Has Lds Talk Had A Positive Influence On Your Life?


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I'm looking for stories on how LDS Talk or other LDS related Internet sites have had a positive impact on your life . If you feel comfortable sharing them in public, please post them here, or send me a private message. Let me know what websites and what they've done for you.


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I love LDS talk. It's always fun to meet new people, especially all the amazing people here. This site has helped me think more about my beliefs and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. It's also helped me to share my testimony and think more about that as well!

Thankyou everyone for being so amazing!

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I first started with this site (older version) 9 years ago. During that time I've had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people in person as well as online. Many of those have been friends during that entire 9 years. They've been wonderful friends and though I don't see them on a daily basis we've gone through alot of things together.

As far as my knowledge of the gospel. Many of the gospel discussions have made me really realize how little I know in the whole scheme of things. I have had to do alot of research in the scriptures and using other sources just to be able to keep up with the topics. Awakening in me a desire to learn more about the gospel. I've been a member all my life but I think you come to a time when you just take all of that for granted. I may not be THE most active person but my testimony has never died. Ldstalk is a huge part of that. My ego has been deflated a few times realizing I really don't know as much as I thought I did. So in that respect ldstalk has had the greatest influence on my life.

ps..Plus the fact that I will get the supreme privilege of taking PrisonChaplain to MC'D's. :D

Oh and having Acez to my house for dinner when he gets his mission call to Utah. haha We can only hope. :sparklygrin:

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LDS Talk has been a good place for me and "home" is the word used most probably to describe it. I feel like I am home when I come to this site, which has been a home to me for the last 8 years atleast. I have made wonderful friends here, had many laughs, learned about gospel subjects I was not too keen on, and grown emotionally and spiritually from my experiences here.

I have made friends that will last the rest of my life. Just tonight, I heard from one that I have not spoken too for over a year, but she wanted to know where I was and how I was. I have made friends throughout the world from this site and appreciate all it offers all of us. From food fights in chat to helping a friend through a tough time to meeting people in real life, the site has been a great benefit to my life and I am grateful for it.

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I first came to LDS Talk two and a half years ago nearly. A freshly turned 17 year old kid :D But just like Josie LDS Talk is best described as "Home". Since I have been here, I have learned and experienced a lot of things. I know that my knowledge of the Gospel has greatly grown by reading peoples wonderful, thoughtful posts and discussing and chatting to people in the chat room. I have made lifelong friends for which I am extremely grateful to have and the privilege to love.

I know that because of the site, it has helped me grow up into the person I am today and soon the Missionary I will become. And for that I will always be grateful.

Not to mention I'm a Moderator WAHOO!!!! :D

The Loony,


PS I look forward to the Dinner Pam. I hope that you are a great cook because if you are, expect me at your door often :sparklygrin:

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Has LDS Talk Had a Positive Influence on My Life?

NO! My life is a shambles because I joined LDS Talk. In just a tiny bit more than one year, and totally because of LDS Talk, I have:

1. Starting consuming vast amounts of White Tea and Decaf Coffee.

2. Stopped paying tithing on my gross, and only pay it on 1/2 of my net, because of inflation and taxes there is only 1/2 "increase".

3. Ignored my family. I rush home from work each day and log in for hours into the nite, watching for the next New Post. I have gained 30 pounds and eat a lot of potato chips.

4. Stopped reading my scriptures. I just get the quoted parts here.

5. Now, I'm starting to have these really weirdo dreams (when I do sleep) about the batmobile or being in prison or living in canada and wondering about polygamy a lot although that's not the way it works anyway. Sometimes I have nightmares about tornados in Kansas and I just don't even know what to think about THAT.

My husband has stopped talking to me. He is making me unplug tomorrow, cutting the cables and not paying the ISP any more.

I will be in rehab for the next six weeks.

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(With apologies to Heather for the above joke response, I truly know that's not what she is looking for! and hereby most humbly submit the following:)

I LOVE this place! Since joining, I have learned more about doctrinal points I never would have thought to question. . . my testimony has strengthened, my knowledge has grown, my spirituality increased. And the people are GREAT!

Give me another year, I'll learn to tone down my smart-alec sense of humor!

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(With apologies to Heather for the above joke response, I truly know that's not what she is looking for! and hereby most humbly submit the following:)

I LOVE this place! Since joining, I have learned more about doctrinal points I never would have thought to question. . . my testimony has strengthened, my knowledge has grown, my spirituality increased. And the people are GREAT!

Give me another year, I'll learn to tone down my smart-alec sense of humor!

I have been here for a few yrs.....and I will never learn to tone down my smart aleck sense of humor....LOL!!!
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I have been here for a few yrs.....and I will never learn to tone down my smart aleck sense of humor....LOL!!!

