7 billion people on the planet by the end of october


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Well, earth has reached a new milestone. The planet will have seven billion people on the planet by the end of the month. I really just wonder how much more it can take before stress on food productions, livable space and water issue become a really serious and challenging issue?

I live in one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. I have seen a huge increase in immigrants coming here from some of these developing countries and it is putting stress in our city as more and move here. The traffic is getting worse and worse as well as other issue such as utility issues, school crowding and sky rocketing real estate cost. As a result of all these issues, we are loosing allot of members from our ward. They are moving east into the valley where it cost less to live, or live close to the new temple, or they are moving out of the province into Alberta where the cost of living is much less. The majority of the ethnic asian population that immigrated here in the last ten-15 years typically buy 1,500 square foot ramblers, crush them with a backhoe, then builds a 4,500 monster house. There are 20,000 or more of these homes here...most illegally modified to have the secondary suites rented out...by this one ethnic population.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com


Edited by bcguy
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The growth of the population wouldn't be as much of a problem if people lived more economically and were less wasteful. Many European cities have a far greater density to their population but are not struggling in the same way as America cities, because they have made adjustments to their living style. Many people walk or ride bikes. Cars are smaller and more gas efficient. There are a number of roof gardens and other "green spaces" within the cities. Energy and water distributions are designed and utilized more efficiently. Etc.

Americans are going to be feeling the burn of the growing population far faster than most places if we don't start making some changes, because population alone is not the best indication of a healthy system. The amount of resources needed to support an individual within that population- or the ecological footprint- is a far better indicator of environmental health. If the footprints of every person around the globe is added together and averaged out, we are currently consuming resources at a rate that will require another half-an-earth to sustain. If everyone lived the lifestyle of the average American, we would need approximately 8 earths of resources to support the current population sustainably. The average American has the same ecological impact as approximately 70 Africans (per memory from one of my classes), and the U.S. is ranked second only to Brazil in the 10 countries with the worst environmental impact.

While increasing population does of course contribute to this problem, it would be a FAR smaller problem if we all lived more sustainably. Our consumptive lifestyle here in America is going to get the best of us. Those who find ways to live more sustainably now will fair better as the rest of the U.S. and other countries with a heavy footprint eventually succumb to the changes they will have to make.

Edited by JudoMinja
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I see nothing wrong with a growing population. What I see as the problem, is that we often try to over pack a city. Why not make new cities? Spread out a bit? There is room.

enviroMENTALists wont like that. infact they think we should all just go off and die hehe :D

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I see nothing wrong with a growing population. What I see as the problem, is that we often try to over pack a city. Why not make new cities? Spread out a bit? There is room.

Cities are generally situated around resources historically. You have to be careful about say taking 250,000 from Ohio and plopping them out in the Arizona desert, because where is their water going to come from? You can't ship it in from Ohio. Then there is the issue of economic viability, what is a brand new city of 250,000 in the hinterlands of Nebraska going to do? Your suburbs have grown organically in support of the industries of the cities they support, and the cities themselves originally grew out of resources (and later industries that formed there), if you just build a bunch of buildings without economic viability you'll see a repeat of what is happening to Detroit, and you can't exactly just tell half of Silicon Valley to up and move to Nebraska. Well you could, but I doubt they'd listen.

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Probably a more relevant issue than population density is how we use the resources God has given us to support the population now and in the future. “For the earth is full,” He said, “and there is enough and to spare. … If any man shall take of the abundance which I have made, and impart not his portion, according to the law of my gospel, unto the poor and the needy, he shall, with the wicked, lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment” (D&C 104:17–18). “The enemy of human happiness as well as the cause of poverty and starvation is not the birth of children,” said Elder Henry B. Eyring of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “It is the failure of people to do with the earth what God could teach them to do if only they would ask and then obey.” 6

Strengthening the Family: Multiply and Replenish the Earth - Liahona Apr. 2005 - liahona

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I'm a strong believer that overpopulation is a myth. Teaching that population must be controlled leads to atrocities, in the name of controlling our numbers.

The overpopulation myth | Prospect Magazine

According to the second link, we'll hit 7 billion this year, and then, peak in about 25 years, and return to 7 billion about 75 years later, when we are experiencing population constriction.

Overpopulation is a myth |

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Remember Soylent Green? Seven BILLION people on earth, so many people that you had to step over the stragglers on the sidewalk to get into your home. So many people that you died by committing suicide while watching videos about how wonderful the earth used to be with plants and stuff. So many people that only rich people could eat MEAT...until the advent of Soylent Green!

Yeah, you pretty much have to laugh at the '70s Malthusian doomsdayers.

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A few months ago I read this article from National Geographic. I found it interesting...

Population 7 Billion - Pictures, More From National Geographic magazine

Two thoughts from it...

But will there be too many of us? At the PAA meeting, in the Dallas Hyatt Regency, I learned that the current population of the planet could fit into the state of Texas, if Texas were settled as densely as New York City. The comparison made me start thinking like Leeuwenhoek. If in 2045 there are nine billion people living on the six habitable continents, the world population density will be a little more than half that of France today. France is not usually considered a hellish place. Will the world be hellish then?

Further on it says...

But one can also draw a different conclusion—that fixating on population numbers is not the best way to confront the future. People packed into slums need help, but the problem that needs solving is poverty and lack of infrastructure, not overpopulation.

The Lord has emphasized what I consider to be the problem and the solution and it is not to reduce the population. He says, "And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. But it must needs be done in mine own way; and behold this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low. For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea, I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves." (D&C 104:15-17)

Even the Lord says there is enough and to spare! The real question is can we do it in the Lord's way?

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We have had this discussion on going for 50 years. In the 1960s they were talking Zero Population, and that we would run out of food by the 1970s. Guess what? Freedom and man's innovation has created technologies and methods that have vastly increased food production around the world.

Yes, water is an issue, but one that can also be dealt with via technology in many areas. And if we look at the number of empty foreclosed homes around America (and yes, even in Canada), we have lots of space to take in many people.

For a century we have been learning more and more on how to build up. Japan has found aesthetic ways to build skyscrapers that include gardens and quiet places for people to enjoy. We can do the same. Besides, for Canada, which is a huge nation with only 35 million people, there is room and to spare!

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Population to reach 7 billion today (Monday).


MANILA, Philippines - Countries around the world marked the world's population reaching 7 billion Monday with lavish ceremonies for newborn infants symbolizing the milestone and warnings that there may be too many humans for the planet's resources.

While demographers are unsure exactly when the world's population will reach the 7 billion mark, the U.N. is using Monday to symbolically mark the day. A string of festivities are being held worldwide, with a series of symbolic 7-billionth babies being born.

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BTW, I understand that earth is expected to max-out at about 9-billion, and then 75 years later we will again reach 7-billion, as population contricts...all this assuming Jesus tarries, of course.

Seven billion day: Why we'll all soon be fretting that the population of the world is shrinking | Mail Online

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