Stake: Meeting more capable people


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I haven't visited my ward for some time. Yet, I've not actually fallen away.  I discuss the gospel with a friend all the time. I'll be back soon and then keep up attendance, because certain (more-favourable) circumstances have changed.


I don't actually have many friends that I actually talk to. I'm on my own way too much. But, I'm not a loner type at all.


Anyway, the thought passes through my mind sometimes, that I'm living within a Stake, where there are few if any "capable" people.


For instance:  I have an interest in diuscussing literature. Given the nature of the subject I have in mind, it would be good to form a friendhip with a LDS person or persons, who is or are capable of discussing (with some literary insight) - say the work of playright's.  But, I feel there is likely no-one capable of discussing literature, with insight - in my Stake.


I've just got that feeling. I know it's a negative one.


It seems to me, that if it's going to happen, if discussion is to take place, it won't likely be someone in my Stake.  And I don't really know how such discussion could be brought to pass.


I live in the Huddersfield England Stake. Rich

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Is the reason you don't go to church your perceived lack of capable people? There are many areas of capability, and all of them are needed in the Lord's kingdom. 

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I haven't visited my ward for some time. Yet, I've not actually fallen away.  I discuss the gospel with a friend all the time. I'll be back soon and then keep up attendance, because certain (more-favourable) circumstances have changed.


I don't actually have many friends that I actually talk to. I'm on my own way too much. But, I'm not a loner type at all.


Anyway, the thought passes through my mind sometimes, that I'm living within a Stake, where there are few if any "capable" people.


For instance:  I have an interest in diuscussing literature. Given the nature of the subject I have in mind, it would be good to form a friendhip with a LDS person or persons, who is or are capable of discussing (with some literary insight) - say the work of playright's.  But, I feel there is likely no-one capable of discussing literature, with insight - in my Stake.


I've just got that feeling. I know it's a negative one.


It seems to me, that if it's going to happen, if discussion is to take place, it won't likely be someone in my Stake.  And I don't really know how such discussion could be brought to pass.


I live in the Huddersfield England Stake. Rich

Many many years ago I seved in the Leeds England Mission. My first area was Huddersfield. Some of the areas we worked there was Almondbury and Bradley and Kirkheaton among others. What a great area. I am in my 50's now and still think of that place often. I am quite positive that if you go back and attend and get to know others you might be surprised to find out there are people there who share the same interests as you. Good luck to you on your journey.
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I haven't visited my ward for some time. Yet, I've not actually fallen away.  I discuss the gospel with a friend all the time. I'll be back soon and then keep up attendance, because certain (more-favourable) circumstances have changed.


I don't actually have many friends that I actually talk to. I'm on my own way too much. But, I'm not a loner type at all.



Hi Rich


I'm a southern blue collar redneck so I just basically call it as I see it. So here goes.


The longer you stay away the less likely you'll be to return to church. If your going to church mainly for social reasons you've missed the real point of going - to partake of the atonement of Jesus Christ.


Now personally, its highly suspect as to whether I'm "capable" (definitely not except for maybe Shakespeare's "Henry V). My thing is art. More specifically,  American contemporary classical art. Now if I drop names like Jacob Collins, David Gray, or David Larned, (to name a few) I'm going to get a blank stare. I f I talk about alla prima or grisaille painting or ateliers it'll be more blank stares. I'm there for the gospel and I confine my conversations about art to local artists.


Just my take on things. Good luck.


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I haven't visited my ward for some time. Yet, I've not actually fallen away.  I discuss the gospel with a friend all the time. I'll be back soon and then keep up attendance, because certain (more-favourable) circumstances have changed.


I don't actually have many friends that I actually talk to. I'm on my own way too much. But, I'm not a loner type at all.


...For instance:  I have an interest in diuscussing literature. Given the nature of the subject I have in mind, it would be good to form a friendhip with a LDS person or persons, who is or are capable of discussing (with some literary insight) - say the work of playright's.  But, I feel there is likely no-one capable of discussing literature, with insight - in my Stake.

Why not start attending there, and start opening literature discussion threads here? Best of both worlds.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Rich, you haven't been to your ward "in sometime", but you make sweeping judgements about the people you would find there IF you went?  Kind of illogical, don't you think?  I'm not naively suggesting that you will find a lot of people to have the conversations you desire, but IF you give them a chance, you will likely find a few.  But you won't know, if you don't try.

