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12 hours ago, Angelica56 said:

Hi everyone I'm Angie. I'm currently in a living situation that prevents me from full participation in the Church and I'm looking for an online fellowship. I lost my testimony after going through some hardship but I'm working on it now. I look forward to discussions with all of you!

Happy to have you here, welcome welcome!

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Pertwee fan here as the music was creepier back then and he used to do his own stunts- he wasn't like that eccleston poser who whined about the grueling filming schedule.


Best ep:

'Blink' is undoubtedly the best ep of all time- if you want to really freak children out for Halloween, have them watch Blink in an empty house with statues in it.


Worst character:

Alpha Centauri from the Tom Baker years.


Worst device:

'Timey-whimey' machine. I mean really, what a puerile name. The producers wanted to insult our intelligence by naming it that but all they succeeded in doing was ruining an episode.


Worst doctor:

colin baker or mc gann's Canadian tele-movie doctor.


Really, really not looking forward to a female doctor- I think that has ruined the franchise for me after all these years... the revolutionary council of thought police might as well have decided that Santa Claus needs to be a woman as well.

There are plenty of Dr Who fans who are indeed LDS. Hmm, under the sub-heading Recovery on wiki, two lost episodes were found in an LDS meetinghouse library in the early 1980's. Of course they were Dalek episodes:



Anyway, where are you? Not too many Dr Who fans in the USA as van halen killed the brain cells in males there while oprah pickled the minds of American women.

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