Old Wives Tales.


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I'm not sure I get this, because limiting salt intake to 2-3 grams a day is supposed to be heart-healthy.

Nevertheless: Wait an our after eating before going swimming.

Any medical studies that show that salt intake will actually affect your health badly -- unless you are hyper sensitive?

Myth 3 -- you should try to avoid the sun in order to avoid cancer.

Good article on salt:


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Any medical studies that show that salt intake will actually affect your health badly -- unless you are hyper sensitive?

I have the perfect person you could "discuss" that point with...

But alas she is not a member on this site & never will be...

Her husband spent most of his life eating mountains of salt.. No he was not hyper sensitive...

He eventually had to cut salt out of his food totally due to health problems & I don't mean gradually...

He cried like a baby just for a little grain of salt... He died very soon after that...

Myth 3 -- you should try to avoid the sun in order to avoid cancer.

I wouldn't call it a myth... I have seen cancer spots etc due to too much sun.

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raising your hands above your head while pregnant and you will strangle the baby.

there are still some old southern women that repeat that one. i don't think that is the issue; however, when i feel like i'm gonna pass out raising my hands above my head will for some reason speed up the process and make it worse. so maybe there is some risk, just not what was thought.

my great grandmother used to tell my mom with very serious passion that a pregnant woman shouldn't go into the woods alone. the bears would hunt her down and get her. not sure if that one is true or not. maybe the hormones they don't like? :dontknow:

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Myth 3 -- you should try to avoid the sun in order to avoid cancer.

I wouldn't call it a myth... I have seen cancer spots etc due to too much sun.

Yeah, you increase the chances of relatively non-life-threatening basel cell carcenomas with too much sun exposure but you decrease the chances of getting breast, prostate, colon and certain skin cancers. You see, people with diets high in calcium get way less cancers -- if they get enough sun to convert vitamine D from sunlight. Vitamine D is necessary for calcium use in the body. The lack of sunlight is one of the reasons Scandinavians have a high rate of these cancers.

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