Does anyone else see the irony here?


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US President Barack Obama calls NBA star who revealed he was gay | NBA - News | what's the big deal? Our POTUS called this guy to congratulate him. In the POTUS's news conference this morning he said yes, he had talked this wonderful young man and that he hopes that we will judge people on their value and their accomplishments rather than their sexual orientation. So WHY is the president making a big deal about his sexual orientation? Why not focus on his basketball skills and charitable heart ( if he has one) rather than congratulating him on coming out? :rolleyes:

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I don't think this is a big deal. So what? I don't see anything distasteful about someone congratulating another on gaining the courage to come out and address a topic that is highly controversial - that takes guts - especially in the sports arena. I know that there's a couple MMA fighters that have been speculated being gay but haven't confirmed the speculations. In the end, unfortunately, this is just another topic that makes waves when instead it should be left on a positive note.

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I don't think this is a big deal. So what? I don't see anything distasteful about someone congratulating another on gaining the courage to come out and address a topic that is highly controversial - that takes guts - especially in the sports arena. I know that there's a couple MMA fighters that have been speculated being gay but haven't confirmed the speculations. In the end, unfortunately, this is just another topic that makes waves when instead it should be left on a positive note.

It's purely a calculated ploy, Bini. It takes exactly zero "courage" to announce that you are a sexual deviant, unless your sexual deviancy involves children rather than those of the same sex. Homosexuality and homosex are all the rage, and announcing that you're into that sort of thing is the surest way to get pats on the back from the media. "Coming out" twenty years ago? Arguably courageous. "Coming out" today? Purely a business and marketing decision.

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I don't think this is a big deal. So what? I don't see anything distasteful about someone congratulating another on gaining the courage to come out and address a topic that is highly controversial - that takes guts - especially in the sports arena. I know that there's a couple MMA fighters that have been speculated being gay but haven't confirmed the speculations. In the end, unfortunately, this is just another topic that makes waves when instead it should be left on a positive note.

If you're a gay MMA fighter you're going to be out of the game. There is a reason males don't share lockers and restrooms with females.

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I don't think this is a big deal. So what? I don't see anything distasteful about someone congratulating another on gaining the courage to come out and address a topic that is highly controversial - that takes guts - especially in the sports arena. I know that there's a couple MMA fighters that have been speculated being gay but haven't confirmed the speculations. In the end, unfortunately, this is just another topic that makes waves when instead it should be left on a positive note.

So I firmly beleive that we may say too often "doesnt the president have anything better to do?" But really, doesnt he? The president called an NBA player to congratulate him on coming out? I understand when the president visits a disaster zone or calls a wounded vet. In my opinion it can create solidarity. But this? Would the president have called him if he donated every last penny to charity? I doubt it. It is solely a political move for his party. This is what trends on twitter and they know it.

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I don't care if he's gay, transvestite, likes sex in the kitchen with whipped cream on top, etc, etc. And I don't think the president of the united states has any business commentating on it. Can you imagine Bush or ANY previous president for that matter making a public statement about a Black NBA player's sexual preference in a press conference??? Completely not worthy of our time or interest as a nation. If he is being paid to play in the NBA the ONLY thing the public should be concerned about is his ability to play basketball.

Again the irony of the president stating in a public live national press conference that we shouldn't be judging someone by their sexual oriention but by their he highlights this wonderful young man who he personally called and congratulated in regards to his sexual orientation and letting us all know ( oh how we so wanted to know!! [sarcasm if you didn't catch it]) and then that call was made known to the public and the media. Did we really need to know that?

This is reminiscent of Gov Brown of CA signing into law that certain historical figures gayness needs to be recognized in textbooks.

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It's purely a calculated ploy, Bini. It takes exactly zero "courage" to announce that you are a sexual deviant, unless your sexual deviancy involves children rather than those of the same sex. Homosexuality and homosex are all the rage, and announcing that you're into that sort of thing is the surest way to get pats on the back from the media. "Coming out" twenty years ago? Arguably courageous. "Coming out" today? Purely a business and marketing decision.

I actually think it takes a ton of courage and I'm glad I' don't have to do it. But I don't think anyone should feel compelled to make it public to the nation and the world because frankly- most of us don't want to know.

