Who is the most gullible person you know?


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I once told someone that I had fooled someone on a discussion list into believing something that wasn't true -- and she believed me!

Not you Vort. I could never believe that of you. :lol:

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As much as I love my 15 year old daughter she must be the most guillable. My favorite story is when she was in 6th grade (11 years old) her friends was tring to tell her that there was no santa (yes she stilled belived than). She came home and was telling us that so and so was saying that there was no santa that it was our parets and she says to us "but I got them I told them there was no way that my parents could get around the world in one night" I can only imagie the looks on her friends faces. I think that she was very confused after we let her in on the truth.

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As much as I love my 15 year old daughter she must be the most guillable. My favorite story is when she was in 6th grade (11 years old) her friends was tring to tell her that there was no santa (yes she stilled belived than). She came home and was telling us that so and so was saying that there was no santa that it was our parets and she says to us "but I got them I told them there was no way that my parents could get around the world in one night" I can only imagie the looks on her friends faces. I think that she was very confused after we let her in on the truth.

Lol, there were some girls at my primary school that went through a similar thing.

Personally, my parents weren't able to keep it up for long because they insisted on signing all their presents "with love from mum and dad". When I questioned why she did this years later, she replied that she wasn't going to let santa get all the credit. I don't blame her :P

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I told my daughter on facebook that they removed the word gullible from the dictionary. She hasn't responded. Maybe she's still thinking about it. :)

So my daughter just stopped by and I said "Hey you never answered my message to you on facebook."

She said she didn't know what to say. She said her first thought was "Why would they do that?" Then she realized what it was about.

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I drove a friend of my to Idaho for a family reunion. I had a Toyota Camary 2 door coupe. We we finally got there and attended the reunion my friend had introduced me as her best friend from Colorado. Toward the end

of the day, I told one of the folks there that I had $500 for some Idaho pottoes! That people at my job wanted me to bring them some of those Idaho spuds! They told me where I could go to get them etc., but then asked where I was going to put them. I told them in my trunk! They told me I'd need a semi for $500 worth of potatoes! I finally had to end the prank by telling them that since we're a "mile high" in Denver that

the lack of oxygen made us a little wacky!

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I have a niece who used to live a few houses down from me. She came over to visit and we convinced her that the road construction outside was actually a search for a serial killer that was loose in the area and that there were bright lights on the road because they were looking at a dead body. The story got more and more elaborate and unbelievable, but soon it was 10pm and she was still at our house and refused to go outside and the three houses down to her house. She slept on the couch that night.

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My daughter was just learning how to spell and she came home one day and asked me did I know that the

"b" in dumb was slient? I told her yes and she wanted to know why it just was pronounced "dumba" making the 'b' sound! I'll never forget it. It STILL cracks me up today and she's 31!

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I drove a friend of my to Idaho for a family reunion. I had a Toyota Camary 2 door coupe. We we finally got there and attended the reunion my friend had introduced me as her best friend from Colorado. Toward the end

of the day, I told one of the folks there that I had $500 for some Idaho pottoes! That people at my job wanted me to bring them some of those Idaho spuds! They told me where I could go to get them etc., but then asked where I was going to put them. I told them in my trunk! They told me I'd need a semi for $500 worth of potatoes! I finally had to end the prank by telling them that since we're a "mile high" in Denver that

the lack of oxygen made us a little wacky!

I'm not sure who you're saying is gullible in this story, the Idahoans who pointed out that you couldn't fit $500 worth of potatoes in your car or you for thinking you could.

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At Church, we sang Israel, Israel, God Is Calling, which includes the lyric "And to man his power extending, that the Saints may homeward fly." When we sang that, my five-year-old looked at his mama and said, "They can't fly." So count his as Not Gullible.

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My brother....from the time he was about 3 until 5, I had him convinced the trees in our yard were imaginary. Our mother was none too impressed with me, especially since they had built a really nice tree house that my brother didn’t play in for a few years, because the trees weren’t real. I also had him convinced our uncle was our aunt and his wife was our uncle…he called them Uncle Joan and Aunt Grant for years on end.

I also had my kids convinced of snipes….we went on snipe hunts all the time. In fact the joke grew to involve their friends, who I ended up taking with us on a snipe hunt when they were all around 12 or so. Funniest thing ever was watching a bunch of pre-teen kids wonder around the wilderness clapping their hands in rhythm trying to hunt snipes. I had a whole choreographed snipe hunt ritual my kids still talk about today, which I can’t remember but they can.

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Take for example the snowball fight my brother had with his friends. My brother then, a teenager, came racing to the back sliding door, ran into the kitchen with a snowball flying though the opening, smashing into the china hutch. I said great. We thought about it and said, we will wait until mom discovers the missing window "we cleaned up the glass pieces"

Six month later, she was cleaning the windows on the hutch, when she almost fell though the one that was missing.

She called me and my brother in to ask us what happened to the window. We smirked, "well my brother came running into the house, snowball in tow hit the window six months ago!

She said WHAT? six months ago? You mean I have been sitting at the kitchen table to eat dinner and never saw it?. Our reply yup! we had a good laugh :)

Mom TOTALLY ignores the troubles in the world and we can fool her into thinking there is a new resort going in at Libia or Somalia ;)

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My (ex)wife.

