One In Christ


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This week's General Conference talk:

One In Christ.

I don't think the title is what I would have chosen for this talk.  It is primarily about welcoming new members into the fellowship of Saints.  Perhaps "One With the Saints" would have been better?

Anyway, I wish I could welcome people into the ward.  But I often find myself to be the worst ambassador to any new people.  I'm just a bit too weird.

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1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

I don't think the title is what I would have chosen for this talk.  It is primarily about welcoming new members into the fellowship of Saints.  Perhaps "One With the Saints" would have been better?

One with the Saints and One in Christ are the same thing.

You'll see people talk about how we need to be "one" as if it's about some kind of hippy-love-fest-kumbaya-group-hug-I'd-like-to-buy-the-world-a-Coke type of thing.

It's not. It's about coming to and being one in Christ. That is the means whereby we become one. He, if I may allude to a scripture in a bit of a unique way, is "the way".

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1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

This week's General Conference talk:

One In Christ.

I don't think the title is what I would have chosen for this talk.  It is primarily about welcoming new members into the fellowship of Saints.  Perhaps "One With the Saints" would have been better?

"til all are one!

1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

Anyway, I wish I could welcome people into the ward.  But I often find myself to be the worst ambassador to any new people.  I'm just a bit too weird.

You could always opt for the universal greeting:

How weird can that be?

I just happened to take a stroll down memory lane and it seemed so fitting.

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2 hours ago, Carborendum said:

This week's General Conference talk:

One In Christ.

I don't think the title is what I would have chosen for this talk.  It is primarily about welcoming new members into the fellowship of Saints.  Perhaps "One With the Saints" would have been better?

Anyway, I wish I could welcome people into the ward.  But I often find myself to be the worst ambassador to any new people.  I'm just a bit too weird.

I do not think welcoming new members is something you need to accomplish all by yourself.  I suggest you do so with the aid of the spirit (gift of the Holy Ghost).


The Traveler

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7 hours ago, Traveler said:

I do not think welcoming new members is something you need to accomplish all by yourself.  I suggest you do so with the aid of the spirit (gift of the Holy Ghost).

The Lord works with the tools available.  There are other better suited tools for that task.  He isn't going to use me unless there is no other choice.

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3 hours ago, Carborendum said:

The Lord works with the tools available.  There are other better suited tools for that task.  He isn't going to use me unless there is no other choice.

I cannot think of a single calling I have had where there were not many and much better tools available.  I believe we are often asked to things (called) that otherwise we would leave for someone else or just flat out leave undone.


The Traveler

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3 hours ago, Carborendum said:

The Lord works with the tools available.  There are other better suited tools for that task.  He isn't going to use me unless there is no other choice.

I'm going to presume you're joking and don't really mean this. That being said, I'd actually like an acknowledgment of that before I choose not to rip it apart. ;) 

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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18 minutes ago, Traveler said:

I cannot think of a single calling I have had where there were not many and much better tools available.  I believe we are often asked to things (called) that otherwise we would leave for someone else or just flat out leave undone.

18 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I'm going to presume you're joking and don't really mean this. That being said, I'd actually like an acknowledgment of that before I choose not to rip it apart. ;) 

Yes, I understand.  But I don't think you understand the level of inadequacy I'm talking about.  I. CANNOT.  MAKE.  FRIENDS. The few friends I do have are due to their efforts, not mine.

And, no, I'm not joking.  And, no, this is not an attempt at humility.  No, this is not my depression speaking.

Whenever I try to make friends (yes, with prayer, and love, and eye single to the glory of God, etc. etc.) disaster results.

  • I have made enemies when I was trying to be friends.
  • I have driven people into inactivity when I was trying to serve them.
  • Several investigators threw out the missionaries and ceased discussions when I was fellowshipping.

You all get a twisted picture of me on the internet.  I get the impression that I'm well liked here.  And I thank you for that.  But in person, you'd find me to be very difficult to get along with.  The evidence is the number of friends I've made in life.  In all my years on this planet, many people were "friendly" and I to them.  But "Friends"?  I can count that on my two hands.  My entire life.

