I'm going to the temple!


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I'm got my temple recommend!  Going to get my endowments later this summer :)  That is, after I finish taking their Temple Prep class... a class of 1 (me)... that might be a little strange.  

Anyone have any temple prep suggestions?


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1) Just take it as it comes.  Don't expect anything.
2) Prepare by leaving yourself open to the Spirit.
3) Clear your schedule as much as possible.  If Satan puts something in your way to get there, then it is easier to work around it if you don't have Murphy coming into play at the same time.

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7 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

Anyone have any temple prep suggestions?

Read and re-read Abraham, Moses, Genesis 1~4. Read The House of the Lord (part of the Temple Prep class). Study the concept of symbols.



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11 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

I'm got my temple recommend!  Going to get my endowments later this summer :)  That is, after I finish taking their Temple Prep class... a class of 1 (me)... that might be a little strange.  

Anyone have any temple prep suggestions?



As soon as possible find a sister to be your excort when you go to the temple.  Someone that is close to you and is well versed in temple attendance.  Ask them to come with you to the temple prep as often as they are available.  Then schedule your first trip to the temple with them - when you get to the temple they will understand and welcom your sister friend as you escort.  Plan to take some time at the end of your first session to be with your escort in the Celestial room for a "quiet" conversation about any questions you have.


The Traveler

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Don't worry about memorizing things (there will be people to help you if you need it).  (By not worrying, you will actually remember better.)

Know now that it is full of symbolic ritual (unlike almost everything else we do*), and that it's perfectly rational - don't let the "different-ness" get in your way. :)

* "Unlike" meaning that the other things we do which might be described as ritualistic (Sacrament, blessings, baptism) seem different in style and scale (some people seem to get thrown by this, though I couldn't see any reason to be).

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1 minute ago, Jane_Doe said:

For what it's worth, I'm a symbolic thinker... in the extreme.   Isaiah and it's symbolism is actually the clearest scripture book to me.... yes, I know this is weird...

Then maybe you can teach all of us and help us to understand Isaiah. :)

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For me the Temple is a glorious experience.  I learn and experience something new every time. Mostly what I learn every time is how little I know.

I think it's important to go with an open mind, without any particular expectations.  Just go to experience it.

Then also go down to SLC for the live session after your first sessions.

I found that to be so much more meaningful, in terms of the human element.

It was a new experience for me this year myself.


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2 hours ago, pam said:

Then maybe you can teach all of us and help us to understand Isaiah. :)

i went to the temple for the first time on my own...because I live in one of the most disorganized outposts of the church..I was fine! But yeah, going with a friend from your home ward who has attended the temple prep class with you would be ideal! But if not possible, you will be fine. 

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2 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

i went to the temple for the first time on my own...because I live in one of the most disorganized outposts of the church..I was fine! But yeah, going with a friend from your home ward who has attended the temple prep class with you would be ideal! But if not possible, you will be fine. 

I'm debating who to go with.  Part of me wants to go alone for pondering and because I'm a very private person (this has been years in coming and it hasn't felt right to tell my family).  Then part of me thinks my mother would go crazy if I went to the temple she works at without her.   And then part of me thinks that my 3 sisters would go crazy too.  But then that feels like a crowd, and not something I want.


And then all of me realizes I'm babbling here....

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I was told, I think, that I had to have a guide.  And there were several who asked to do it.  But one had been there from the first was the one I asked, and then his father was working at the Temple that evening.  So I got the vip treatment.  (They know about the cancer)

I also invited everyone in the ward, and half the rest of the stake, and a good part of them showed up, too.  However it was the last night before the Temple closed for a week or two for cleaning, and about half of Los Angeles showed up.  They set up chairs in the aisles.  The number was around 250 people in the session I heard.  And so many were turned away that they put on a later extra session.

But that's a Saturday night in Los Angeles.  It was a good opportunity to get better acquainted with the people in the ward and stake.

I have since been to weekday sessions around Utah and California where there were 6 or 7 brothers, and 20 or 30 sisters.

To me it was much nicer to have all those people there.

I'm single, and the other meaningful thing is to have a lady go along.  Someone to pray with.


If I recall, they wouldn't give me the recommend until I finished the Temple preparation class (I was the only student)

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On 6/3/2016 at 4:51 PM, Jane_Doe said:

I'm debating who to go with.  Part of me wants to go alone for pondering and because I'm a very private person (this has been years in coming and it hasn't felt right to tell my family).  Then part of me thinks my mother would go crazy if I went to the temple she works at without her.   And then part of me thinks that my 3 sisters would go crazy too.  But then that feels like a crowd, and not something I want.


And then all of me realizes I'm babbling here....

