The Man Cave in Church Buildings.


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Some of the new designed meeting houses are pretty fancy these days. I was wondering if the church will ever design a purpose built mans room. A place where the chill factor is greater than the doctrine. A place where men can go and cry on each others shoulder, a place where we can watch re runs of General conference on a plasma tv.

Maybe even a mini fridge with some lemon lime and bitters on stock so we can sit around and share success stories about our manliness. I'm wondering what others would feel is beneficial and appropriate for the Man's Room.

Edited by Drpepper
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A man's room dedicated to the cultural concept of 'manliness/machismo' is a waste in my mind. A room where God's ideas of the purposes, duties, responsibilities, and joys of being man in Christ are taught and discussed is a good idea. Of course we have those, they're just not dedicated rooms, they're wherever the priesthood quorums of the Church meet.

Edited by Dravin
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Some of the new designed meeting houses are pretty fancy these days. I was wondering if the church will ever design a purpose built mans room. A place where the chill factor is greater than the doctrine. A place where men can go and cry on each others shoulder, a place where we can watch re runs of General conference on a plasma tv.

Maybe even a mini fridge with some lemon lime and bitters on stock so we can sit around and share success stories about our manlyness. I'm wondering what others would feel is beneficial and appropriate for the Man's Room.

Except that all the men would just fall asleep. ^_^

But...if it had a baby changing table, I could get behind it.

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An MMA ring.

My man just asked me if he can put mats and net in our upstairs room. I was about to say, it's your room, until I realized he'll have to move the kids' battle table downstairs... okay, I realize that battle tables don't really belong in the man-cave. But, we don't have a kid-cave and my kids are about to be young men so would have a claim in the man-cave.

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Someone on a different board was having a big huge (and totally understandable from my pov) problem with some upgraded 'features' of her ward building. There were many "LEV only" parking spaces, outnumbering the handicapped spaces, and taking up all the prime spots. I remember her comment:

"The next person that calls me to borrow my pickup truck for a move, is going to get an earful. Good luck cramming that couch in your Prius."

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I donno if I'd be welcome in one of those... what with the pink scarf and ball jointed dolls (it looked more purple when I had it made... it is what it is)

manliness was never an idea I really understood, unless I watch Fist of the North Star...makes me wish excersizing to look like that didn't take years

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Someone on a different board was having a big huge (and totally understandable from my pov) problem with some upgraded 'features' of her ward building. There were many "LEV only" parking spaces, outnumbering the handicapped spaces, and taking up all the prime spots. I remember her comment:

"The next person that calls me to borrow my pickup truck for a move, is going to get an earful. Good luck cramming that couch in your Prius."

What's "LEV"?

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I remember as a kid when I found out the women's restroom had a couch, I was like, no fair!!!

The women's restroom had a couch? Man where have I been?

Oh wait..I remember now. That's when the buildings were built with kind of a foyer area before going into the stall area. That was years ago.

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Maybe it's just the convert in me, but a man cave without Scotch and cigars just wouldn't feel right.

Sort of like one reason I don't take a certain woman to dinner anymore; I can ignore her low-cut top and short shorts, but her big glass of iced tea in August in Texas is just too much.

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Maybe it's just the convert in me, but a man cave without Scotch and cigars just wouldn't feel right.

Sort of like one reason I don't take a certain woman to dinner anymore; I can ignore her low-cut top and short shorts, but her big glass of iced tea in August in Texas is just too much.

A man cave isn't the same as a Gentlemen's Lounge.

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There were many "LEV only" parking spaces, outnumbering the handicapped spaces, and taking up all the prime spots. I remember her comment:

"The next person that calls me to borrow my pickup truck for a move, is going to get an earful. Good luck cramming that couch in your Prius."

I had to look up 'LEV.' Man, I wanna use a curse word so bad here....:mad: I hate these holier than thou eco communists. You gotta green car? Park it at the far end of the lot and walk. Better yet, walk or bike to church and leave the car at home. Arrrghhh... we call them 'watermelons' - green on the outside, red on the inside. Always willing to tell others how they should live...

We don't seem to have anything special in our ward. Personally, the same way they have a room for the Spanish speakers when we have a stake meeting, I'd like a room for adults, no children allowed. Shoot me.

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What's "LEV"?

LEV ... Some thoughts.

- Lowly Emotiinal Visitor

- Ladies Eating Victuals

- Low Evil Vile

- Loves Erasing Varmints (shotgun must be displayed in truck on gun rack)

Huh. Low Emission Vehicle

Mmmm... If one carried a garden hose, snugged it on the tailpipe, and fed it through the window after parking... Would that be in bad taste?

Q stands for quirky mood tonight.

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Some of the new designed meeting houses are pretty fancy these days. I was wondering if the church will ever design a purpose built mans room. A place where the chill factor is greater than the doctrine. A place where men can go and cry on each others shoulder, a place where we can watch re runs of General conference on a plasma tv.

Maybe even a mini fridge with some lemon lime and bitters on stock so we can sit around and share success stories about our manliness. I'm wondering what others would feel is beneficial and appropriate for the Man's Room.

Stunning idea.

We'll just substitute "Nursing Room" on the door, and then it'll be perfect. :D

Dot worry. We'll talk about your manliness almost nonstop.


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LEV ... Some thoughts.

- Lowly Emotiinal Visitor

- Ladies Eating Victuals

- Low Evil Vile

- Loves Erasing Varmints (shotgun must be displayed in truck on gun rack)

Huh. Low Emission Vehicle

Mmmm... If one carried a garden hose, snugged it on the tailpipe, and fed it through the window after parking... Would that be in bad taste?

Q stands for quirky mood tonight.

I thought it was after the lord of chaos himself. Q! (aka DIscord)

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Stunning idea.

We'll just substitute "Nursing Room" on the door, and then it'll be perfect. :D

Dot worry. We'll talk about your manliness almost nonstop.


Funny you mention that. I see mainly men holding their little babies outside of sacrament meetings rather than women. Are men trying to be good husbands and fathers or are they just looking for an excuse to jump out of sacrament meeting? Since theres so many men walking around with babies maybe we do need to change the nursing room for the man cave and issue men who enter that room with the man's nursing bra.

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Someone on a different board was having a big huge (and totally understandable from my pov) problem with some upgraded 'features' of her ward building. There were many "LEV only" parking spaces, outnumbering the handicapped spaces, and taking up all the prime spots. I remember her comment:

"The next person that calls me to borrow my pickup truck for a move, is going to get an earful. Good luck cramming that couch in your Prius."

As with others, I am disappointed by things like this (LEV) for church parking. I watched as one Stake building was built and the Stake office area was made available to only the SP and visiting General Authorities and kept under lock and key to exclude everyone else.

Anyway, since only the wealthy (I know this is reletive) can afford the luxury such social and political statements I am reminded of:

2Nephi 26:29

"He commandeth that there shall be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion."

Not calling any "stewards" to repentance, just makes me wonder sometimes.

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