For some reason, I try to be friendly and welcoming, and I just come off as (some descriptors from others who have been honest enough to tell me)

  • Intimidating
  • Rude
  • Judgmental
  • Insulting
  • Weird -- in a bad way
  • Unrelatable
  • Off in his own world

And this is from people who were trying to be friends with me.  Those who don't know me are completely turned off by me and simply do. not. want. to. talk. to. me.

When I inquire what I actually "DO" that makes people feel this from me, all I get is descriptions of my genuine attempts to be charitable and helpful.  Yes, there is something I do that makes people insulted or intimidated when I'm trying to serve them.  IT. HAS. HAPPENED. MANY. TIMES.

You might as well ask me to play in the NBA.  I'm 5'-7" BTW.

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19 minutes ago, Carborendum said:


Are we not friends then? ;)

19 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

The few friends I do have are due to their efforts, not mine.

Realistically, "friends" that I have aren't from anyone's "effort".

Makes me think, actually. The whole "effort" to be friends thing is flawed from a certain perspective.

19 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I have made enemies when I was trying to be friends.

Me too!

19 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I have driven people into inactivity when I was trying to serve them.

Bull. You're putting the wrong emphasis on the wrong syllable. 

19 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Several investigators threw out the missionaries and ceased discussions when I was fellowshipping.

Haha. Whoopsie. That sucks.

19 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I get the impression that I'm well liked here.

Well...... let me get to the real reply here.

This isn't about you.

The Lord can do His work through me, you, Bill, Matt, Steve, Jane, Jill, Tina, or ANYONE! The Lord can do His own work.

His success is not about your strengths and weakness. He is powerful enough to succeed despite you or me or anyone.

Your comment that the Lord wouldn't use you unless there were no other choices entirely misses the point of why the Lord uses us.






God doesn't "need" any of us, individually,  to accomplish his work with others (it's even debatable whether he "needs" us collectively...except that, of course, we ARE His work, so in that regard he does "need" us).

God does "need" us to accomplish His work with US.

God need you to accomplish His work with YOU.


Edit: I realize that I made a critical logical flaw here: I started by saying "It's not about you" and then finished by saying "It's all about you." I'm talking about different things though. The first is that Him doing His work isn't about needing you to do it for Him and the last is about Him needing you to save you. I hope that's clear.

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Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Are we not friends then? ;)

Can we really say "internet friends" are "real friends"?  I don't believe so.  If we were to meet in person, that could develop.  But just internet contact does not a friend make.

Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Realistically, "friends" that I have aren't from anyone's "effort".

Makes me think, actually. The whole "effort" to be friends thing is flawed from a certain perspective.

I'm not sure what you're pointing out.  Maybe I used the wrong word.  But the idea was that the reason I was able to be "friends" with these few people was because they were the ones who made it easy to become friends.  I was still the difficult one.

I don't see the flaw if you can look past the verbiage and consider the "idea" I'm trying to convey.

Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Me too!

Perhaps.  Was this with people whom most everyone else thought was really easy to get along with?

Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Bull. You're putting the wrong emphasis on the wrong syllable. 

Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  You can call it differently from the cheap seats.  People go inactive because they go inactive.  But here at the 50 yard line, I've seen that I did something (and I'm still not aware of what I could or would have done differently) that greatly offended.  And those with me also raised their eyebrows at the things I've done.

Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Haha. Whoopsie. That sucks.

Yes, it did.

Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Well...... let me get to the real reply here.

This isn't about you!!


It's not about you!

The Lord can do His work through me, you, Bill, Matt, Steve, Jane, Jill, Tina, or ANYONE! The Lord can do His own work.

His success is not about your strengths and weakness. He is powerful enough to succeed despite you or me or anyone.

I get that argument.  And I believe it.  But I also believe that he does not use an electronics screwdriver to pound a 20d spike into a concrete slab.  He may use a variety of tools.  But there are some that are more suited than others.  Some that may get the job done, but they are not the best.  And there really are a few that it is impossible to do the job with.

Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

Your comment that the Lord wouldn't use you unless there were no other choices entirely misses the point of why the Lord uses us.




OK.  That would be great, except, I apparently haven't learned anything about that.  I still don't understand what I've done in ANY of these situations that was so wrong or worthy of these descriptors that others have put on me.  If I don't learn anything or grow from these experiences, what on earth is it for?

Yes, I've inquired of the Lord.  I'm still lost on this issue.

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1 minute ago, Carborendum said:

Can we really say "internet friends" are "real friends"? 

There are, I would say, three people in the forum here that I consider "real" friends that I have never met in person.

2 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

But just internet contact does not a friend make.

Dang. Don't tell all the people getting married off of dating sites. :D

3 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I'm not sure what you're pointing out.

That true friendship is natural. You click or you don't. It wasn't to suggest you do or don't naturally click with people. I accept your word that you don't.

4 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Was this with people whom most everyone else thought was really easy to get along with?

Shrug. You mean like mormongator? :D 

Does it really surprise you that I rub some people the wrong way?'s pretty disheartening to find out someone you thought was a friend doesn't like you. I had a fellow employee that happened with.

10 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Perhaps.  Perhaps not.  You can call it differently from the cheap seats.  People go inactive because they go inactive.  But here at the 50 yard line, I've seen that I did something (and I'm still not aware of what I could or would have done differently) that greatly offended.  And those with me also raised their eyebrows at the things I've done.

I still claim bull. People with strong faith and testimony don't go inactive because someone in their ward is a dingbat.

11 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

But I also believe that he does not use an electronics screwdriver to pound a 20d spike into a concrete slab.

And I believe that the second we determine this we run the risk of being wrong.

His ways are not our ways. (I'd quote the scripture, but I'm sure you're familiar).

12 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

OK.  That would be great, except, I apparently haven't learned anything about that.  I still don't understand what I've done in ANY of these situations that was so wrong or worthy of these descriptors that others have put on me.  If I don't learn anything or grow from these experiences, what on earth is it for?

Yes, I've inquired of the Lord.  I'm still lost on this issue.

Keep on swimming.

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4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I still claim bull. People with strong faith and testimony don't go inactive because someone in their ward is a dingbat.

No, I'm aware that I'm not to "blame" for someone else's inactivity.  I've seen up close and personal why they made the decision before I ever came around.  But I do believe I've been the triggering mechanism to set someone off on a few occasions.

4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

And I believe that the second we determine this we run the risk of being wrong.

That could be said of almost anything.

4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

His ways are not our ways. (I'd quote the scripture, but I'm sure you're familiar).

Yes.  But if I'm ever called as bishop, I'll tell the Stake President that he really doesn't know what he's getting into and the activity in the ward will go down to 50% and virtually every meeting and activity we have will be completely devoid of any spiritual benefit.

4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Keep on swimming.

I do.

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15 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

That could be said of almost anything.

Well then what are we debating about?


15 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Yes.  But if I'm ever called as bishop, I'll tell the Stake President that he really doesn't know what he's getting into and the activity in the ward will go down to 50% and virtually every meeting and activity we have will be completely devoid of any spiritual benefit.

FWIW, I would recommend not doing that. Just accept and do your best. Leave the rest to God.

It's a matter of faith. Have faith in God.

Put ALL your trust in Him.

Rely wholly upon Him.

You are the arm of flesh. He who puts his faith in the arm of flesh will fall. He who puts his trust in God CANNOT FAIL.

Even if that were to happen, then trust it was God's will. He runs the church. He runs His stakes, His wards, His meetings. He does His work. Serve and obey and let God do His work according to His will. If His will is to use an electronic screwdriver as a hammer then sustain Him, even if you're the screwdriver. Maybe His real objective wasn't to get the spike into the concrete after all.

It's an interesting thought, methinks. We talk about sustaining our leaders, but when push comes to shove, isn't it God we really need to sustain?

