders to speak up right now....why do you think they have

If you don't want to write a letter to Dr. Jeffress then write to [name removed] or better yet send your Latter Day Saint support to a candidate that you like but don't sit there and be quiet about your faith and wait for someone to ask you a question....Open Your Mouth! We don't go over that every week at church just for kicks and giggles.

I was not only suggesting this to other church members I think anyone that disagrees with this man's hate message should speak up, in some way. If I was a member of his church I would voice my disapproval with this as well.

And for all of you quiet folks out there, aren't we all glad the Joseph Smith had the courage to stand up for what he believed in and tell the world because if he had kept quiet and waited for someone to ask him or just decided to be an example for others without a voice we wouldn't be here discussing this today.

Edited by skippy740
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It's funny that so many of you will "speak out" against "speaking out." Are you putting your two cents in just to discourage others that would speak up not too? If you want to be quiet, then follow your own advice.

I agree with everyone that lives their life as an example, but we are being encouraged by church leaders to speak up right now....why do you think they have

If you don't want to write a letter to Dr. Jeffress then write to [name removed] or better yet send your Latter Day Saint support to a candidate that you like but don't sit there and be quiet about your faith and wait for someone to ask you a question....Open Your Mouth! We don't go over that every week at church just for kicks and giggles.

I was not only suggesting this to other church members I think anyone that disagrees with this man's hate message should speak up, in some way. If I was a member of his church I would voice my disapproval with this as well.

And for all of you quiet folks out there, aren't we all glad the Joseph Smith had the courage to stand up for what he believed in and tell the world because if he had kept quiet and waited for someone to ask him or just decided to be an example for others without a voice we wouldn't be here discussing this today.

Talk about changing an argument. Your initial post stated that you encouraged us all to write Jeffers to "speak out" and "prevent misinformation." People responded by saying that they didn't think it would do any good to write to him (they're probably right, by the way). Now you're accusing everyone of hiding their beliefs and not opening their mouths.

So is writing Jeffers the only way to open our mouths? Can we not express to people near us and in our communities our beliefs? Which is the more effective route?

I don't care if people do or don't write letters to Jeffers, but I won't waste my time doing so. But I find it very naive of you to claim that not writing a letter is equivalent to not sharing the gospel*.

* I'm going to make the assumption that "Open your mouth" is associated with sharing the gospel.

Edited by skippy740
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I agree with everyone that lives their life as an example, but we are being encouraged by church leaders to speak up right now....why do you think they have

What do you think LDS Social Network is?

But I find it very naive of you to claim that not writing a letter is equivalent to not sharing the gospel*.

Meh, it's just your standard, "If you aren't participating in the way I do, or how I say you should, you aren't really participating."

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I encourage everyone to send an email and let Dr. Jeffress know how you feel about comments that he made this last weekend regarding our faith. We need to speak up for our faith and not let people continue to spread misinformation!!

I'm sure he wouldn't find that "cult like" at all. :rolleyes:


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It's funny that so many of you will "speak out" against "speaking out." Are you putting your two cents in just to discourage others that would speak up not too? If you want to be quiet, then follow your own advice.

I agree with everyone that lives their life as an example, but we are being encouraged by church leaders to speak up right now....why do you think they have

If you don't want to write a letter to Dr. Jeffress then write to [name removed] or better yet send your Latter Day Saint support to a candidate that you like but don't sit there and be quiet about your faith and wait for someone to ask you a question....Open Your Mouth! We don't go over that every week at church just for kicks and giggles.

I was not only suggesting this to other church members I think anyone that disagrees with this man's hate message should speak up, in some way. If I was a member of his church I would voice my disapproval with this as well.

And for all of you quiet folks out there, aren't we all glad the Joseph Smith had the courage to stand up for what he believed in and tell the world because if he had kept quiet and waited for someone to ask him or just decided to be an example for others without a voice we wouldn't be here discussing this today.

I was not there, nor did he come to me. Christ did not seek out the pharisees. If you want to write up a letter or something stating our beliefs, i'll be happy to sign it.

Edited by skippy740
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It's funny that so many of you will "speak out" against "speaking out." Are you putting your two cents in just to discourage others that would speak up not too? If you want to be quiet, then follow your own advice.


Did you really mean to tell those who disagree with you to shut their mouths???

I was not only suggesting this to other church members I think anyone that disagrees with this man's hate message should speak up, in some way. If I was a member of his church I would voice my disapproval with this as well.