We were at dinner a few years ago, and I mentioned that someone had sued the tobacco companies for $2+ billion dollars and won.

She said "What... did he die?" (uh... no. He won the lawsuit... so he's still alive... ?)

Okay, maybe that was more of a blonde moment. :)

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Guest mormonmusic

We pulled one over on my little boy. he loves his Teddy bear even though he's 8 years old. We were afraid he would lose his teddy bear and there would be a big stink about it. Happened once.

So we bought another one exactly like the one he has. Except it looked a little lighter because it was newer and less worn. We brought it to him at bed time.

He looked at it, and stared. "Did you wash Teddy??".


He started at it again.

Then he looked at us with deep concern.

"There must be something wrong with my eyes!!! This doesn't look like Teddy!!!".

We eventually came clean.

Now he has two Teddy bears -- the new one he calls Cashew but it's just another stuffed animal...not the emotional comfort Teddy is.

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We pulled one over on my little boy. he loves his Teddy bear even though he's 8 years old. We were afraid he would lose his teddy bear and there would be a big stink about it. Happened once.

So we bought another one exactly like the one he has. Except it looked a little lighter because it was newer and less worn. We brought it to him at bed time.

He looked at it, and stared. "Did you wash Teddy??".


He started at it again.

Then he looked at us with deep concern.

"There must be something wrong with my eyes!!! This doesn't look like Teddy!!!".

We eventually came clean.

Now he has two Teddy bears -- the new one he calls Cashew but it's just another stuffed animal...not the emotional comfort Teddy is.

Actually it seems like he pulled one on you and you are the gullible one to think that he wouldn't know his own beloved teddy bear. :P

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Years ago when I was in the restaurant business we would have all the new employees do a number of things.

We had a soft serve machine with 3 knobs: Chocolate/Twist/Vanilla. Twist was just a combination of vanilla and chocolate but we would tell newbies to go into the cooler and get the twist mix.

We'd also have them water the plants (which were plastic)

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When I was a mechanic we had an apprentice who was easy to fool. We once sent him to the Napa store to get a can of "smoke" to help loosen a seized part. Well while he was out of the shop, we got the part loosened. He came back with a botttle of "smoke". We opened it carefully and poured it over the part, waited a couple of seconds then the part came loose!!! He was amazed!!!! Thanks to the sounter people at Napa who blew some cigarette smoke into a generical bottle, we had him going for a good couple of months.

Second guess would be anybody who believed that Pam was going off of Facebook for a while!!!:P

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During my inactive years, my first husband and I owned a Tavern. During the first few years we had an old, abused pool table. We could never get it level and after we had it recovered once, knew it would never be repaired to be totally flat- too many dents in the slate.

The foreign tourists (mostly bicyclists from Germany, France, etc.) and tourists from non-coastal areas of the US would attempt to play pool. It took the locals years to learn the 'lay' of the table.

The tourists would ask what is wrong with this table? I would look out our huge picture windows overlooking the bay and ocean, take note if the tide was either coming in or going out and tell them: Oh, it's just the tide going out (if it was).

Also when the tourists made note of the rainfall- especially when it was coming down in sheets- I would tell them - "Oh, that is just the tide coming in".

There was this couple that had just moved here from western NY - here being central Oregon coast - and bought a house right on the river. This part of the river is still more in the bay and affected by the ocean tides.

Every time they were in the house to check it out prior to purchasing it, the tide was in. They get all moved in, and don't pay any attention to what is happening outside their river facing windows.

In the morning they wake up early, open the picture window drapes and . . . . . it is extremely low tide, the river looks empty. The husband calls the Realtor and demands to know who pulled the plug and emptied the canal.

She told him to wait a few hours and it would fill up again. Happens twice a day. The emptying and filling of the river.

I had three young men come into the Tavern, they were sitting at the bar looking out the windows at the bay and the ocean just beyond the sand spit. One of them asks what the name of that lake is? I look at him, then look outside- wondering if he means the bay? So I ask him where does he think there is a lake? He points out the window and says - see where that long thing is that is moving really slow not quite at the horizon? That is on the lake.

Well what he was seeing was a German fishing-canning boat. They were headed into the next town - had to bring a few of their guys in to get medical help, that was why they were inside the 3 mile limit.

Anyway, I told them that it was the Pacific Ocean, not a lake. He asked me what was on the other side of that Pacific Ocean Lake. I told him it was the Pacific Ocean, not a lake, and that it was Japan that was on the other side of it.

Then I asked where were they from, Michigan they proudly said. Ah, said I. Nope, out yonder is the Pacific Ocean, not a lake.

One of my regulars went out to his car and got his road atlas, had a picture of the world, showed them where they were and the Pacific Ocean.

Their final comment on the subject was: Oh, guess we can't go swimming out there then.

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I told my daughter on facebook that they removed the word gullible from the dictionary. She hasn't responded. Maybe she's still thinking about it. :)

It's funny you mention this....it's actually true that if you say the word "gullible" really fast out loud a bunch of times, it sounds in your head like you're saying "orange".

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It's funny you mention this....it's actually true that if you say the word "gullible" really fast out loud a bunch of times, it sounds in your head like you're saying "orange".

Oh sure..and of course I had to try it. Just made me sound like I was saying gobble gobble gobble..I guess I'm the turkey here. :lol:

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