31 Years Old is not "Midlife" for a man! RANT!


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Okay... It's Sunday and I'm not going to church today? Why?

Because I've moved to a new town and left my old town where I was still welcome in a singles ward and dating a girl that was younger than me. All my friends were in their late twenties and I felt like I was apart of something where age doesn't really matter.

I know about the age restrictions with singles wards. I just turned 31 and I'm not returning to any singles ward based on the fact that I'm 31. I also don't feel inclined to go to a family ward because I'm still single and dating and don't want to go to a "midlife" singles ward because I date girls that are younger than me. I've had the most luck and a few relationships where the girl was around 5 years younger.

So I'm 31 but only in Utah is this considered midlife. And I think it's jacked-up that they have a cut-off age of 31! So am I a little perturbed? Sure am!

Am I still dating a girl that's younger than me? Yeah, even though our relationship has been separated by distance. Think about it though... in my shoes for a second.

Where does this all put me!? In no-mans-land! :/

Edited by bristleconesky
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Since when was 30+ midlife?

Can I please go back to 30. I liked 30. I liked 26 better, but the first have of 30 was great!

Its good to rant and then put it away, go to church in the ward you're suppose to go to and don't go with anger or resentment. Let the spirit tell you why you're there. Who knows? You just might find the girl of your dreams. :D

Edited by applepansy
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By the way, Midsingles does not refer to "mid life" people. It's talking about singles who are older than Young Single Adults and younger than older singles. And it's a much better term than "Special Interest" as the church used to call people older than YSA age.

Before they had Midsingles, it was not unusual being at an activity that had 31 y/o people interacting with 70 y/o people. Due to the growing number of singles in the church who are out of the YSA ages, the church is beginning to form groups of Midsingles (typically between the ages of 28-49--each region varies slightly on the age group of the Midsingles).

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I know a couple of others who turned 31 and were very upset to be out of singles ward. They felt that they had failed and now were put on the shelf forever. They felt insulted and stabbed in the back.

I can understand being upset but is it worth denying yourself church activity? The ladies are not going to be impressed at your becoming inactive over it. Not the ones you would want to marry in the church. So why dont you just ask the girl to marry you and then you wont have to be concerned any more about it?

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Well, it's like any other transition--it's difficult. Going from YW to RS, going from a family ward to student ward, or leaving YSA--all difficult to deal with.

I can tell you from experience that it is a difficult thing to be a member of this church as a single member. And I feel especially bad for the men. They are the ones who get beaten down the most about being single.

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Yeah...but when you get married all your troubles will go away. :::cough:::

Urr, uh...so how long have you been married now? What? No bun in the oven...you know you got started kinda late, and have some catching up to do. :::wink wink:::

Not that I'm speaking from experience, or anything...

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So what would be the appropriate age for SA to move to family wards? When I was 18 in a student ward, I had a 30-something-year-old after me (before they made the guideline). I didn't like it.

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My son came to church with me on Mother's Day. We are in a university town and many of the people in the ward are in their 30's, but already established. Son is 35, single, looking, and wouldn't mind a Mormon girl.

Anyway, everyone was very friendly, but you should seen the faces when he said he was 35 and no, he wasn't married and didn't have any children. My ward friends generally have 3-5 children and are 30-35 yrs old.

Because he's a grad student, he thought he could go to the YSA and the elders tried to hook him up with some activities, but he's 35 and it didn't work out. : ( I met a really cute sister of a friend's husband, I immediately thought I might try some matchmaking, but she's already engaged with a wedding this winter! Seems like you gotta catch these Mormon girls young.

I don't know if he would meet many girls in my ward. Most of the girls in their 20's are away at school. So, I hear you, OP. It's not easy.

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31 is a good age to ditch a singles ward that starts with a lot younger people. It's like not wanting to graduate highschool because there are plenty of cute girls. Sure, you could always go back and creep on some, but I say you embrace moving to a mid-singles ward and maybe you will find a 31 year old woman that is just right for you.

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As a convert myself - I didn't know there was any such thing as a singles ward until I was already engaged.

No one ever told me and our stake covered parts of 2 states.

It was a 2 hour drive to the Stake Center and only a 30 minute drive to my Ward

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What do you think goes on? If they aren't interested, they should say so and move on. the end. besides it wont last long. he will be asked to leave. Attractive young women get hit on in the general population and there are no dividers for age. they can deflect really old guys as easily as a 31 year old. 20 something dating a 30 something isn't creepy. That varies based on the person. The real problem is when the 31 year old has some significant baggage they are trying to bring to a relationship with someone relatively young who has significantly less life experience.

I'm not disagreeing with the 30 year old rule as a divider. It is put there to negate the possibility of what I just mentioned, however I would still go until I got asked to leave.

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