Coming to a school near you - Satan Worship Club


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 At any elementary school you likely expect to find an art club, a music club, or maybe even a science club – but what about a club to worship Satan?

It’s a real thing, and it may be coming to a Utah Elementary School.

The Satanic Temple, a group that describes itself as “an atheistic religious organization that uses the symbol of Satan to inspire civil justice”, says the decision to spread their message in elementary schools is in direct response to Christian groups who operate after-school clubs in public schools.

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11 minutes ago, Windseeker said:

I think they should simply ban all religious\political\gender or race based clubs at school. If kids want to meet they can take the initiative to find somewhere other than public schools to do it.

That seems like the easiest solution. Of course, this is also the aim of these people behind the satan club. My atheist (adult, immature, and vindictive) nephew is all for it, and what he really wants is any and all mention of religion removed from schools. 

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12 minutes ago, Windseeker said:

I think they should simply ban all religious\political\gender or race based clubs at school. If kids want to meet they can take the initiative to find somewhere other than public schools to do it.

I disagree.  Banning speech is anti-American.

Let them have their Satan Club.

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Guest MormonGator
8 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

I disagree.  Banning speech is anti-American.

Let them have their Satan Club.

Your money is paying for that Anatess. @Windseeker is correct. You have freedom of speech, but I don't have to pay for the Westboro Baptist Church foulness. . 

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9 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Your money is paying for that Anatess. @Windseeker is correct. You have freedom of speech, but I don't have to pay for the Westboro Baptist Church foulness. . 

All the more reason to shut down the government-run, tax-funded welfare schools.

"Your money is paying for that" is the basis for welfare schools, and it's the reason that immorality is winning.


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14 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Your money is paying for that Anatess. @Windseeker is correct. You have freedom of speech, but I don't have to pay for the Westboro Baptist Church foulness. . 

Yes, my money is paying for that and it is also paying for the PowerUp Baptist club and it is also paying for Band and Football... so?  They are all student-led Clubs.  You still pay for it even if they just hang out at the cafeteria doing nothing or even if they go directly home after last period.  If LDS would hold Seminary after school, they're welcome to it too, but there are not enough Mormons around these parts to have a Seminary in a school instead of the Ward Building or Stake Center.  It's called After-School Program because parents can't get off work at 2:30 to pick their children up.

I don't want the school telling my child he can't pray.  I also don't want the school telling satanists they can't.  Public schools do not have the Constitutional Right to infringe on Religious Liberty.

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9 minutes ago, tesuji said:

It's not banning speech. They can speak and associate outside of school.

Meaning they can't inside the school.  That's banning speech inside the school.  A school is not Private Property.  I can ban you from hailing Satan in my private house.  I can't ban you from hailing Satan on the public square.

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13 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Seminary in a school instead of the Ward Building or Stake Center

I know of no state where Seminary is held inside a school. I'm in Mormon country, and it is held either at a nearby church, or a church-owned seminary building, built on church property, near the school. The students get release time to go off campus and attend seminary. Other students get work release, or take classes at nearby schools that aren't offered on their home campus.

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29 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

I disagree.  Banning speech is anti-American.

Let them have their Satan Club.

Are you unaware of the liberal pattern with all Constitutional rights?  They want freedom of religion and speech when it benefits them.  But when it doesn't benefit them, they cry out religious discrimination and union of church and state.  Then when they get their way they will allow Satan Club, but not a Christian Club.

It isn't about freedom of speech.  It's about freedom from religion.  And that is a right that is NOT guaranteed by the Constitution.

Allowing this will inevitably become: Satan allowed, Jesus banned. AND children will be FORCED to attend.  Nose in the tent.  It's already happened with gay marriage.  It's happening with transgender.  It's happening with everything we hold dear.

Now, I'll get off my soapbox.

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12 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Are you unaware of the liberal pattern with all Constitutional rights?  They want freedom of religion and speech when it benefits them.  But when it doesn't benefit them, they cry out religious discrimination and union of church and state.  Then when they get their way they will allow Satan Club, but not a Christian Club.

It isn't about freedom of speech.  It's about freedom from religion.  And that is a right that is NOT guaranteed by the Constitution.

Allowing this will inevitably become: Satan allowed, Jesus banned. AND children will be FORCED to attend.  Nose in the tent.  It's already happened with gay marriage.  It's happening with transgender.  It's happening with everything we hold dear.

