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A facebook friend shared the following. I tracked it back to the original poster.

What do you think?

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These are starting to show up around our country!

After dinner she took a $1 dollar bill out of her purse and displayed it on the table.

Underneath the words "In God We Trust" someone had stamped the dollar bill in red ink---NO GOD BUT ALLAH.

We asked her where she had gotten this dollar bill. She said it was part of her change in Alamosa , CO ..

We took a picture of her dollar bill. If anyone tries to give you one of these dollar bills as change, please refuse it and ask them to give you a dollar bill that has not been defaced.

Send this on to everyone you know, please.

God bless our USA! — Ron Lange with Pam Strange.

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Hm... this looks like something you'd see on snopes. Has anybody actually seen one of these?

I haven't. The person who took the picture is the person who posted it on his Facebook page.

Edit: I just searched snopes and didn't find anything about it. I don't usually pay much attention to snopes and political things. They are very biased.

Edited by applepansy
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Its a dollar bill. If it has 666 on it who cares? When it hts the banks it will be taken out of circulation anyway as being defaced. will tell you if something is a lie and why, no matter what political view is being questioned. If I was convinced that something was true and they said not then I would have to look at it a lot harder. They do give the reasons which is helpful.

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Meh, it's still legal tender. I suspect:

1) Some college students trying to be 'funny'/'shocking'.

2) Atheists doing the same (I realize this isn't exclusive from group 1)

My question is this, do they refuse bills like this:

Posted Image

It's defaced too. Personally that someone took a stamp to a bill doesn't make me scared to touch it. Maybe if the stamp was pornographic or outright crude (various words) I could understand, but the phrase in question, to repeat myself, meh.

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At it's most scholarly, Allah is merely their word for the God of Abraham, which is our God too last time I checked.

Anyway, defacing US currency to make a point or spread some news is hardly new. Same thing as someone going to a stop sign and spraypainting "eating animals" under STOP. Or going to a shopping mall sign saying "Open on Christmas", and taping a sign above it that says "In honor of our Savior's birth, we will be".

Not worth getting worked up over, in my opinion.

One fun thing is to stamp Where's George? ® 2.4 on the bill - people who get the bill log on and give their location and a brief comment. Take a look at the top ten.

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My bet would be, whoever stamped the bill wanted the exact response that they got here. They want to get under our skin and make us feel uneasy. I think that allah is just another word for God, and so there is no God but God... I don't have a problem with that. I do understand why someone would feel concerned about it, because they ARE trying to do something to upset us, so the best answer is a non answer. Just don't let them get to you. ;)

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Dollar Bills Stamped With 'NO GOD BUT ALLAH'

However, in the case of the "NO GOD BUT ALLAH" note, there is so far no evidence to suggest that it represents a widespread or organized campaign by Muslim activists. While the protest message has been posted to a great many different websites, all include the very same photograph of the offending note. All also include the same story about the origin of the note; that it was handed as change to an unnamed woman in Monte Vista, Colorado.

If the practice of defacing currency with the Allah slogan was common or widespread, it seems clear that many other photographs of the offending notes along with further reports about them would also be circulating. Moreover, if the defacing was a common occurrence, the mainstream media would also have reported on the issue.

Edited by Mahone
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At it's most scholarly, Allah is merely their word for the God of Abraham, which is our God too last time I checked.

Quite right. There is nothing specifically Muslim about the name of Allah. Christians whose first language is Arabic refer to God as "Allah".

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I dont like twitter. It seems kind of disembodied. Same with google. Still there is lots to not like about facebook.

With twitter, people just get to the point - they are forced to really with the character limit. Like google, it's basic and devoid of pretty window dressing that looks nice but has no real value/usefulness. It does what you need and little else is there to get in the way. It depends on what you want, but I know that suits me :)

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Facebook are going to charge, didn't ya hear?

This is why I prefer twitter. Although it's changing somewhat, twitter seems to have a higher percentage of members with common sense.

Hey wait a gosh darn minute. I'm one of your friends on facebook. :P

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