Caffeine is okay!


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I can find that nowhere on their website. I find it strange that they didn't provide a link to back up their claim that it was posted.

But then again it is the SL Trib.

I think it's a dangerous story. Seeing an article like that and claiming the church is saying that..just lets people justify their addiction to soft drinks. Yes I say addiction because I am addicted to Mt. Dew. :)

Edited by pam
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I think they're talking about this link:

Church Newsroom Blog: Mormonism in the News: Getting It Right | August 29

Finally, another small correction: Despite what was reported, the Church revelation spelling out health practices (Doctrine and Covenants 89) does not mention the use of caffeine. The Church’s health guidelines prohibit alcoholic drinks, smoking or chewing of tobacco, and “hot drinks” — taught by Church leaders to refer specifically to tea and coffee. *

Down at the bottom of the page, it says:

* This posting has been updated since it was orginally published.

According to a guy on another message board, the original comment was:

Finally, another small correction: Despite what was reported, the Church does not prohibit the use of caffeine. The Church's health guidelines, known in our scriptures as "the Word of Wisdom" (Doctrine and Covenants 89), prohibits alcoholic drinks, smoking or chewing of tobacco and "hot drinks"-taught by Church leaders to refer specifically to tea and coffee. The restriction does not go beyond this.

Maybe y'all can make sense of it. I sure can't.

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Same old same old. The Church reiterates what it has taught forever -- that the Word of Wisdom "hot drinks" prohibition applies to coffee and tea, not to soda pop -- and the SL Tribulation decides it's a major doctrinal shift. Idiots.

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I can find that nowhere on their website. I find it strange that they didn't provide a link to back up their claim that it was posted.

But then again it is the SL Trib.

I think it's a dangerous story. Seeing an article like that and claiming the church is saying that..just lets people justify their addiction to soft drinks. Yes I say addiction because I am addicted to Mt. Dew. :)

Mt Dew? I am fully recovered from Mt Dew now. Took me 8 months!

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I have always questioned the "official" interpretation of "hot drinks" to mean tea & coffee.

ANY hot drin on regular basis, even hot chocolate, can lead to throat cancer. The reason is the "hot" is an irritant. Say you irritate the same thing (your throat) every day, maybe 2 or 3 times day, the risks of inffection &/or cancer greatly increases each time you rritate that specific spot.

Medical studies have shown that "hot drinks" regardless of the type of hot drink has a direct corrrelation to throat cancer.

Hence, the reason why I question the "official" interpretation that "hot drinks" means only tea & coffee.

As for caffine? I can get that in a pill, I don't need to drink my can of Dr Pepper every day! Heck, that cup of coffee isn't necessary either.

It all comes down to moderation in all things!

Alcohol, coffee, even caffine, all have their place. They all can and do serve medicinal purposes when used properly. The problem is, mankind with a little bit help from satan can not control their urges & keep going back for more.

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I think there's a huge difference between clarifying that caffeine does not specifically fall under the WoW and caffeinated drinks still be healthy. I still find the article ridiculous, and anyone who uses it as an excuse to be unhealthy is also being ridiculous.

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My husband used to drink caffeine to help his migraines, now he is going caffeine free, and it seems to be helping.

A friend & neighbor puts his coffe grounds to soak each night, in the morning he strains the grounds out & drinks the coffee ... cetainly not hot & it was "cold steeped" over night.

I've witnessed this & I know & I see where that cup of cold coffee each morning controls the pain and muscle spasms he experiences with his MS.

With the coffee he is able to function just as normal as can be until mid-afternoon. So 10 or 12 hours or so he is normal, then it's back to the arm-crutches or the wheelchair & the pain & the spasms.

A bishop once tried to deny him a Temple Reccomend. He explained it to the Bishop this way:

A fairly natural substance (coffee) ONCE a day provides great relief form pain & muscle spasms for several hours & allows for him to function as he did 15 years ago, "normally". It allows him to work & earn a living to care for himself to serve others.

A chemical man-made substance that comes out of a labratory taken SEVERAL times day provides some relief for a few hours though at best it leaves him feeling "strung out", "drugged", drowsy if not asleep.

Which is the better choice? (I believe that is a very valid question!)

He got his TR renewed & no bishop or SP has ever questioned it since.

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I think there's a huge difference between clarifying that caffeine does not specifically fall under the WoW and caffeinated drinks still be healthy. I still find the article ridiculous, and anyone who uses it as an excuse to be unhealthy is also being ridiculous.


Seriously, though, the Word of Wisdom is pretty darn clear - NO TEA OR COFFEE. Soda pop, candy bars and chocolate chip muffins are NOT included. But everything (that complies with the WOW) in moderation if you wish to maintain a balanced and healthier diet. Still, can we all just give this article a big fat eye roll!? :rolleyes:

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Agreed.Seriously, though, the Word of Wisdom is pretty darn clear - NO TEA OR COFFEE. QUOTE]

SHOW ME! Where in the Word of Wisdom does it say "No Tea or Coffee"?

It Doesn't! The interpretation of tea & coffee as being what is meant by "hot drinks" came from church leaders AFTER the W of W was put into practice.

So if one is trying to justify that caffine is okay because it is not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the W of W, well, Tea & Coffee are not mentioned in the W of W either!

There is, however, something in the W of W that says, "habit forming drinks" or maybe it says substances ......

Edited by Sharky
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There is, however, something in the W of W that says, "habit forming drinks" or maybe it says substances ......

