This sentance contains threee errors.


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Error 1: 'sentance' is misspelled

Error 2: 'threee' is misspelled.

Error 3:  There were only 2 errors... but now there are three, which makes it accurate, which means it isn't an error, so there are only two, but it says three, which is an error...




<<Java.lang.exception Out of memory>>

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On 7/1/2017 at 0:30 AM, Vort said:

German walks into a bar and orders a martini. Bartender asks him, "Dry?" German responds, "Nein, danke, one iz zufficient."

A Politically Incorrect Joke

A Chinaman telephones the dentists to make an appointment.

"Two thirty?" asks the receptionist?

"Ah yes," says the Chinaman. "Tooth hurty very very much!"

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Ah....pun humor. The best.


Here's my niece's latest jokes:


How do you get out of an elephant?






You run around until you're all pooped out.


What's brown and sticky?





A stick.



The second one following the first enhances things imagery-wise.

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