Faithful vs Less Faithful


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7 minutes ago, zil said:

I can do that.  It kinda sounds like something you get at 7-11, thought... :itwasntme:

Maybe I should start a poll to see if "the regulars" are interested in this / willing to do it to help Grunt out.  The forum software is installed and ready to go - it just needs members.  I'm just waiting for Grunt to check it out (apparently he's a bit busy right now) and decide if he really wants that.  If so, my understanding is that it would be strictly for discussion of the 2019 Come Follow Me curriculum for adults - one thread per week's assignment.  I can make the forum read-only for others, or hide it from all but registered users.

(NOTE: Lest anyone get confused, I'm not talking about this forum/domain.  I've set this up on one of my own domains.)

This sounds good.  But what do we do to keep this on the level?  There are "tendencies" of private study groups.  I suppose the dedication to stick with the manual would be one safeguard.

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1 minute ago, MormonGator said:

Even if @dahlia did post too much or something you disagree with, you (generic)  should have this amazing ability to ::  gasp :: ignore it rather than bring everyone down with your (again, generic, not you meaning @Carborendum) negativity. 

Well, that is pretty much the dilemma we are describing in this thread.

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4 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

This sounds good.  But what do we do to keep this on the level?  There are "tendencies" of private study groups.  I suppose the dedication to stick with the manual would be one safeguard.

I think we keep it on the level by who the members are.  You all start getting wiggy and I make a command decision to boot you. ;)  (Seriously, I would expect it to be people from here, and I would expect them to say the same sorts of things they say here.)

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, zil said:


(That's just a little gag, there's no place really to put that on the forum I made - except in a thread, just like this.)

I prefer Galt's Gulch. 

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22 minutes ago, zil said:

(Seriously, I would expect it to be people from here, and I would expect them to say the same sorts of things they say here.)


If I were to be on such a forum, I'd probably have a higher proportion of serious posts given the stated intention to have all the threads be based on scripture study topics.

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1 minute ago, zil said:

Don't worry, if we conspire, we'll invite you to join us.  And a lot depends on what @Grunt has to say on the matter - and he's busy with training or something for a few days, so don't hold your breath.

No mutiny without Grunt?



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1 minute ago, Grunt said:

I'm still in Utah.  As we speak I'm writing a crappy paper about boring military operation most people have never heard of.

Feel free to use the graphic I posted above - just plunk it right in the middle somewhere and wait to see if anyone notices.  Don't forget to add a caption that sounds like "Grunt's Gulch" is somehow related to this operation.

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More often than not the moderators are very much aware of the trolls that come on this site. There are many posts that never get approved. We’ve seen some doozies!!! Some of it is pure filth. Unfortunately, until the rules are broken, they are allowed to speak their minds.

This reminds me of Korihor in the Book of Mormon, Alma 30: starting with verse 6 “...there came a man into the land of Zarahemla, and he was Anti-Christ, for he began to preach unto the people against the prophecies which had been spoken by the prophets...Now there was no law against a man’s belief;... 9 Now if a man desired to serve God, it was his privilege; or rather, if he believed in God it was his privilege to serve him; but if he did not believe in him there was no law to punish him.... 11 Nevertheless, there was no law against a man’s belief; therefore, a man was punished only for the crimes which he had done; therefore all men were on equal grounds. 12 And this Anti-Christ, whose name was Korihor, (and the law could have no hold upon him) began to preach unto the people that there should be no Christ. ...”

The people of Ammon (Anti-Nephi-Lehi’s), which I liken to the stalwarts on this site, were more wise than many of the Nephites; and carried him to the high priest over them. And Korihor was removed from their land. Usually, the trolls eventually say something that breaks the rules and they will be banned. I’m so appreciative of the stalwarts on this forum who stand for truth and righteousness and do not waiver. You are all saints and angels in my eyes.

@Grunt,you are loved. You have been a breath of fresh air. Your posts have been a reminder that there are true seekers out there. Sometimes, we can get a little bit cynical when someone comes to the forums with an “honest” question, and then they become a troll. Thank you, for allowing us to be part of your conversion story. The gospel is true! I know it with every fiber of my being. I cannot deny the witness of the Holy Ghost that has confirmed to me the truthfulness of this church. I’m grateful to all of you on these forums who are not afraid to speak up in defense of the church and our leaders.

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Thank you for the opinions of everyone.   It's interesting to note by the reactions which group people fall in.  

That said, if I'm to be honest, this thread is an example of what I was complaining about.  Perhaps a mod could lock or delete it.  I'll participate as able and leave when I'm no longer progressing through participation here.   Until that day I'll attempt to stop whining.  I shouldn't expect people to uphold standards that I develop, I should just choose who to take example from and who to avoid.   No promises, though.  I reserve the right to call out behavior I view as damaging, just as I'm now calling out my own.   

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9 hours ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Why does it feel like mutiny is afoot?

I'm wondering what it would be like if we just opened a thread in the Scripture Study forum on Third Hour.  Imagine, Third Hour actually acting like "the third hour of church".

