Resurrected - minus some of the goods?


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So, today at Church I was in a deep stupor pondering my existence and started wondering if after resurrection we need our sweat glands any longer? You know, deep thoughts that matter to my salvation but hey, it was on my mind. Does a resurrected body need to be cooled down? If not, does it need sweat glands?  Do finger and toe nails still grow, if so are there heavenly toe clippers? Can I at will determine what areas on my body grow hair and to what length, if not heavenly hair clippers also? I wonder how much of our body/bodily functions become unnecessary once we are resurrected? 10% not needed - 50%?

I realize extremely deep stuff to think about - 😉

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4 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

So, today at Church I was in a deep stupor pondering my existence and started wondering if after resurrection we need our sweat glands any longer? You know, deep thoughts that matter to my salvation but hey, it was on my mind. Does a resurrected body need to be cooled down? If not, does it need sweat glands?  Do finger and toe nails still grow, if so are there heavenly toe clippers? Can I at will determine what areas on my body grow hair and to what length, if not heavenly hair clippers also? I wonder how much of our body/bodily functions become unnecessary once we are resurrected? 10% not needed - 50%?

What is God's physical nature? God is a being of flesh. Is God immortal? Yes. What is the nature of God's physical life? We don't know.

We have no examples of immortal physical beings in this world. Everything ages and dies, except for certain single-celled creatures that reproduce by mitosis. So we don't know what agelessness looks like. God cannot die. Is this because he's bullet-proof (and supernova-proof), or is it because he has all knowledge and all thing past, present, and future are before him, and therefore he can simply choose the path of eternal existence? Or something altogether different? I suspect it's that last one.

Trying to think about the mechanics of God's life while we are in this state strikes me as a fundamentally flawed and vain process. I prefer to put all such questions aside, realizing that I'm not even in a position to think rationally about the issues involved, much less formulate any sort of reasonable answer.

I consider it a mistake to think of God as "absolute other", as many other Christian sects do. But in cases like this, that "otherness" doctrine does keep a person from wasting time in vain and fruitless speculation. So perhaps just a touch of that idea is appropriate here.

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17 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

So, today at Church I was in a deep stupor pondering my existence and started wondering if after resurrection we need our sweat glands any longer? You know, deep thoughts that matter to my salvation but hey, it was on my mind. Does a resurrected body need to be cooled down? If not, does it need sweat glands?  Do finger and toe nails still grow, if so are there heavenly toe clippers? Can I at will determine what areas on my body grow hair and to what length, if not heavenly hair clippers also? I wonder how much of our body/bodily functions become unnecessary once we are resurrected? 10% not needed - 50%?

I realize extremely deep stuff to think about - 😉

Growing up, I’ve always been under the impression that the Celestial Kingdom will be some unfamiliar utopia filled with unimaginable glory. Where we will have no more use of muscles due to our limitless godliness, no need for food or water, void of negative emotion, and floating white robed men and women.

But as I grow older, I begin to see he Celestial Kingdom as not all that different from this world. I believe we will have sweat glands, that we will sweat, we will eat, drink, play Settlers of Catan and Mario Cart (or th Celestial equivalents), socialize, travel, spend time with family. But there will be no worry of the next day. Our worry will only come for our spirit children who will be struggling the same way we do now. 

My reasoning? Why would God give us these experiences as our test only to put us in world nothing like the test. Do we put airline pilots in submarine “drivers” seats to teach them to fly? No

Also there are a few quotes I enjoy looking to. One of my favorites is

“A Saint who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven, but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc., all of which are material. Indeed, the Saints’ heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial, material creation, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, where sorrow, crying, pain, and death will be no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified, is the Saints’ eternal heaven. On it they expect to live, with body, parts, and holy passions; on it they expect to move and have their being; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds; indeed, matter and its qualities and properties are the only beings or things with which they expect to associate”

  • Orson Pratt

I also once came across a quote talking about how the pre-earth life world, was the same as this world, only wothoutbohysical substance, and that this world is the same as the Celestial Kingdom, only it lacks exalted”ness”... but I cannot seem to find that quote.

But if I’m honest, I have probably put a solid 1 hour of thought into what exaltation will be like my entire life. I’m more concerned about how to get there right now.

Edited by Fether
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Dont know.

3 Nephi 28:37-40 is probably the best scripture to describe the change other than rhe passages where we see the resurrected Jesus Christ eat honey and fish and in 3 Ne 17: 21 Christ weeps so we know he has tear glands...


But if there is no blood in a celestial body, many current organs will be superfluous or will have a different function...

