The Democratic Party's "leftward shift"


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It says something ominous (and awful) that the complaints and fears voiced in this article by Democrats are that the party's "leftward shift" might prevent them from taking the White House in 2020. That is literally the extent of what they care about. You would think that at least a few Democrats would be complaining that, you know, the "leftward shift" is distinctly anti-American and undermines the very foundation of American thought. That is, you would think so if you were utterly clueless and believed that the Democratic Party was filled with rational Americans of good sense and good will.

Europeans can perhaps be excused for their enthusiastic embrace of socialism and thought control; they are "Old World" in every sense, and inhabit the very birthplace of Marx and Engels. They have generations of foolish "progressive" thought that has long been embraced by academics and men in the street alike. Americans have no such excuses. If we continue following Europe's perverted and ruinous path, we will have no one to blame but ourselves and our unwillingness to root out diseased minds like AOC.

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Not sure AOC is diseased, just a normal representative of the clueless, uneducated beyond liberal indoctrination, unschooled in history, privileged upper-middle-class left-of-center folk.

But other than that, yes, what Vort said.  Everything Vort said, in fact.

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AOC answered a casting call.

Justice Democrats are where they're at.  It's amazing watching Bernie Sanders fight for attention and become the "moderate" Democrat.... And that's just fine.  Let them eat themselves in the Primaries and have Creepy Joe Biden rise out of the ashes and face Trump.  And maybe that Starbucks guy.  The debates are gonna be glorious!

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7 hours ago, bytebear said:

There is a shadow communist arm of the Democratic party which is running far left candidates against incumbent Democrats in order to force the party to the far extreme left.  The DNC needs to correct this, or they will be over taken.

They’re not “shadow”.  Justice Democrats is out there for all to see.  Check out that video I posted above of their interview on a news program.

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On 3/15/2019 at 9:32 AM, anatess2 said:

Depends on where you get the news... ;)


I see @bytebear is confused.   Not sure why... maybe I misunderstood his comments?

Basically - "depends on where you get the news" about Justice Democrats... if you get your news from MSM then you won't hear much about Justice Democrats.  But if you go to the independent creators you'll hear a lot about Justice Democrats.  They're not trying to hide or anything.

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I ignore pretty much everything the Democratic Party stands for except the stance on abortion.  A party that promotes the murder of babies is enough for me to never consider supporting it, regardless of its stance on any other issue.  There is no way to separate that one policy stance from the overall character of the party.

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Guest Mores

Could it be that the party actually LIKES having AOC, Omar, and Tlaib (sp?) so that when they put someone up like Biden or Harris, that they'll seem much more moderate by comparison?

"Oh my gosh!  I don't know where the party is going with wildcards like AOC.  Thank goodness we have some SOooo much more moderate Democrats like Biden."

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25 minutes ago, Mores said:

Could it be that the party actually LIKES having AOC, Omar, and Tlaib (sp?) so that when they put someone up like Biden or Harris, that they'll seem much more moderate by comparison?

"Oh my gosh!  I don't know where the party is going with wildcards like AOC.  Thank goodness we have some SOooo much more moderate Democrats like Biden."

No they do not.  It is more logical for Trump to have engineered AOC, et. al. because they attract the youth vote - under 35 - who are very naive, social media savvy and fresh from the brainwashing of universities.  This puts a clear divide between the younger democrats to the older democrats and splits that vote completely.  A lesson from the Bernie-bros... not many Bernie-bros went on to support Hillary even after Bernie bent the knee.  Rather, they attacked Bernie as a sell-out and the Bernie-bros splintered - some went to Hillary, some went to the Green candidate - Jill Stein, some went to Trump, some stayed home.  In my opinion, Bernie's candidacy now is a joke.  He has lost the young activists so all he has left is the haven't-grown-out-of-the-hippie-days crowd.  Pelosi is supporting lowering the voting age to 16 thinking they can get more democrats from the Gen Z crowd.  She forgets that Gen Z is either Conservative (counter culture), or they're far leftists - AOC and not Pelosi.  Gen Z are not the "blue collar Democrats" that are the lifeblood of the old guard Dems.


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Guest Mores
7 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

No they do not.  It is more logical for Trump to have engineered AOC, et. al. because they attract the youth vote - under 35 - who are very naive, social media savvy and fresh from the brainwashing of universities.  This puts a clear divide between the younger democrats to the older democrats and splits that vote completely.  A lesson from the Bernie-bros... not many Bernie-bros went on to support Hillary even after Bernie bent the knee.  Rather, they attacked Bernie as a sell-out and the Bernie-bros splintered - some went to Hillary, some went to the Green candidate - Jill Stein, some went to Trump, some stayed home.  In my opinion, Bernie's candidacy now is a joke.  He has lost the young activists so all he has left is the haven't-grown-out-of-the-hippie-days crowd.  Pelosi is supporting lowering the voting age to 16 thinking they can get more democrats from the Gen Z crowd.  She forgets that Gen Z is either Conservative (counter culture), or they're far leftists - AOC and not Pelosi.  Gen Z are not the "blue collar Democrats" that are the lifeblood of the old guard Dems.


Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

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Guest Mores
Just now, Vort said:

I think she does. I don't always agree with anatess, but I always pay attention to what she writes.

To be honest, it wasn't meant to be an insult.  I tend to think like that as well, when I tell a story.  But when reading, I tend to read linearly.  Sometimes it is difficult to read my own musings after some time has passed since I wrote them.

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50 minutes ago, Mores said:

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

True story.  And I'm only sharing this because we're anonymous... my siblings will roast me for life if they find out about this.

There was this one guy who had one of them old pickup trucks and for some insane reason I couldn't figure out how to unlock that darned thing to get out of it... so I felt really stupid when the dude reached across the seat to pull up on the little thingee sticking out of the door.  Growing up in the Philippines, my dad's car unlocks by pulling up the little thingee but it has a flat top that makes it easy to pull out - this pickup truck doesn't have that so it didn't occur to me that you just pull the thing up.  The dude explained that it prevents people from carjacking the truck with a wire hanger.

So... same dude, asked me for directions to my apartment which I just moved into.  I told him my apartment building is on the left.  He called me - I can't find your building number.  I said, the brown building on the left.  He knocks on my door, I open it, he immediately takes my right arm and says - that's the right.  He grabs my left arm - This one is the left.  I don't know why I said my building is on the left.  The brown building is on the right.  Seriously.  I have no idea why that's what came out of my head.

Needless to say, this guy thought I was the dumbest girl on the planet... he somehow has this electrical power to short-circuit my brain.  He got deployed to the middle east soon after so I never saw him again.  All I know is his family is from Cleveland, Ohio.  So that might explain it... Cleveland Ohio including its suburbs and I do not mix. 

Hopefully you're not from Ohio.



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On 3/18/2019 at 6:30 AM, anatess2 said:

I see @bytebear is confused.   Not sure why... maybe I misunderstood his comments?

Basically - "depends on where you get the news" about Justice Democrats... if you get your news from MSM then you won't hear much about Justice Democrats.  But if you go to the independent creators you'll hear a lot about Justice Democrats.  They're not trying to hide or anything.

Of course they are.  Bernie Sanders in practice, policy and life experience is a Marxist Communist.  He calls it "democratic socialism" but that's just a sugar coated way to let the media call it something it is not.  This is a lie. and the MSM is going along with it.   The AOC platform is equally communism, but is sold as "social justice".  Let's not pretend this is forthcoming and they aren't hiding anything.  They most certainly are.

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And no, I don't think Trump or the GOP invented a far left branch of the Democratic party to split the party.  I think it was a Communist branch that is attempting to take over the party, and has used academia and the youth vote to do it.

This video is making the rounds, and I have no reason to doubt the conclusions.  Basically, a group behind the scenes has run far left puppets to take over vulnerable Democrat incumbents in solid Democrat districts, basically taking over the party through surrogates.


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29 minutes ago, bytebear said:

Of course they are.  Bernie Sanders in practice, policy and life experience is a Marxist Communist.  He calls it "democratic socialism" but that's just a sugar coated way to let the media call it something it is not.  This is a lie. and the MSM is going along with it.   The AOC platform is equally communism, but is sold as "social justice".  Let's not pretend this is forthcoming and they aren't hiding anything.  They most certainly are.

Bytebear - Justice Democrats.  It's a political action organization.  They ran 12 candidates in 2018 through a "casting call".  1 out of the 12 won - that's AOC.  They also endorsed, I think 68? people in 2018 in addition to their casted 12.  25 of them won their seats.  Ohmar and Tlaib are 2 of these.  JD has a specific stated ideology and mission.  And if you follow the motions of AOC, Ohmar, and Tlaib in Congress, they sound like they are all working off of the exact same script - which is the JD script - even robotically reading their motions in committee.  A JD founder is AOC's lead lackey.

The name to note is Zack Exley.  His ideology and political action methodology is the basis for JD.  You understand Exley, you understand where the Democrats are headed if they can't root these guys out of their party.  The way it is going today, JD's (Exley's) methods is very effective and is gaining steam within the Democrat party.

But, even as they are in plain sight even granting interviews and quite active in social media, this is not something you will hear on MSM.

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4 minutes ago, bytebear said:

Ok, so where is the coverage in the MSM of this?   What story other than an underground video describing their actions is there in the news?   Do you have any sources in the media?  This is the cover up I mean.

I told you... you won't hear this on MSM.  There's no "underground video".  They are not hiding, like I told you.  The MSM just don't cover them because... they're going against establishment Democrats.

I can't remember where I posted that interview about AOCs casting call.  I'll post it here again.  I'm also posting here Exley's 10 minutes speech at the Personal Democracy Forum.  Enjoy.

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