What’s the last movie you watched?


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The Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box - via Netlix

This was a good family film. You don't often see movies where you see the adventure based around a brother saving a brother. 

Good mystery and adventure. 

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Edge of Tomorrow.  The first battle scene was too intense for the boys... it's like a sci-fi version of Saving Private Ryan... after that, we all relaxed and enjoyed the rest of it.  We had a long talk after the movie though because the kids were just not comfortable with it.  I read the kinds-in-mind entry of this thing and I thought it was just fine for the kids (lots of people die in X-Men too)... I was wrong.  I 'm not sure how this is different from X-Men but I did tell them that when they feel this way, they shouldn't feel like they have to sit in the theater or feel embarassed about thinking it's too much - they can walk out of the theater anytime.

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Monuments Men.


I was really excited to see this one, but I wasn't too impressed when I actually sat down to see it. The story, based on a true story, was interesting but it was just poorly executed, I thought. Very slow paced. I think DH fell asleep part way through and only woke up to take a potty break. Still, good cast, acting was pretty good but no surprise because they threw in a bunch of A-lister actors. Just a bit, bleh, boring.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty


My husband liked it, but it was just okay for me. I was confused with the deliverance of the movie. Was it a comedy? Or was it a drama? Or was it both? It felt like the director (was it Stiller?) couldn't decide, and as a result, the flow of things felt terribly off. Also, I didn't think the ending was as fantastic as everyone on Facebook raved it to be. It was just, meh, okay. In the end, I wouldn't recommend it, not really.

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I actually really enjoyed this one, and opposite Apple, I heard a lot of downers about it. When I watched it, I actually got close to tearing up a few times, there were just parts that I could emotionally relate to. A friend of mine said Angelina Jolie felt awkward in some scenes, and there might have been a couple of those, but I think I can pinpoint why. In my mind, Jolie is typically considered a strong woman, a sex symbol, no-nonsense type, so whenever you see her weep tears or show sympathy in any degree, it can be hard to really grasp. Overall, I felt she did a nice job on it.


I'd recommend it - I did for my own mum - I'd recommend it if you have kids. If you don't like Jolie to begin with - might want to take a hike instead - cos the movie revolves around here.

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McAvoy is fast becoming one of my super short list of favorite actors (which is interesting that Fassbender is on that list too - and they're both on X-Men).  Ricci is, of course, as good as she always is... but even better in this movie because it's not her usual, I'm the monster... GROWL... role... but I'm a monster but I'm really hoping I'm not... and she was very effective at portraying that.


It's a light movie - not very emotional and not very funny.  Just mediocre on both counts... plus, I'm not easily moved (I didn't need tissues for Fault in Our Stars even) but, I can't believe I had to grab a tissue when McAvoy kissed Ricci! 

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Fault in Our Stars

It was good but, I don't know... it was just missing something for me.  Elgort and Woodley has such a great chemistry!  Woodley is so very natural and cute in this difficult role and Elgort was just the perfect charming guy... But when they did their pre-funeral eulogy, I was just... ugh.  Eyes-sick is awesome in his role too.  My favorite scene is the trophy-smashing scene... which is an awkward scene between Elgort and Woodley but Isaac simply made it work...

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Anatess, that one doesn't appeal to me. Not enough to watch it on big screen. RedBox I can justify it. I'm thinking that the leading lady and leading man roled together in Divergent, didn't they? That was just okay for me.

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I actually really enjoyed this one, and opposite Apple, I heard a lot of downers about it. When I watched it, I actually got close to tearing up a few times, there were just parts that I could emotionally relate to. A friend of mine said Angelina Jolie felt awkward in some scenes, and there might have been a couple of those, but I think I can pinpoint why. In my mind, Jolie is typically considered a strong woman, a sex symbol, no-nonsense type, so whenever you see her weep tears or show sympathy in any degree, it can be hard to really grasp. Overall, I felt she did a nice job on it.


I'd recommend it - I did for my own mum - I'd recommend it if you have kids. If you don't like Jolie to begin with - might want to take a hike instead - cos the movie revolves around here.


I haven't seen the movie yet so I can't comment. But I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about her thoughts on the movie. She said she didn't recommend it for younger children. She felt uncomfortable for her young grandchildren to be watching a movie where a female is getting hit etc.

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