Are more people leaving the church than joining?


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If by leaving the church we're talking about name removal, I doubt that this is going on in large numbers.

Inactivity is a large problem. But it is in any organization. I have been in leadership roles in other "volunteer" organizations, and can say that the 20-80 rule is in full force and effect. The church is no different, although in general, considering the types of oaths and vows taken it should be. I've also been in leadership in the church, and can say that the vast majority of so called inactives will readily, easily, and even proudly affirm that they are Mormons. In general they like the church. Just like the other volunteer organization inactives do.

Having been abroad, I would venture to say that the vast majority of hard core inactives are in foreign countries where the church infrastructure and leaderships capabilities are not as strong as here in the US.

It's interesting to note that when I went on my mission there were 20k missionaries and 2million members of the church.

There are now over 14 million members of the church but only around 60k missionaries.

Based on sheer "growth" of the church it would seem that it should be able to send a proportionate share of missionauies in the field. Obviously, this is not the case, hence the concern in Salt Lake.:mellow:

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Here are the stats on the top 10 denominations.

1. The Catholic Church: 68.5 million, up 0.57%

2. Southern Baptist Convention: 16.1 million, down .42%

3. The United Methodist Church: 7.8 million, down 1%

4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon): 6 million, up 1.42%

5. The Church of God in Christ: 5.5 million, no membership updates reported

6. National Baptist Convention, USA: 5 million, no membership updates reported

7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: 4.5 million, down 1.96%

8. National Baptist Convention of America: 3.5 million, no membership updates reported

9. Assemblies of God: 2.9 million, up .52%

10. Presbyterian Church (USA): 2.7 million, down 2.61%

Of the numbers we have, Mormons are growing the most, and many of the others are shrinking.

And if we stretch those rates out for years afterward -- a technique that all statisticians everywhere will universally decry as false and abusive, right before they apply it -- we find that the LDS Church overtakes the Methodists in only eleven years to become the third-largest denomination. It takes another 43 years after that to catch the Southern Baptists. We inexorably approach the Catholic Church, but given that they top a billion US members in Year 67 while we are hardly more than a sixth of that, it's gonna take a while to catch them. Darn those high Catholic fertility rates.

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Well being raised a Catholic and growing up in the church even getting confirmed, I also live in the Northeast the highest population of Catholics and I can tell you most people around here claim to be Catholic but never practice. We know a ton of families who get their kids baptized and then never go to Church after, it's kind of weird. And when I say never, I mean literally

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I'm convinced that if we want to accurately look at church growth trends, seeing the global picture is more useful. According to World Religions Religion Statistics Geography Church Statistics the largest religious denominations are as follows:

Top 10 Largest Highly International Religious Bodies

These are religious bodies in which at least 30% of their world membership live outside the "core country" (country with the largest number of members).

Religious BodyNumber of Adherents

Catholic Church 1,100,000,000

Sunni Islam 875,000,000

Eastern Orthodox Church 225,000,000

Anglican Communion* 77,000,000

Assemblies of God 50,000,000

Seventh-day Adventists 16,811,519

Jehovah's Witnesses 16,500,000

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 12,275,822

New Apostolic Church 10,260,000

Ahmadiyya 10,000,000

Bahai World Faith6,000,000

Edited by prisonchaplain
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Our local area presidency told us recently that in our area only 1 out of 10 boys who graduate from primary will receive the Melchizedek priesthood. I'm assuming this was based on some statistical report for Asia- pacific. That's pretty alarming no matter how you look at it. I know on my mission the ward members list was 1-6 that 1 active to 6 not active. So when the church saids we have 14.6m members I think, How many of them are active? Out of the active, how many pay a full tithe, attend the priesthood/ relief society meetings and hold a current temple recommend? There was a time when you would leave the 99 to go and rescue the 1, theses days we seem to leave the 1 to go and rescue the 99

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No... thank you.

By the way, I found an official source and planted in the post. It's enough to say that the church knows inactivity is significant enough that it presents approaches that are refreshingly Spirit-driven to counter the problem: Ironically, the article is nearly 40 years old. Then again, that Prodigal Son story is nearly 2000 years old.

That explains why Selek said the official LDS website was akin to Westboro Baptist Churchlike tactics. I was seriously confused.

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I have been in our Ward since 2001 at the time our average attendance was around 96. Now our average attendance is 110. That is a growth rate of 14 people in 12 years. Our average baptism rate has been as low as 4 yr and as high as 18. The best guess I have is we have baptized 80 people in 12 years.