I would at least HOPE that if we're sticking to the manual, then far out beliefs and apostate sentiments would certainly be at a minimum.  This would mostly be due to the nature of the topics.

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8 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I would at least HOPE that if we're sticking to the manual, then far out beliefs and apostate sentiments would certainly be at a minimum.  This would mostly be due to the nature of the topics.

BLUF:  I would love a heavily moderated section with a subsection to discuss the new curriculum each week.  

That is what I was looking for.  Perhaps a section within that is far more heavily moderated and doesn't allow the type of threads I was referring to.   I believe that is what Zil was attempting to provide.  I've requested it in the past so it may not be allowed here. 


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4 minutes ago, Grunt said:

BLUF:  I would love a heavily moderated section with a subsection to discuss the new curriculum each week.  

That is what I was looking for.  Perhaps a section within that is far more heavily moderated and doesn't allow the type of threads I was referring to.   I believe that is what Zil was attempting to provide.  I've requested it in the past so it may not be allowed here.

I would think that the first step would be to try posting a thread there each week and see how it goes.  I imagine it would be quite healthy for a time.  Then eventually, it too would be subject to entropy.  But it would probably work for a decent amount of time.

Then as problems arise, we come up with an adjustment at that time.  Life requires that we make adjustments. Nothing manmade will escape corruption.

Cue Kansas: Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.

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They say that at the dinner table you should not discuss Religion or Politics.

Here, we discuss both.  These can be heated subjects (unfortunately).  Unfortunately, some confuse politics as their religion and believe that if you are of not the same political mind as they are, that also equates that you must be evil or wrong or any number of other items.

In that light, I may fall under the terms that some would say posting things they do not agree with.

The great thing about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in my opinion is that we do not have a specific political persuasion.  Typically we are neutral (or the church is neutral) in regards to political party or spectrum.  There are grounds for MANY different ideas and beliefs in the church, though many of them are just speculations, thoughts, opinions, or personal beliefs rather than anything that is hard doctrine or taught regularly by the Church.

I enjoy talking about things about Church History and Gospel Topics and this seems to be the safest place to do so with those who are Pro The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

If I am one of those that you find offensive, I apologize that you find me so, however I tend to be frank and open in my thoughts and opinions online.  I try to be open minded (typically) and have had my thoughts or opinions swayed at times on these forums (with well reasoned arguments or evidence typically), but also will posit my own opinions and thoughts on subjects...some stronger than others.

I try to be open to try to understand where others come from and what their point of view is.  I view that the Church lets us think freely and openly (as long as it is not actual apostasy, and that is not as wide as some may think...for example...Not being a Republican is NOT my opinion) and that creates a WIDE varied amount of opinions and thoughts.

Hopefully, if I am seen as one of those that offend you, you will forgive me for the offense.

Edited by JohnsonJones
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18 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

They say that at the dinner table you should not discuss Religion or Politics.

Here, we discuss both.  These can be heated subjects (unfortunately).  Unfortunately, some confuse politics as their religion and believe that if you are of not the same political mind as they are, that also equates that you must be evil or wrong or any number of other items.

In that light, I may fall under the terms that some would say posting things they do not agree with.

The great thing about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in my opinion is that we do not have a specific political persuasion.  Typically we are neutral (or the church is neutral) in regards to political party or spectrum.  There are grounds for MANY different ideas and beliefs in the church, though many of them are just speculations, thoughts, opinions, or personal beliefs rather than anything that is hard doctrine or taught regularly by the Church.

I enjoy talking about things about Church History and Gospel Topics and this seems to be the safest place to do so with those who are Pro The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

If I am one of those that you find offensive, I apologize that you find me so, however I tend to be frank and open in my thoughts and opinions online.  I try to be open minded (typically) and have had my thoughts or opinions swayed at times on these forums (with well reasoned arguments or evidence typically), but also will posit my own opinions and thoughts on subjects...some stronger than others.

I try to be open to try to understand where others come from and what their point of view is.  I view that the Church lets us think freely and openly (as long as it is not actual apostasy, and that is not as wide as some may think...for example...Not being a Republican is NOT my opinion) and that creates a WIDE varied amount of opinions and thoughts.

Hopefully, if I am seen as one of those that offend you, you will forgive me for the offense.

Not that I can recall.

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21 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

They say that at the dinner table you should not discuss Religion or Politics.

Dang. I guess my family's tradition of everyone telling what we learned in church during Sunday dinner is a horrible mistake. 

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1 minute ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Dang. I guess my family's tradition of everyone telling what we learned in church during Sunday dinner is a horrible mistake. 

Well, I did that as well.  Luckily, they took it in good stride.  I'm sure you have kids that are as good if not better than mine and act well and behaved even when discussing their Sunday School lessons.

On the otherhand, after I got baptized...interesting times were had at my parents table sometimes when I was there.

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Guest MormonGator
14 hours ago, Carborendum said:

Well, that is pretty much the dilemma we are describing in this thread.

"Wisdom is the art of knowing what and who to ignore."-Unknown.

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