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I actually think it takes a ton of courage and I'm glad I' don't have to do it.

Then you are mistaken. Jason Collins is a mediocre NBA center, four inches (!!) shorter than his listed height of seven feet, who is at the tail end of an unproductive career. He has wandered through his career without note, going from team to team, making huge sums of money (as all NBA players do) without accomplishing much of anything.

And now that his career is winding down at age 34, what does he do? Why, he announces that he prefers sex with men! And why would he ever possibly announce such a thing, if not to further the noble cause of Men-Who-Prefer-Sex-With-Other-Men? Well, just maybe, in hopes that he can snag a seven-figure endorsement for his sexual proclivities.

Many Latter-day Saints, even on this list, seem to forget or ignore the fact that homosexual practice is a grave and soul-destroying evil. But this is not even about the evil of homosexual practice. This is about making some dollars off of one's preference for homosex. By any reasonable measure, it is a completely cynical cashing-in of an NBA has-been (or never-really-was).

Seriously, if not for his announcement that he prefers to have sex with males, would anyone on this list even know who Jason Collins was? I doubt there would be even half a dozen who would.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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To paraphrase a caller on Limbaugh today:

Where was the President's congratulatory phone call when Tiger Woods' orientation was "outed" as being a serial philanderer?

Or, to paraphrase Limbaugh himself: The President has now made one more phone call on this matter, than he did while the consulate in Benghazi was under seige.

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I'm going to play Devil's advocate on this one. If I'm POTUS, and an early-20s starlet comes out and says, "I'm still a virgin, and I plan to protect my purity, so I can give it to my future husband," I'm giving her a call, inviting her to the White House, and then I'm doing a joint meet and greet with her at the next Girl Scout Jamboree (or some similar event that will positively influence young women).

Our President has chosen to play for the other side.

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I love Vort and PC. Their to-the-heart-of-the-matter views are refreshing. If I was POTUS I'd hold a press conference and make a show of calling both of you.

That's sweet of you, but your show would get canceled in the first week if you used me as a caller -- at least, if I responded as I sometimes do here. Add selek to your call list, though. He's blunt enough to provide great entertainment.

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Add selek to your call list, though. He's blunt enough to provide great entertainment.

I suspect the FCC and several organizations dedicated to viewpoint censorship would have a series of strokes and coronaries.

That might be one way of thinning their ranks and payrolls, but it strikes me as a bit extreme.

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Back to the original topic (ahem). Taking as much of a Christ-like attitude as I can toward this NBA player as well as our president...If I were a close friend of the athlete, I would have discouraged him from jumping into the media spotlight because I honestly don't think anything good can come of it. And I do believe Pres. Obama has genuine compassion for the guy, but I don't think he was really thinking of what was best for him by publicizing his support.

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Maybe it's because I live in Los Angeles and having worked with plenty of gay people that I'm curious how is it that "coming out of the closet" is treated as a marvelous event and not an offensive, demeaning practice. But then, I'm not wholly educated as to all the political, family and social issues the gay person has to deal with.

Veganism, that I would have an issue with because that's a choice.

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I don't think this is a big deal. So what? I don't see anything distasteful about someone congratulating another on gaining the courage to come out and address a topic that is highly controversial - that takes guts - especially in the sports arena. I know that there's a couple MMA fighters that have been speculated being gay but haven't confirmed the speculations. In the end, unfortunately, this is just another topic that makes waves when instead it should be left on a positive note.

Then Obama needs to be fair and place a personal phone call to every American who is "coming out." :D

The issue isn't that POTUS called the guy. The issue is he is deflecting attention away from something else. Give it time, we'll soon find out what he's trying to hide. Probably another executive order.

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I'm pretty sure Dennis Rodman already came out a decade ago.

But I do find it offensive that our President only takes personal time to interact with people who will make him look better. He is the most shallow leader I know of (including foreign dictators).

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I'm pretty sure Dennis Rodman already came out a decade ago.

But I do find it offensive that our President only takes personal time to interact with people who will make him look better. He is the most shallow leader I know of (including foreign dictators).

And Magic Johnson......kind of

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