To question about the Law of Chastity?


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1: I have a quesion about the law of chasity and i have an example:



Its Wednesday and you break the law of chastity once or twice by looking at pornography and also masturbates, you realize it was wrong, ask God for forgivness, confess the sin and try to repent and you decide to confess the sin to the Bishop next Sunday.


But the day after you comitted the sin you die in a car accident, you wanted to talk to the Bishop but died Before you had the chance. Does this mean that you cannot go to the celestial kingdom?


Is confessing breaking the law of chastity som important that your eternal salvation in the celestial kingdom depends on if you confess to the Bishop Before dying or can you still go to the celestial kingdom if you have decided to talk to the Bishop but didnt have he chance Before dying?


This is maybe a strange question but i have thought a lot about it.


2: If your class is going to Watch a Movie in your  in school with the teacher and the Movie you are going to see is R-rated or there are inappropriate scenes in the Movie. Is it considered breaking the law of chastity if you Watch it then? Must you confess to the Bishop or should you leave the classroom instead of Watch the Movie or what?



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You are probably going to get several people's opinions, and I cannot say for sure if they will all point the same direction or not. IMO, Some aspects of the LoC depend on age/maturity (you don't give your age, though you are obviously still in school, so I'm guessing you are a teenager). I also cannot say I fully understand the LoC, so my opinion may or may not be helpful.


3) I do not believe that sex ed. is a violation of the LoC. Studies consistently show that better education helps youth navigate their sexualized environment in more healthy ways. Sex ed. classes tend to focus on the mechanics of sex and preventing STD's and pregnancy. Some have too much emphasis on abstinence and some have too little emphasis on abstinence. You may need to exercise some discernment if the course material or the presenter starts to get into questions of "right and wrong". IMO, age appropriate knowledge is a good thing.


2) If you know the movie is coming up and are concerned, I would suggest that you talk to your parents and, if you decide it is necessary, set up a short meeting with the teacher. In this meeting, you and your parents can discuss your concerns about the movie, the teacher can present the educational value and/or principle the movie is supposed to be demonstrating, and you can figure out what will be best from there. I would only worry about bringing the Bishop into this issue if you decide that the community needs to be better aware of what is being taught or shown and want to get him and the other members of your ward involved in a campaign to the school board or school administration to amend the rules governing media use in the classroom.


1) IMO, the heart of this question is really about what is required for salvation/exaltation. IMO, the most important question in this aspect has nothing to do with the Bishop. Rather, I think this question is about Christ -- do you believe that, if a person's repentance is sincere, can Christ's atonement "cover" that sin even if they have not had time to demonstrate their repentance or confess to their Bishop or (insert other unusual circumstance here)? In your questions, you have put a lot of responsibility on your Bishop's shoulders for your salvation. It is my opinion that Christ is much more important to your salvation than your Bishop, and that Christ's atonement can cover the situation you describe and any other contingency you can dream up. The Bishop, as a judge in Israel, is uniquely called to assist with the process of confession and repentance, but forgiveness and "absolution" (to borrow the Catholic term) ultimately comes from Christ -- not your Bishop.

Edited by MrShorty
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I will answer the movie question first.  It is only a sin if you enjoyed it...



Seriously, though.  God knows your heart.  If you die on your way to confess to the Bishop, and you are/were truly repentant, then you don't have anything to worry about.  If you feel you have sinned to the point where you need to talk with the Bishop, then don't put it off.  ever.

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1) The conditions of repentance following death are not necessarily the conditions for repentance prior to death.  Our time of probation does not end until the Resurrection, and so even if you die before confessing a sin, you still have time to repent.  


2) Probably not a violation of the law of chastity, though that's open to interpretation. 

    Also, even if something is a violation of the law of chastity does not necessarily mean that in needs to be confessed to the bishop.  Serious transgressions, yes.  But violations of the law of chastity range from minor acts that cause arousal to full blown sexual intercourse outside of marriage.  I'm not sure when confession becomes necessary, but it probably isn't all the way at the less severe end of the spectrum.


3) No. Just no.

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I would like to focus my comments on your first question.


Your ultimate destiny is defined by who you are. Your evolving multitude of thoughts, emotions, and actions form an ever changing tapestry that makes you, you. Why does this matter? Because it is important to understand that one thought, one action is only a part of the whole. Your one sinful act before you die is just a culmination of thoughts and emotions you have felt over an extended period of time.