So...THAT's how you define it??? :blink:


(above is a direct quote from palerider and not my original statement)

I'm not biased, AA--you're was funny! :sparklygrin:

(Hi, PR! :P )

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I have been here for a few yrs.....and I will never learn to tone down my smart aleck sense of humor....LOL!!!

So...THAT's how you define it??? :blink:


(above is a direct quote from palerider and not my original statement)

I'm not biased, AA--you're was funny! :sparklygrin:

(Hi, PR! :P )

B) B) :wow::wow::P:P:P:P

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My knowledge of the gospel has increased dramatically since becoming involved with this online forum. I have been taught many wonderful truths from many wonderful people (including non-LDS Christians). I have strengthened my testimony through the act of bearing it.

More specifically, when my dad experienced a horrible car collision in November of 2005 that left him with a traumatic brain injury and my family without a functioning father, this website was an anchor that kept me in contact with other LDS people and kept my testimony sharp, even though I literally didn't leave the house for more than an hour or so at a time for about one and a half years.

For that, I thank God that He blessed me to discover this website and the fine individuals who people it. I know my sanity and my spirituality would have suffered to a far greater degree during my family's trial if I didn't have LDStalk.com to turn to and interact with.

Thank you Heather, and all the rest of you who have made my life better by walking into it.

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I stumbled into the LDSTALK chatroom 7 1/2 years ago. I had been inactive for over 12 years and did not have any LDS friends. I wanted a place to chat with LDS people, in a non threatening way to try and "ease" back into the church. In the chat room, I "met" among others, Pam, Josie, Colleen, and Ben Raines. Ben always gave me great advice and encouragement as I started going back to church. Another person I met in the chat room was Giggles. Giggles lived in NC and after we had chatted for a while, we figured out that we were a lot alike and started calling each other twin. Once when I was going through a difficult time she called me on the phone and our friendship developed from there. After a few months, we took our first of many vacations together. She became my kindred spirit, confidant, twin and best friend. She has been by my side through the good times, bad times, and every step of the way as I became active and was with me in March when I went through the Temple to receive my endowments. I would certainly consider her friendship and influence in my life a positive and thinking about it now, would say that I owe you a debt of gratitude Heather for providing us a chatroom to meet in.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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Wow what beautiful stories Vanilla and CK.

I came here last March looking for a respectful place to answer some questions I had. I never thought I would still be here. I figured I woudl ask my questions, get answers and move on. It's nice to come here and discuss the faith without being ridiculed. I have also learned so much since coming here, a lot more than what I would by just attending Sunday School and Preisthood. I may not always have a lot to say, but I always read the posts.

This site is great. Thanks Heather.

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I have to say that this site has had a very positive influence on me. I have been here for many years now and have moderated for quite a few as well.

When I joined the "oldsters" sure helped me out. I was just investigating the Church. Any and all questions were answered, mainly by Snow and Bat. Snow being a member and Bat was an ex-mormom and to my knowledge is still an ex-mormon. While there were some battles among those two they stood pretty united in my growing with the Church.

I think that they were both happy when I decided to join the Church but I would have to say that Bat was probably the most happy about it. Now for you that think "huh" yep it is possible. IF for some reason I didn't get to Church it was Bat that admonished me. :(

Anyway to be able to come to a site and get the answers that you are seeking was great.

We have many many more members now, from all faiths, and it is great to see the varying opinions.

Without all of you we wouldn't be here today.

Thanks Heather for starting this site.


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I'm still pretty new here but i have enjoyed every minute. Every one is so friendly. I stumbled across this site about a month ago in my search for different thoughts and ideas about the LDS religion, and most of my searches werre filled with blatantly biased information against the church. Here I can talk to people who don't believe and not start an argument. My experience here has served to strengthen my testimony greatly.

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I've been trying to think what to write here, without sounding repetitive!

Since I first registered as a member of the site, back in 2003 when half my online time was spent drunkenly chatting to strangers and acting in a way that was not good for my health or my spirit, this was the one message board/chat room that was like an escape from the world...it was the one site where I had to watch my manners and my words, and generally behave myself..and it helped me immensly. The people I've met thru this site have been with me throughout my troubles with my daughter's surgery, and my struggle with alcohol and have seen me turn the corner to where I am now trying to live life more healthily and with a little more compassion for the world at large.

It takes me a while to feel completely comfortable with new people I meet, now that I'm not drunk all the time, and this is one of the only sites which has accepted me and not made me feel that I must impress everyone in order to be accepted. I can be myself, the real me, not the alcohol influenced me of the past decade or so.

I'm really thankful for my experiences on this site, and for the widening of my Spiritual Education...I've learned more about the LDS faith which I once practised, and about other faiths which I have since explored. I love the people here, even when we disagree and moan at each other occasionally, and currently love all the fun and games we're having together.

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