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people dont stay because most often out of interhuman relationship reasons. bad leadership in the branches and wards is one big main factor and so is also an uninspiring environment. seen it all and been there. got burned myself for trying to make a difference. currently I, myself am considering to leave because people keep me away from the temple by preventing me to obtain a temple recommend

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It is important to remember that the Lord's plan is perfect but his perfect church is operated by imperfect people and that in the long run his plan will work but at times we hit pot holes, road bumps and construction work.

People have Offended me, annoyed me, done or said stupid things. Taught incorrect doctrine, showed poor leadership etc.

BUT I am in the church for personal salvation and I refuse to allow what I consider a poor leader or even members to keep me from the gospel and salvation.

Most people do leave the church after being offended. This will offend some people but that is the stupidest reason I can think of to leave the gospel. You offended me so there fore I will deny myself salvation to get even.......

Worst part of it is that most of those who offend don't even realize they have done so. As a former mission leader when a new convert was offended they would mostly come to me about it and every case I looked into it was simply a misunderstanding.

To artictofu if someone in the ward is keeping you from the temple and you are worthy of one go see the Stake or even area leadership about it. if you still don't get satisfaction then still stay the course if you are worthy and being denied then the Lord will correct the error in his time.

To anyone thinking of leaving activity due to frustration in the church the same advice goes, stay the course, trust in the Lord and be as active and helpful especially to new members as you can. The Lord will bless you for it.

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that was very highhanded and quite self righteous. no offense but being a member for four years I got only crap and abuse from within the the church but never from without. and I follow faithfully but not blindly and if the stake is the source of the problem it´s not going to hcange over a forseeable future if I just leave it be.

at some point you are just fed up. so dont talk about how to look away and endure. people dont open their mouths enough if something is not right and that is why bad leadership always gets away with the things they do

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that was very highhanded and quite self righteous.

How was what he said highhanded and self righteous? I saw nothing of the sort in the post. In fact I thought it a very useful post.

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really pam ? since when are platitudes useful ? I dont mean to argue but one way or another, you start wondering if there is a central distribution centre for it.

in any case, so he says his thing is going well, good for him. but it ain´t for me and I am honestly beginning to wonder if it would not be best to stay away from the nonsense because people twist and turn the teachings to make other people miserable , especially who mean well and who serve truthfully

Edited by ArcticTofu
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really pam ? since when are platitudes useful ? I dont mean to argue but one way or another, you start wondering if there is a central distribution centre for it.

in any case, so he says his thing is going well, good for him. but it ain´t for me and I am honestly beginning to wonder if it would not be best to stay away from the nonsense because people twist and turn the teachings to make other people miserable , especially who mean well and who serve truthfully

Okay so it isn't for you. But just because it isn't for you doesn't make his post highhanded or self righteous.

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well it just sounded to me that way because in a way it sounded like : " suck it up , if you leave you are dumb"

at least I perceived it so

Perhaps you perceive it so because your mind is already made up that it's just the way it is and there is nothing that can be done about it. All he was doing was giving some worthwhile advice. You can take the advice or not.

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really pam ? since when are platitudes useful ? I dont mean to argue but one way or another, you start wondering if there is a central distribution centre for it.

in any case, so he says his thing is going well, good for him. but it ain´t for me and I am honestly beginning to wonder if it would not be best to stay away from the nonsense because people twist and turn the teachings to make other people miserable , especially who mean well and who serve truthfully

Maybe things are going well for him because of his positive attitude and his focus on the gospel instead of on people.

Other people can only make you miserable if you allow them to.

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It's often more helpful to study the Gospel and serve where we can and reach out ourselves, than to look for where people fall short and go reading/listening to people on blogs and podcasts that try to "help" disgruntled members.

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easy for you to say, how often do you smile everytime you get a blow in your face with a sledgehammer ?

I dont like being negative but out of 4 years membership I have yet to see something that was not consistent of grief for me. there is not much positive left

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disgruntled , negative, cynical, offended... usually the words that are used to negate legitimate grief. if you deny me that now, you dont need to be surprised that people turn away from the church because you dont accept that htey are genuinely not happy and that there are things amiss

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easy for you to say, how often do you smile everytime you get a blow in your face with a sledgehammer ?

I dont like being negative but out of 4 years membership I have yet to see something that was not consistent of grief for me. there is not much positive left

If you are looking for negativity, then that is what you will find.

I find it VERY hard to believe that nothing positive has happened in four years.

Stop playing the victim, focus on the positive, do those things that Heavenly Father would have you to do.

I've survived many a blow over the last several years. We are here to be tested. Other people's behavior doesn't change the truth of the gospel.

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