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Here's some good reading to think about and discuss:



We must not ignore these warnings in the Book of Mormon:

“The people began to be distinguished by ranks, according to their riches and their chances for learning;yea, some were ignorant because of their poverty, and others did receive great learning because of their riches.

“Some were lifted up in pride, and others were exceedingly humble; …

“And thus there became a great inequality … insomuch that the church began to be broken up.” (3 Ne. 6:12–14.)

Jacob warned us of those who “when they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.” He added:

“But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.” (2 Ne. 9:28–29; emphasis added.)




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Mmm, this might be worth a read to see what LDS drama has been written:

Saints on Stage: An Anthology of Mormon Drama

But, as to my concept for a drama, I wonder if I should pass it by some LDS drama outfit. Perhaps they might set up a competition, and chose the best play, based on the concept. I wonder if that is a plan/feasible.


I wonder if I should contact someone here, possibly:

Edited by richard7900
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Mmm, this might be worth a read to see what LDS drama has been written:

Saints on Stage: An Anthology of Mormon Drama

But, as to my concept for a drama, I wonder if I should pass it by some LDS drama outfit. Perhaps they might set up a competition, and chose the best play, based on the concept. I wonder if that is a plan/feasible.


I wonder if I should contact someone here, possibly:


Talk to the activities committee in your ward, if your ward doesn't have one talk to your bishopric about putting on a show, you direct and youth and other interested members could participate. Give it a shot.

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I don't write drama, I've never been in a drama skit at church. Just lately I have been reading some drama, which I find interesting.  And a concept has come to mind which, I think,would need the involvement of a professional playright, or someone trained in drama construction.  Preferably LDS. And preferably someone in the UK, so that someone in the UK could "shine". No idea though who I could contact.

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Hi Richard, 


You might want to get in touch with Alan Hawkshaw. He's a great guy and lives in England during the summer and spends winter here in Florida. He's LDS and both him and his wife are delightful.


He recently completed a musical called Berlin and it's really well done.


Not in England but I've got a chance to meet Orson Scott Card who is another playwright and he was amazing as well. 


As far as finding people to share your interest, in my experience you may never find someone that is on your level. I myself kiteboard and would love to have an LDS friend to do it with, and even thought I've taught several members the basics they don't pursue it further due to cost, time commitment and the learning curve.'


So maybe you can start a club and invite some members of all levels and see if any are interested.


Wish you well in your endeavors.

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Mmm, this might be worth a read to see what LDS drama has been written:

Saints on Stage: An Anthology of Mormon Drama

But, as to my concept for a drama, I wonder if I should pass it by some LDS drama outfit. Perhaps they might set up a competition, and chose the best play, based on the concept. I wonder if that is a plan/feasible.


I wonder if I should contact someone here, possibly:

Hi Richard,


Curious timing. My oldest brother is actually on that list, and is in the UK right now. He should be back in the States next month.  He's an experienced playwright, and has a production that is going off-Broadway (in New York City) this summer. (I saw an earlier version of that production several months ago at BYU, and quite enjoyed it.)


To contact him, he's the only one on that BYU web page with "playwriting" listed in his credentials. He'll likely have his hands quite full this summer with the project mentioned above, but it might be worth a try contacting him while he's still in the UK or later this year, after things in NYC settle down. Who knows what he'll say? I wish you well!

Edited by hagoth
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Hi. I've sent an email to your brother. If his email is private, I will tell him of the concept I have in mind for a play. It will require, I think, someone very skilled and knowedgeable. If he replies, I'll let you know what he thinks about the concept, whether there is a basis for writing a play.

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Hi. I've sent an email to your brother. If his email is private, I will tell him of the concept I have in mind for a play. It will require, I think, someone very skilled and knowedgeable. If he replies, I'll let you know what he thinks about the concept, whether there is a basis for writing a play.

Great to hear! I can't imagine why his email wouldn't be private. I hope he's intrigued by your suggestion.


I look forward to hearing your update. :)

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I haven't visited my ward for some time....I'll be back soon and then keep up attendance, because certain (more-favourable) circumstances have changed.

Hi again Richard,


Glad to hear things are changing for the better, as you mentioned in your opening post. For what it's worth, please do resume attendance in your ward soon. You'll want ongoing inspiration for whatever endeavors you're engaged in, creative or otherwise.


When you go, I'd also encourage you to reach out to others in your ward who appear to be in need of company, rather than wait for others to reach out to you.





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