Many have. They have called his speech "not helpful" "impolite" "rude" and "inappropriate." I agree with all of those descriptions. I would not call it hate speech, though. Jefferies was not trying to stir up violent anti-LDS sentiment. He was encouraging religious folks to vote for their own kind.

In saying that Mormons are not Christians, especially in a secular, political environment, he crossed the line. This I agree with. It was wrong, and many have told him so. Ironically, the reverend helped the LDS candidate with his poorly conceived words. On the other hand, how many strings have we had here in the past year, concering who is a Christian, what makes a Christian, etc. After all, just what do "Christians" believe?

Also, since you are new to the forum, I'd encourage you to see the other side. There is an organization and website created by and for evangelical Christians who support the presidential candidate who happens to be LDS. We do not discuss particular candidates here, so I mention it only to say, many evangelical Christians agree with you--that Jefferies counsel was poorly spoken, and poor in content.

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Did you really mean to tell those who disagree with you to shut their mouths???

You sir are my hero.

Jefferies was not trying to stir up violent anti-LDS sentiment. He was encouraging religious folks to vote for their own kind.

I watched the interview several times and part of me wanted to get mad, but I couldn't. He really is well meaning man. I felt sorry for him, and I was embarrassed for him as well. Getting mad at him for his comments would be like getting mad at a puppy for piddling on the floor. They don't know any better, and unless you educate them they will not understand what they did wrong. So really, all he's guilty of is peeing all over the floor.

On the other hand, how many strings have we had here in the past year, concering who is a Christian, what makes a Christian, etc. After all, just what do "Christians" believe?

I want to pick your brain about that. I imagine people outside the LDS faith struggle with some of my beliefs as a Mormon just as much as I struggle with their beliefs. I struggle with the Trinity A LOT. Since are the resident expert, I may be making a new string or sending you a message. Because I need to be educate so I stop peeing on the floor. I know you can help me ;)

many evangelical Christians agree with you--that Jefferies counsel was poorly spoken, and poor in content.

He's been quoted before making similar remarks. I poked fun at him earlier in my awesome puppy analogy but I think he has ideas about what words mean, and the rest of the world has ideas about what words mean, and he just can't find common ground with this.

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lol I love the puppy analogy. Now every time I see someone say that I am going to have to laugh.

My work here is complete :banana:

Next conference I'm going to bring puppy training pads to lay down on the sidewalk where the protestors are standing. I'm really excited about doing this too. Maybe I'll be able to get away with rubbing their nose in it. Good times ahead :banana: :banana:

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I want to pick your brain about that. I imagine people outside the LDS faith struggle with some of my beliefs as a Mormon just as much as I struggle with their beliefs. I struggle with the Trinity A LOT. Since are the resident expert, I may be making a new string or sending you a message. Because I need to be educate so I stop peeing on the floor. I know you can help me ;)

Seek and ye shall find . . .

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Next conference I'm going to bring puppy training pads to lay down on the sidewalk where the protestors are standing. I'm really excited about doing this too. :

Yes, that will help to demonstrate to the world that we are a very Christian religion that follows the teachings of Jesus.


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This story is hitting a nerve somewhere. Many of us posted a link to the Anderson Cooper interview yesterday on facebook and they have all been taken down.

One of my friends posted this on FB too and when I went to show my husband today, it had disappeared. Strange that.:o

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We are all missionaries of our faith and if we don't speak up no one will. This person spoke up and now his opinion is out there for the world to see but where is yours?? Quietly hidden away because you don't think it will help, or think silence is best....hmmmmmm

Missionary work is best done one-on-one, one-by-one. Missionary work is best done under the direction of the spirit... not as a response to someone's attack.

By responding to an attack, it does just as much good as engaging in a "Bible Bashing" session. I've done my fair share of "Bible Bashing", but I also knew going in, that no one was going to change anyone's mind about anything. If you'd like to read a thread where I engaged in "Bible Bashing" (or more accurately "Book of Mormon" responding), check out this thread: Bible Experts ,,Mount Up.. (Note: I'm DHK on that forum... and another poster in the thread is also LDS. I'm sure you'd be able to tell which one.)

The church's response is perfect: If you want to learn about our beliefs, check out

BTW, does anyone think it was coincidence that the General Conference talks about the name of the church was reiterated 2 weeks ago? I don't.

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