Further, one effort to talk to the bishop does not justify your before death. Well before such a time you determined who your were, over and over again. Repentance is change, not just confession. The bishop helps in this effort but it is you who must change the inner man. In that vein of thought Amulek says, "Ye cannot say, when ye are brought to that awful crisis, that I will repent, that I will return to my God. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world" (Alma 34:34). 


Now the effort for all of us is to become the type of individual who merits the celestial kingdom. Focus on who you are, not so much on the acts themselves. After all, God did not simply give us a set of rules. Everything he asks you to do is designed to lead you to be more loving, more at peace, more happy. Find that peace and connection with your inner self and you will find a way of being that will lead you back to him.

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I'm sure the original question is being asked sincerely, but it sure reminds me of something from an IRS tax regulation.  "If A, then you must do B, unless C, and whatever you do must be postmarked by date D, or penalty E will apply, unless F happened before G and H, in which case the penalty may be waived by submitting proof of I and J."


I view sin in the same category as a medical injury.  When it happens, it's in your best interest to get it treated ASAP so it can start healing.

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I had this same question once. Anyone who has struggled with addiction has this question. I've been reading Steven A. Cramer's book "Putting on the Armor of God" which is an AMAZING book. Allow me to quote a paragraph from him.

"It is true that God has very strict standards, and that he “cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance” (D&C 1:31). But it is also true that he has infinite allowance, infinite tolerance, compassion, and mercy, infinite patience and forgiveness, for every repentant person, no matter how imperfect they remain. How the Savior longs to assure us that we are not condemned simply because we have unconquered weaknesses. “Some of you are guilty before me,” He said, “but I will be merciful unto your weaknesses” (D&C 38:14). He also said, “Verily I say unto you, notwithstanding their sins, my bowels are filled with compassion towards them. I will not utterly cast them off; and in the day of wrath I will remember mercy.” (D&C 101:9)"

It matters less where we currently are so much as it matters what direction we are facing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think if you died you would either go to spirit paradise or a spirit remediation center, in that center you can still work for Forgiveness, If you are in spirit paradise, you either walk over to the remediation center and teach or... Who knows I guess we'll see when we get there. God is merciful though, he gies everyone an equal chance, lets say you get in a shipwreck at age 2 and survive on an island alone, you live your whole life in sin without gospel knowledge what so ever. Then you die. Ummm I guess you are going to the furnace room? NOOO! God gives everyone an equal chance to hear the gospel and repent. Don't worry, chances are you wont die on a thursday anyway!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Also: Does sex education in school violate the LoC?

depends how it is done. the sex ed classes i've been to i'd say would not.



1: I have a quesion about the law of chasity and i have an example:



Its Wednesday and you break the law of chastity once or twice by looking at pornography and also masturbates, you realize it was wrong, ask God for forgivness, confess the sin and try to repent and you decide to confess the sin to the Bishop next Sunday.


But the day after you comitted the sin you die in a car accident, you wanted to talk to the Bishop but died Before you had the chance. Does this mean that you cannot go to the celestial kingdom?


Is confessing breaking the law of chastity som important that your eternal salvation in the celestial kingdom depends on if you confess to the Bishop Before dying or can you still go to the celestial kingdom if you have decided to talk to the Bishop but didnt have he chance Before dying?


This is maybe a strange question but i have thought a lot about it.


2: If your class is going to Watch a Movie in your  in school with the teacher and the Movie you are going to see is R-rated or there are inappropriate scenes in the Movie. Is it considered breaking the law of chastity if you Watch it then? Must you confess to the Bishop or should you leave the classroom instead of Watch the Movie or what?

1. talk to whichever bishop is incharge of ya on the other side of the veil.

2. If you havent done anything to remove yourself from the situation then i'd say yes.. or at least bending the law a lot. I'd suggest repenting, if you need help with how to go about that then yes talk to the bishop.

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Also: Does sex education in school violate the LoC?


Would sex education from your parents violate the LoC?  No. And neither would it from school, as long as both parents and teachers are not teaching in a manner that is inappropriate.


I've had explicit sex education classes taught at the college level.  It was purely academic. I learned how the body functions on that level and that is not breaking the LofC.  Now, I suppose a student could be in a sex education class and be so idiotic as to look at all the lesson materials with an inappropriate attitude and have unchaste thoughts and reactions. That might be breaking the LofC. But, that type of thought pattern would be inappropriate in any setting, not just sex education.

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