Polygamy: Not just for Mormons anymore?


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Just for clarification, "polyamory" is not the same thing as "polygamy". Polyamory involves more than one intimate relationship (if one can call it that) but does not require marriage to more than one. It's basically a philosophy that allows one to give into lust and to cheat on their spouse while feeling good about themselves. The only rule is that it is consentual between those participating and they believe that this one rule makes it a moral act. This line of thought, of course, is a complete fallacy. If two adults consent to having an affair with each other, that consent does not mitigate the sin, it just means they agreed to sin with each other.

Edited by StephenVH
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I want a polygamous marriage with two wives, a dog, and three cats....but only if the dog consents to it.

What, you don't think the cats have the right to consent? Do we have to form a cat sexual rights advocacy group?


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I want a polygamous marriage with two wives, a dog, and three cats....but only if the dog consents to it.

Why are you not counting the dog and three cats as among your wives, are they somehow, lesser than your human ones?

OUTRAGE, I'm calling PETA right now!!!!!!!!

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LOL... I just think the title is funny.

Ya know... Since the LDS church banned polygamy generations ago... And Ive lived in countries where 4 wives are legal, and travelled through places with polyandry & polygyny both legal & spiritually sanctioned, or one or the other. Not to mention marriage+formally recognized concubines, contractual marriage, sworn virgins (Albania mostly), etc.

People & our relationships are just fascinating.

But then, Im an anthropologist.

Aka rabidly biased.

But the one thing that media keeps forgetting is that 1m+1f is reeeeeeally new, and hardly universal. Most cultures have several different forms of legally recognized or spiritually sanctioned marriage.

I swear. Every generation thinks it invented sex.


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One thing to consider is that it's possible that when polygamy was practiced, some of the wives might have had relationships with each other.

That kind of claim needs backup. I have never heard anyone even suggest such a ridiculous thing.

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One thing to consider is that it's possible that when polygamy was practiced, some of the wives might have had relationships with each other.

It's fairly common in the MiddleEast.

In no small part because first wives (in nearly all cases) get veto power over prospective wives.

Or as it was told to me

"Only a fool married without his wives' approval."

In most families, prospective brides are brought home for "inspection" before any serious dating or arrangements are made.

Which means, in my experience, that lesbian/bisexual women tend to not approve of straight prospects and vice versa.

Something often misunderstood about MEast culture is that women DOMINATE the home. Men have power outside the home, but virtually now power inside it. And the power outside the home is variable. Because he then has to come home & explain himself to his grandmother, mother, & his wives. Some of the most powerful men, are actually made that way due to the political genius of his own private think tank at home.

But yeah... So self selecting groups... Get interesting.

But like minded individuals usually find each other.

So, based off of current norms, I would suspect the same model applies.

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One thing to consider is that it's possible that when polygamy was practiced, some of the wives might have had relationships with each other.

One thing to consider is that ADoyle picks her nose, wipes her finger on the car window and then licks it off. I mean, it's possible.

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What, you don't think the cats have the right to consent? Do we have to form a cat sexual rights advocacy group?


Cats have no rights, expect apparently to meow as loudly as they can any time they want to for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I mean what more can they possibly be asking for? They get food. They get water. They get more love from my wife than they rightly deserve. Do they really need to be legitimized further? ;) Heheh

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It's fairly common in the MiddleEast.

I understood ADoyle's comment about "relationship" to imply sexual involvement, something that would never even have been mentioned in polite society two generations ago. I seriously doubt lesbian relationships between polygamous wives are common in the Middle East.

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I understood ADoyle's comment about "relationship" to imply sexual involvement, something that would never even have been mentioned in polite society two generations ago. I seriously doubt lesbian relationships between polygamous wives are common in the Middle East.

Obviously, I haven't been everywhere/met everyone, and I have no idea if any studies have been done... But its about as common as it is here in my experience & observation, which is what I meant by fairly common. Id say, rough estimate, 1:10 families I knew.

Its not like they're snogging in the street, and there's a HUGE homophobia thing surrounding men... But women are much more tolerated (or even encouraged) by many men. Even still, while women can go anywhere in the house, men are not allowed in the women's quarters without explicit invitation (including husbands). Its private/sacrosanct/just not done. So even if ones husband didn't approve or encourage, and many do, there is a great deal of privacy in most households.

As a westerner, I had to be given a lot of "super basics" by my friends/family. One of those was how to recognize & be discreet about women's quarters conversations & activities. ESP in families where wives were 'special friends'. There's an awful lot of "don't ask don't tell" behind closed doors.

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That kind of claim needs backup. I have never heard anyone even suggest such a ridiculous thing.

Hi Eowyn, I think we can find claims of any kind in Church history. The thing is that most of the sources with regards to this particular topic are dubious but for those interested they can search a bit about May Anderson and Louie B. Felt as an example (I can provide other names as well). But AGAIN, there is NO factual evidence but just pure speculation and personal interpretation of these relationships. Personally, I do not believe in these claims, they are very weak.

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