Anyone else sort of quit watching TV because it's boring?


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I'm more of an internet junkie myself. If I'm sitting on my butt - free of house chores and errands - I'm usually online doing something or watching something. That said, I love UFC and SPN but I do watch certain educational shows with my daughter throughout the day. Other than that, yeh, most of what's on TV is rubbish. We even got rid of Netflix! HA. Found it useless. We could never find new movies with them, all their so-called "new releases" were movies we'd already seen.. We won't use them again :]

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My husband and I love Netflix and Hulu. There just isn't any good scifi anymore, so that's what Netflix is for. Hulu is for Community, 30 Rock, Suburgatory, and Castle; mostly comedies and dramas. I know that I also enjoy Leverage and The Mentalist, but cable isn't worth it. My husband would spend all day watched Cartoon Network, and I can just feel my brain rotting when I watch that crap. I agree that many shows have become homogenized. They all seem to follow the same storyline with the same characters, and it is intensely boring.

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I rarely watch TV. When I do, it's mostly to watch something my wife has started watching (some Law & Order-type show, or Cold Case, or the one with the spy who was cut off and his 40-something girlfriend) or with the kids (cartoons like Fairly Oddparents or the new Avatar sequel). I will always watch BYU football games and General Conference, but other than that, I just get bored by TV. I used to watch The Ultimate Fighter, but the guys involved are so annoying and the show exudes such reality-TV gloppiness that I just don't find it worth my time any more. (Plus, watching guys try to beat each other to a pulp is highly entertaining but probably not what my spirit craves.)

A couple of years before I was born, TV was described as a vast wasteland. Even as TV writing has sharpened considerably, the shows themselves have become thematically ever more depraved and filled with spiritual sewage. So some combination of offense and boredom is at play here. I was raised on watching television literally hours per day, but I often go a week at a time wtihout watching it now.

Anyone else find themselves so utterly disgusted and/or bored with television that they don't watch much of it any more?

TV is background noise for when I'm on the computer..

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I rarely watch TV. When I do, it's mostly to watch something my wife has started watching (some Law & Order-type show, or Cold Case, or the one with the spy who was cut off and his 40-something girlfriend) or with the kids (cartoons like Fairly Oddparents or the new Avatar sequel). I will always watch BYU football games and General Conference, but other than that, I just get bored by TV. I used to watch The Ultimate Fighter, but the guys involved are so annoying and the show exudes such reality-TV gloppiness that I just don't find it worth my time any more. (Plus, watching guys try to beat each other to a pulp is highly entertaining but probably not what my spirit craves.)

A couple of years before I was born, TV was described as a vast wasteland. Even as TV writing has sharpened considerably, the shows themselves have become thematically ever more depraved and filled with spiritual sewage. So some combination of offense and boredom is at play here. I was raised on watching television literally hours per day, but I often go a week at a time wtihout watching it now.

Anyone else find themselves so utterly disgusted and/or bored with television that they don't watch much of it any more?

There's a lot of stullf on TV I do like, for instance:

Science and History documentaries (this always comes top of the list for me)

Sport - especially Soccar and Rugby. I could probably get into American Football if they showed more of it over here. Not so much tennis and cricket, and certainly not golf or snooker.

Classic British Comedy: Dad's Army, Fawlty Towers, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Only Fools and Horses, Father Ted (well OK - that's Irish), The Vicar of Dibley, Keeping Up Appearances...etc.

Classic US Comedy: The Phil Silvers Show, The Honeymooners, The Beverley Hillbillies, I Love Lucy, Happy Days, Batman (Adam West version), Frasier, Rosanne (the earlier episodes anyhow - she got boring later on) ...etc.

Classic British Drama: Upstairs Downstairs, Brideshead Revisited, I Claudius...Inspector Morse, The Sweeney, Judge John Deed, Hownblower (though the books are better).....etc....etc...etc

Classic US Drama: Little House on the Praire, The Waltons, The Twilight Zone....

Modern British Comedy: Oddly enough I've not watched much up-to-date British comedy for years - though I used to love Little Britain (with David Walliams and Matt Lucas) and Northern Lights (a very funny show with Robson Green and the guy who used to play the obnoxious bank manager in TV ads).

Modern US Comedy: I've not watched much up-to-date US comedy lately either - except for The Big Bang Theory, and I suppose The Simpsons - though that show isn't what it was. (I must confess to laughing at South Park too - but that's a very guilty pleasure).

Modern British Drama: I totally love Downton Abbey.

Modern US/Canadian Drama: I used to love watching Medium with Patricia Arquette (who is a totally awesome actress), and there's a detective show from Canada called Murdoch, about a detective in 19th Century Toronto.

I'll probably think of dozens more the moment I hit the submit button....

Oh yes - I quite like quiz shows like University Challenge and The Chase, and talent shows like X-Factor and American Idol are OK in moderation.

P.S. These are some of my TV pet hates, which I am nevertheless sometimes forced to watch:

Strictly Come Dancing/Dancing with the Stars

America's/Britain's/Australia's/Outer Mongolia's Next Top Model

The Biggest Loser

Extreme Makeover (Regular and Home Edition, and anything else of a similar nature)

Edited by Jamie123
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