You're going to need an escort.  Don't go alone until you've gone a few times and know what you need to do.  You're going to need some minor guidance the first few times.  The temple workers can help, but it's better if you have someone next to you for the first couple of times. It just makes things clearer.  Also don't worry about it being a crowd.  During the endowment session, there is very little room for interaction between other attendees and what interaction there is is very limited. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet
On June 3, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Jane_Doe said:

I'm debating who to go with.  Part of me wants to go alone for pondering and because I'm a very private person (this has been years in coming and it hasn't felt right to tell my family).  Then part of me thinks my mother would go crazy if I went to the temple she works at without her.   And then part of me thinks that my 3 sisters would go crazy too.  But then that feels like a crowd, and not something I want.

Jane, you know how with the Sacrament, and Baptism there is a very precise way that the ordinance is to be done, right?  In the Sacrament prayer, if the Priest misses even one word, he has to start over.  There's are specific words said at the beginning of a Priesthood blessing, also with baptism, and blessings there is a precise manner of body language even.  I mean we don't all stand in a circle holding hands for a blessing.  The one giving the blessing puts his hands on the head of the person receiving the blessing, and those assisting do the same.  But the women in the room don't, they fold their arms (generally).  All that is second nature to us, right? But imagine how it all feels for someone new?  Well in the temple the entire ceremony is very precise in word and action.  It's a lot to take in the first time. That's why it's suggested that you invite someone you are close to to be your "Guide".  Don't worry, you will have all the help you need (the first time and at any time in the future.)  Everyone there will want you to have a good experience.  

So, the point is for the first time you should have someone close to you join you.  Unless you are estranged from your mother and sisters, you should definitely invite them.  The Plan of Salvation is about family!  I don't think inviting them is a crowd...inviting your ward would be a crowd--which is fine if that is what one wants.   I think it would be totally appropriate to tell your mom and sisters that you would like some quiet time alone to ponder in the Celestial Room.  Once you get there, you can all hug (or whatever) and then they can leave.  You could stay in the Celestial Room alone and ponder as long as you like.  That's my suggestion. 

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If yo have the chance, don't go home after the session, but stay and go back into the Initiatory room and ask to do at least two more initiatory ceremonies for others.

Most of the blessings of the Endowment are in the first part, the "Initiatories", and we get so caught up in the ordinance room, that we often forget those marvelous blessings.

Secondly, I'd suggest that you go back to the Temple no later than a week after your own Endowment, and act as proxy for (preferably an ancestor or other family member) a sealing ordinance. If you were sealed to your parents, either BIC or as a child), you've forgotten those blessings or never heard them in life. They are also powerful.

The Endowment is not a single event. In the "old days" it took several trips to the Temple to receive it. We now receive those same blessings in a few hours, but they are the same. The speediness of the ordinance may have made it less impressive (I don't mean flashy, I mean it might make less of an impression on our spirits) nowadays. We don't get to reflect on the Aaronic Priesthood before the Melchizedek Priesthood is thrust upon us. Going back frequently is critical, and seeing the whole thing, from the washing to the sealing, as a unit is mandatory. Experience all of the pieces as often as possible, and don't forget that, although your second through nth visitation will be for others, the ordinances and covenants you make on their behalf are also yours.


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I invited the whole ward because I thought that would be a good idea.  It would get them out to the Temple more, give them a social interaction opportunity, give them the opportunity to support me, etc.  A lot of them have kids so they don't get to get out much.

Something to do but with no admission fee.  Not that I know they don't have anything to do.  They are all busy.

And some company for me.

But it backfired.  So be careful with that.

I heard yesterday that while I am praying to move to Utah, they are praying that I stay here.


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I invited the whole ward because I thought that would be a good idea.  It would get them out to the Temple more, give them a social interaction opportunity, give them the opportunity to support me, etc.  A lot of them have kids so they don't get to get out much.

Something to do but with no admission fee.  Not that I know they don't have anything to do.  They are all busy.

And some company for me.

But it backfired.  So be careful with that.

I heard yesterday that while I am praying to move to Utah, they are praying that I stay here.


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4 minutes ago, David13 said:

I invited the whole ward because I thought that would be a good idea.  It would get them out to the Temple more, give them a social interaction opportunity, give them the opportunity to support me, etc.  A lot of them have kids so they don't get to get out much.

Something to do but with no admission fee.  Not that I know they don't have anything to do.  They are all busy.

And some company for me.

But it backfired.  So be careful with that.

I heard yesterday that while I am praying to move to Utah, they are praying that I stay here.


David, you would be an awesome ward member.  And it still boggles me mind you've been a member that long-- feels like it was just yesterday you were investigating. 

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