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8 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

So, today at Church I was in a deep stupor pondering my existence and started wondering if after resurrection we need our sweat glands any longer? You know, deep thoughts that matter to my salvation but hey, it was on my mind. Does a resurrected body need to be cooled down? If not, does it need sweat glands?  Do finger and toe nails still grow, if so are there heavenly toe clippers? Can I at will determine what areas on my body grow hair and to what length, if not heavenly hair clippers also? I wonder how much of our body/bodily functions become unnecessary once we are resurrected? 10% not needed - 50%?

I realize extremely deep stuff to think about - 😉

So, did Adam have a navel?

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9 hours ago, Vort said:

 So perhaps just a touch of that idea is appropriate here.

At the time, waiting for church to start, I felt myself staring at the burlap wall coverings in the Chapel for the 1000x time, so I quickly elevated my thoughts past burlap and thought about something slightly more important...sweat glands in a resurrected body. Best I could come up with at the moment. 

P.S. the burlap in our chapel is starting to wave and sag on the walls, time for some new adhesive I think.😉

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2 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

At the time, waiting for church to start, I felt myself staring at the burlap wall coverings in the Chapel for the 1000x time, so I quickly elevated my thoughts past burlap and thought about something slightly more important...sweat glands in a resurrected body. Best I could come up with at the moment. 

P.S. the burlap in our chapel is starting to wave and sag on the walls, time for some new adhesive I think.😉

Just think.  In our immortal bodies, the burlap won't poke splinters into our fingers as we drag across the walls. :)

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9 hours ago, Fether said:

some unfamiliar utopia filled with unimaginable glory

As opposed to Utahpia, which is filled with unimaginable amounts of morning glory.

9 hours ago, Fether said:

Also there are a few quotes I enjoy looking to. One of my favorites is 

“A Saint who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven, but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc., all of which are material. Indeed, the Saints’ heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial, material creation, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, where sorrow, crying, pain, and death will be no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified, is the Saints’ eternal heaven. On it they expect to live, with body, parts, and holy passions; on it they expect to move and have their being; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds; indeed, matter and its qualities and properties are the only beings or things with which they expect to associate”

  • Orson Pratt

The thing that makes me doubt this (not as in "I think it's wrong", but as in "I'm not convinced it's right") is the fact that those who have seen it were at a loss to put it to words.  If it were so similar to what we know, just whopping tons better, you'd think they could do better than say things like "you can't imagine".

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7 minutes ago, zil said:

The thing that makes me doubt this (not as in "I think it's wrong", but as in "I'm not convinced it's right") is the fact that those who have seen it were at a loss to put it to words.  If it were so similar to what we know, just whopping tons better, you'd think they could do better than say things like "you can't imagine".

Maybe their pre-CGI🎬, pre-internet💻 & pre-Photoshop📸 experiences couldn't explain it well enough, where as we have a leg up on what we have seen visually???
Me - "You know, it's like the land in Avatar"
You - "Oh yah, that blue guy was super dreamy"💘
(I just wanted to try a couple of new emojis that's all)

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8 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

Maybe their pre-CGI🎬, pre-internet💻 & pre-Photoshop📸 experiences couldn't explain it well enough, where as we have a leg up on what we have seen visually???

Pretty sure Paul could have related to this:

9 hours ago, Fether said:

lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, princes, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc., .... male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, ...; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns...

Or any other person who has lived on earth since Adam.

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12 hours ago, NeedleinA said:

So, today at Church I was in a deep stupor pondering my existence and started wondering if after resurrection we need our sweat glands any longer? You know, deep thoughts that matter to my salvation but hey, it was on my mind. Does a resurrected body need to be cooled down? If not, does it need sweat glands?  Do finger and toe nails still grow, if so are there heavenly toe clippers? Can I at will determine what areas on my body grow hair and to what length, if not heavenly hair clippers also? I wonder how much of our body/bodily functions become unnecessary once we are resurrected? 10% not needed - 50%?

I realize extremely deep stuff to think about - 😉

We know from Alma 40 and 41 that “all things shall be restored to their proper order, every thing to its natural frame--”. This proper order is described to be immortality, incorruption and inheritance, but also every limb and joint, and every part of the body as restored to their proper and perfect frame. What that entails from various testimonies seems to be recognizably and functionally human, but we do not know exactly what that means genetically, biologically, or physiologically outside the parameters of this fallen mortal world.

For example, our bodies depend on a symbiotic relationship with bacteria to survive in this particular world, and human populations in disparate regions across the globe have a genetic makeup that enhances their chances to survive altitude, climate and available diet. One of these mutations, lactose tolerance which is quite rare, developed relatively recently in those regions where dairy became a staple due to the domestication of cattle (Europe, East Africa). Some mutations are the result of bacteria-human interaction.

The resurrected Lord ate fish and honeycomb upon His return to earth, but we do not know the exact physiology or whether His body operates one way while visiting us and another way in the presence of His Father. One thing is clear from the scriptures, that spirit and element (however that element is constructed as a human entity) will be inseparably connected and “that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory.”

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