I don't even think it says that...

D&C 89

5 That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him.

6 And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make.

7 And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies.

8 And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill.

9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.

It says you are suppose to make it yourselves. So...if you'd all like to come out to my backyard.....

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Agreed.Seriously, though, the Word of Wisdom is pretty darn clear - NO TEA OR COFFEE. QUOTE]

SHOW ME! Where in the Word of Wisdom does it say "No Tea or Coffee"?

It Doesn't! The interpretation of tea & coffee as being what is meant by "hot drinks" came from church leaders AFTER the W of W was put into practice.

So if one is trying to justify that caffine is okay because it is not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the W of W, well, Tea & Coffee are not mentioned in the W of W either!

There is, however, something in the W of W that says, "habit forming drinks" or maybe it says substances ......

Sharky, if you're going to quote me at least CLOSE THE QUOTE. :)

Coffee and tea has specifically been named by LDS leaders, therefore, those that choose to ignore that and partake anyway, are indeed violating the Word of Wisdom. It doesn't matter what was printed or stated in the past, we are currently advised AGAINST coffee and tea. In regards to "habit forming drinks", since other beverages are not specifically named, it is up to each individual to use common sense and ask of the Lord if they are in doubt.

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You are right Misshalfway.

I do think it is interesting though that it says tabbacco should be used "...with judgement and skill."

And refering to the "flesh" of "beasts and of fowls" that it is pleasing to God that "...they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine".

Hmmmm - seems a debate over caffine & if it is or is not against the W of W is a rather minor debate!

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Bini: I appologize with the error in failing to close the quote properly.

My point is that if you claim something comes from a specific scripture or doctorine, it should be there.

I too made an error.

A non-member reads the W of W & then hears someone say that the W of W is "clear" in saying no tea or coffee, then they begin to question the LDS Doctorine.

If it had been stated that the Tea or Coffe was specified by leaders since the W of W, then those investigating the church or those that are not members of the church trying to understand our doctorine can understand and see that we are not "adding" to or writing into the scripture but rather refering to later instructions of the Prophets.

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Yes. A minor debate.

I will share that I was in a fireside years ago that changed my spiritual feelings on this. I'm not one to fuss over caffeine, but this SP was saying that he had no authority or authorization to mandate the disuse of caffeine but that it was an addictive thing. He promised everyone that if they'd let it go, that the spirit would be poured out to them.

I'm not conveying this man's words well, but I do remember how the spirit felt inside me. It stopped me and gave me a testimony. I don't know if that was just an extra promise for our local group. It certainly isn't something I'd promise to everyone. But I don't know. Maybe I would. I haven't completely irradicated soda from my life, but I really avoid it and ask my kids to avoid it. And I have to say I feel more peaceful and I feel more access to the spirit.

So ..... I don't know. What do you think of that? Maybe caffeine shouldn't be included in the official WofW. We need to get to the temple. But it isn't good. So many are "attached" to soda. Maybe it's the caffeine. Maybe it's the sugar. Probably both. Maybe it's anxiety and needing something in your hand/mouth all the time. And....Maybe the most important thing is really living the WofW in it's broadest meanings rather than just avoiding "bad stuff". Maybe if we were better at what we put in our bodies and how we treated our bodies, then the spirit really would open to us in ways we haven't realized.

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Maybe the most important thing is really living the WofW in it's broadest meanings rather than just avoiding "bad stuff". Maybe if we were better at what we put in our bodies and how we treated our bodies, then the spirit really would open to us in ways we haven't realized.


If we really wanted to fuss over it, we could create a big ol' list of Yes and No food/drinks, demand it be ammended to the official church position on the WoW, and then update it every six months according to scientific research and popular fads.

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Thanks Misshalfway.

Vs 3 of Scetion 89, at the statrt of the W of W explains:

"Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all the saints, who are or can be called saints."

Vs 2 indicates that the W of W is the "...order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days"

Key words: Temporal Salvation & Adapted to the Capacity of the Weak

I know how I interpret those 2 rather simple verses.

In modern times we have seen & learned that all that sugar in soda is NOT good for ones waistline or vital organs. That meat is a health risk if consumed excessively. That "hot" fluid poured down ones throat reguarly results in damage to & even cancers of the throat.

To refer back to that verse: "... with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak...." & "...temporal salvation-"

I can see where the items mentioned in the W of W are those items of greatest risk to a sound mind and healthy body &/or hold the greatest addiction risks for the vast majority of persons.

I also wonder & can't help but ask ....

If the W of W was not "adapted for the capacity of the weak" what else would it say? How many pages would it read?

I am starting believe that the W of W is simply a scratch on the surface of a much bigger "law" or "principle".

While there is a "heavenly" promise for abiding by the W of W (see Sec 89:18-21), the W of W itself seems to me to be geared at the physical body & keeping that physical body & mind healthy & sound & able.

If our bodies are not healthy & sound & able then we can not aid in the furtherance of God's purpose.

Simply saying "it is okay, the W of W doesn't forbid it" does not necesarilly keep one's TEMPORAL body & mind healthy & sound & able.

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May I ask, can you drink cold coffee or tea, If it's caffeine free?

Just wondering . I like diet Mt Dew and don't think it is very good either.

I love my herbal tea! Come to my house and I'll make you a cup! I've got this one called "Bengal Blend". It is seriously enjoyable.

I do a little postum/pero here and there but usually on cold and snowy days where all I want to wear is big soft sweaters and my favorite wool socks.

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