Now, I'll get off my soapbox.

Well then, fight for Jesus.  You can't fight FOR Religious Liberty by being AGAINST Religious Liberty.

And I'm sorry, that's not what happened with gay marriage or transgenders.  You got COURTS deciding those things and that's why we're in a political uproar.  But then, we're too busy bickering of whether Trump is a racist to even pay any attention to this political cycle's effect on the courts.

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24 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

I know of no state where Seminary is held inside a school. I'm in Mormon country, and it is held either at a nearby church, or a church-owned seminary building, built on church property, near the school. The students get release time to go off campus and attend seminary. Other students get work release, or take classes at nearby schools that aren't offered on their home campus.

I was not saying they happen.  I'm saying... there is no reason why you can't hold them in a Public School's After-School program.  The Baptist sure don't find it a problem in my neck of the woods.

If your children would rather attend the Satanist Club than the Christian Club, you got some teaching to do.

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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Well then, fight for Jesus.  You can't fight FOR Religious Liberty by being AGAINST Religious Liberty.

And I'm sorry, that's not what happened with gay marriage or transgenders.  You got COURTS deciding those things and that's why we're in a political uproar.  But then, we're too busy bickering of whether Trump is a racist to even pay any attention to this political cycle's effect on the courts.

It would not be fighting against religious liberty to ban atheists from having a Satan's club.  Atheism is no more of a religion than bald is a hair color.

Yes, it is what happened with gay marriage and transgenders.  Do you not know of the indoctrination into homosexuality and the GLBT agenda into public schools?

I think you underestimate never Trumpers.  The Supreme Court nomination is the ONLY thing that would tempt us into voting for him.  We're very MUCH aware of that fact.

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4 hours ago, MormonGator said:

Your money is paying for that Anatess. @Windseeker is correct. You have freedom of speech, but I don't have to pay for the Westboro Baptist Church foulness. . 

Generally, faith-based school clubs are not run with public monies. The students must initiate the clubs, and the only provision of schools is time and space, outside of school hours. Good News clubs have run for decades like this. I agree that the Satanists don't really care so much about having a kids club--its their way of driving the Christian clubs out.

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

Generally, faith-based school clubs are not run with public monies. The students must initiate the clubs, and the only provision of schools is time and space, outside of school hours. Good News clubs have run for decades like this. I agree that the Satanists don't really care so much about having a kids club--its their way of driving the Christian clubs out.

Your money is still paying for the school itself though.

I find Satanists repulsive and totally disgusting. t's not like I want to argue for their rights. 

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Here's what Good News Club says (they won in court):

Can we really teach the Bible in public schools?

Yes! The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time.  Now children in the U.S. have that opportunity, too!  In 2001 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs v. Milford Central School that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. Children attend Good News Club only with their parents' permission.


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5 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Your money is still paying for the school itself though.

I find Satanists repulsive and totally disgusting. t's not like I want to argue for their rights. 

Meh...they're are just Ayn Randians with robes (so said Anton LeVay, notorious author of the Satanic Bible)....

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Guest MormonGator
2 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

Meh...they're are just Ayn Randians with robes (so said Anton LeVay, notorious author of the Satanic Bible)....

lol. I'm a big fan of hers. She wouldn't have believed in Satan. 

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Guest Godless
29 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

I'm not sure Anton LeVay really did either--he mostly argued we should do what we want, feed our desires--just, "don't disrespect another's lair."  He did make bank from his religious dabblings though.

Correct. From what I understand, Satanists don't actually worship Satan, or even believe that he exists for that matter. They worship the things that he represents: materialism, self-indulgence, and open rebellion against the religious majority.

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, prisonchaplain said:

I sometimes think we should change "like" to "agree"--but I guess we like when people post something we find correct.  :-)

I just "liked" this. How meta. 

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1 hour ago, MormonGator said:


I find Satanists repulsive and totally disgusting. t's not like I want to argue for their rights. 

My cousin's ex-husband is a leader in Satanist group. Some time ago I looked up just what Satanists believe. Yes, it's a type of atheism with some strong social view points, some of which I don't entirely disagree with. For example: they claim they don't believe in hurting kids, defenseless people, etc.

So explain to me why her husband, a leader in a Satanist group, was abusive.

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