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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15 hours ago, Carborendum said:

This week's General Conference talk:

One In Christ.

I don't think the title is what I would have chosen for this talk.  It is primarily about welcoming new members into the fellowship of Saints.  Perhaps "One With the Saints" would have been better?

Anyway, I wish I could welcome people into the ward.  But I often find myself to be the worst ambassador to any new people.  I'm just a bit too weird.

We did this GC talk last week!  It was fantastic.  And the picture of that river are awesome

15 hours ago, Carborendum said:

I don't think the title is what I would have chosen for this talk.  It is primarily about welcoming new members into the fellowship of Saints.  Perhaps "One With the Saints" would have been better?

Not at all!   The entire purpose of the Gospel and the Church is to make us all one with Christ.  

15 hours ago, Carborendum said:

Anyway, I wish I could welcome people into the ward.  But I often find myself to be the worst ambassador to any new people.  I'm just a bit too weird.

And what if the new person is another weirdo?  (Such as me).

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12 hours ago, Carborendum said:

Yes, I understand.  But I don't think you understand the level of inadequacy I'm talking about.  I. CANNOT.  MAKE.  FRIENDS. The few friends I do have are due to their efforts, not mine.

Even though there is a great difference between what a person cannot do and what they will not do - the result is the same.  I was taught by my parents that weather I thought I could do something or if I thought I could not  (it was impossible) - that I would be right with very few exceptions.  Also failure is the result of no longer trying because previous efforts did not produce results.  My parents always told me that if I ever succeeded with my initial try - that I should think of it as failure unless I learned how to do it better and was willing to try it again.  I was taught that if I want something to change - it is me that must change and for me to change there are two things I must do.  First.  I must do something I have never done before and Second.  I must quit doing what I have always done in the past.   If I do not do both - nothing will ever change.

I have posted in the past that in my work I consult in the field of industrial artificial intelligence.  Scientifically intelligence is defined as the ability to learn and modify behavior.  My advice is to realize you are an intelligent son of G-d and now is the time to change things.


The Traveler

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8 hours ago, Traveler said:

I was taught by my parents that weather I thought I could do something or if I thought I could not  - that I would be right with very few exceptions.

You're absolutely right.  I can't.

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1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

You're absolutely right.  I can't.

I am quite certain that your prognostics is 100% correct - except for your conclusion of why, which appears to be severely flawed.

As a side note - my father once said to me that many people will do something they claim to be impossible if there is enough money involved to motivate them.  If you do not mind a question - what motivates you? Especially to keep going when everybody else has quit or given up?


The Traveler

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6 hours ago, Traveler said:

I am quite certain that your prognostics is 100% correct - except for your conclusion of why, which appears to be severely flawed.

As a side note - my father once said to me that many people will do something they claim to be impossible if there is enough money involved to motivate them.  If you do not mind a question - what motivates you? Especially to keep going when everybody else has quit or given up?


The Traveler

There is no "motivation".  It is an observation based on experience.  Have you not read my past history which I outlined earlier?

If anything, my only motivation to fellowship was obedience to the Lord.  And it was sincere, not begrudging.  I just had no ability.

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4 hours ago, Traveler said:

I am quite certain that your prognostics is 100% correct - except for your conclusion of why, which appears to be severely flawed.

As a side note - my father once said to me that many people will do something they claim to be impossible if there is enough money involved to motivate them.  If you do not mind a question - what motivates you? Especially to keep going when everybody else has quit or given up?


The Traveler

For ME...

I think my main motivators have been my wife and children.  I would have stopped with my learning far before I did without my wife to look to, to support, and who encouraged me and helped me.  My children are also motivators for me to do things I would not do on my own.  I went on scout activities, young men outings, church dances as a chaperone and multiple other items I had NO DESIRE at times to go to or participate in simply because I love my children.  They are a major motivator in my life.  If I could do anything to spare them hardship in this world and make their life easier and better, and it was something in my capacity I think I might try to do that.  If it meant misery for me, but a better life for them, I'd attempt to do it probably. 

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