Where can I get good politcal advice?


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Guest sumit93

I am no special refer, where you can visit to get good political advice. I will just recommend you to take google help to find some good political communities to get the advice regarding this matter.

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snopes.com is good for checking political rumors.

realclearpolitics.com offers the latest polls, and lots of opinion articles from different viewpoints.

The Week magazine offers a great set of summary articles about the news, again offering multiple viewpoints.

All of these are fairly objective. If you want conservative or liberal commentary, I can suggests specific sites...but the above should give you a fairly broad spectrum of opinions, so you can decide for yourself.

Edited by prisonchaplain
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snopes.com is good for checking political rumors.

realclearpolitics.com offers the latest polls, and lots of opinion articles from different viewpoints.

The Week magazine offers a great set of summary articles about the news, again offering multiple viewpoints.

All of these are fairly objective. If you want conservative or liberal commentary, I can suggests specific sites...but the above should give you a fairly broad spectrum of opinions, so you can decide for yourself.

One of my pet peeves is I just wish opposing parties would at least tell the truth about each other ! :( Grrrrrr:mad:

When I was yet Muslim, those guys were telling some real woppers about Muslims. Then when I was an evangelical, a long time ago, they were lying about Mormons and Muslims. Gosh ! And then when I was Muslims, those guys didn't really know anything about Christians!!!!!! Gahhhh~!!!!! It just makes me want to pull both my remaining hairs out!!!!

Sigh... I just wish that people would do good research and verify it with their opponents before spreading it. Most of what I read now is as bad as used to come off the back of the manure spreader on the farm.

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I know it is probably against the rules to talk about politics here, so can someone tell me where I can go to find information?

Searching for information without having formed our own philosophies on government can be confusing.

Ephesians 4:14

14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

For me, the scriptures (especially The Book of Mormon) help me to determine my philosophies for the way that I think government should be... then vote accordingly.

In the past, we've had certain discussions on how the scriptures have helped others to determine their political ideologies. I'll post the links here for reference (the thread links are closed to new comments)... but I'll caution you... they (me) seem more on the "conservative" side of the political spectrum, than the liberal side.





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If you are looking for deeper thinking/writing on the political issues and idea, Doug Bandow is an interesting writer. He is unusual, in that he is a "classic liberal"--meaning quite conservative. However, his thinking runs more libertarian, than towards any of our major parties. While that perspective is not unusual, many at CATO are non-theists, and Bandow is an Evangelical Christian.

Doug Bandow | Cato Institute: Policy Scholars

You might also find the Acton Institute interesting. The founder is a Catholic priest, but he appeals to all faith traditions, from the perspective of freedom.

Acton Institute | For the study of religion and liberty

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Um, are you playing a joke on me? :huh:

No, not at all. I will provide truthful non-religious, non big business viewpoints. I believe in separation of church and state, and that includes news and politics.

Or use that Project Vote Smart site. Find your representative and copy and paste the bill into google and read articles about it and see if you think the bill they voted for is in your favor.

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Please don't be sorry Hala,

For a long time I felt no desire to even look into politics. My views were that both parties were entirely corrupt and that no matter who I voted for it wouldn't really matter so I might as well not vote as all (apathy). In retrospect I suspect that this was just another one of Satan's lies, a lie mixed with partial truth.

While I have no suggestions as to where to go regarding candidates and issues, I do have something very valuable to me none the less that I desire to share with you.

The author is H. Verlan Anderson and he is a very popular LDS Author. He wrote multiple books on the topic of moral government. I can honestly say that I can promise you that if you read it you will be glad of it. For myself, I not only was glad but rejoiced and felt to thank the Lord to have found them. Yes they're that good.

I even expect that should Hoosier take my challenge to read them he would come back and tell me that quite a few of his views have changed. What power right? =P

A downloadable collection of his works can be found here for free by permission from the copyright holder who is currently his son.



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