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Guest Mores

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Guest Mores

Flash!!!  Bill Clinton was caught lying about having sex with a female much younger than he is.

Is anyone actually surprised that he was involved with Epstein's operation?

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Guest Godless
2 hours ago, Mores said:

Flash!!!  Bill Clinton was caught lying about having sex with a female much younger than he is.

Is anyone actually surprised that he was involved with Epstein's operation?

Nope. Nor am I surprised that Trump and several people linked to him seem to be neck-deep in it as well.

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Guest Mores
28 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I remember hearing "Clinton taking private jet flights and leaving his secret service behind" quite a bit in the '90's.  Fast forward a few decades, and the #metoo movement is adding new energy to old scandals, and here it is again.  

And yet, Clinton will get off without a scratch.  And Epstein will get a slap on the wrist because it has now been shoved over into the category of "yet another thing we can twist to get Trump removed from office."

It's no longer about Epstein or even any real outrage over the atrocities he and others committed.

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Guest Godless
5 minutes ago, Mores said:

And yet, Clinton will get off without a scratch.  And Epstein will get a slap on the wrist because it has now been shoved over into the category of "yet another thing we can twist to get Trump removed from office."

It's no longer about Epstein or even any real outrage over the atrocities he and others committed.

You're probably right about Clinton, unfortunately. I'm not sure what makes you think that Epstein will walk, considering that there are currently multiple Trump associates serving prison sentences for far less. And of course, Trump will remain untouched by all this because Pelosi doesn't want to make waves right before an election and the GOP has gouged out its collective eyes in the name of economic growth and immigration reform.

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3 hours ago, Godless said:

Nope. Nor am I surprised that Trump and several people linked to him seem to be neck-deep in it as well.


2 hours ago, Godless said:

You're probably right about Clinton, unfortunately. I'm not sure what makes you think that Epstein will walk, considering that there are currently multiple Trump associates serving prison sentences for far less. And of course, Trump will remain untouched by all this because Pelosi doesn't want to make waves right before an election and the GOP has gouged out its collective eyes in the name of economic growth and immigration reform.

Nice try.  

Now let's see if you want to continue to just swallow the Fake News narrative or if you want to follow these links I'm providing to give you a fuller picture.


1.)  James Patterson detailed Trump's banning of Epstein from Mar-a-lago in his book, Filthy Rich.  Screenshot of the page below.  MSM has been smearing Trump stating that Epstein harassed these girls at Mar-a-lago.  They were not.  As the book details, they were harassed at Epstein's house. 



2.)  MSM has been reporting that "Trump's name appears in the black book".  This is propagandized for people to think it's the same black book as the Lolita Express flight logs that Bill Clinton's name appears in 26 times.  It is not.  Trump's name appears in Epstein's contact directory.  Trump also is in Epstein's son's flight log once - hitching a ride from Daytona to NYC.

3.)  Back in the 2016 campaign, Katie Johnson filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump claiming that she was lured into an Epstein sex party and got forced into sexual activity by Donald Trump.  The lawsuit got dropped because... she made it all up.

4.)  Also, MSM has been reporting that "Trump is somehow involved because he hired Labor Secretary Acosta who gave Epstein a 'slap in the wrist' in the Florida case".  

First off, Vicky Ward (Daily Beast reporter who has been following Epstein for decades) reported that Acosta told Trump's Transition Team while being interviewed for a secretary position that he was approached during the plea deal by government officials telling him that "Epstein belonged to intelligence" was was "above his pay grade".

In an interview, Acosta stated that he didn't think they could successfully prosecute Epstein and so the plea deal that he signed off, at least, made it so Epstein accepted a guilty charge and gets registered as a sex offender.

Trump was the only "big shot" person that voluntarily provided evidence against Epstein in the Florida investigation.  Here's an interview from Edward Bradley - the victim's lawyer in the Florida case:

5.)  Wikipedia editors have removed Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey from Epstein's bio and left Trump.  Google searches have already bubbled up Epstein and Trump photos and bubbled down Epstein and Clinton photos - probably due to normie searches which shows that the MSM narrative is working.  That's how the game is played folks!



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9 hours ago, Mores said:

Flash!!!  Bill Clinton was caught lying about having sex with a female much younger than he is.

Is anyone actually surprised that he was involved with Epstein's operation?

I do try to avoid speculation and inundado. 


The Traveler 

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Guest Mores
2 hours ago, anatess2 said:

2.)  MSM has been reporting that "Trump's name appears in the black book".  This is propagandized for people to think it's the same black book as the Lolita Express flight logs that Bill Clinton's name appears in 26 times.  It is not.  Trump's name appears in Epstein's contact directory.  Trump also is in Epstein's son's flight log once - hitching a ride from Daytona to NYC.

3.)  Back in the 2016 campaign, Katie Johnson filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump claiming that she was lured into an Epstein sex party and got forced into sexual activity by Donald Trump.  The lawsuit got dropped because... she made it all up.

I enjoyed your post.  It seems that we're going to be repeating the last two years all over again.  I was just complaining how ridiculous it was for the left to spend so much energy, political capital, taxpayer funds, and the government's time on chasing after a phantom of a phantom.  Then it was brought to my attention

LET THEM SPEND ALL THE POLITICAL CAPITAL THEY CAN.  They lost SO many voters once the Mueller investigation was published, you'd think they'd learned their lesson.  But crying wolf on this scale is simply not a good idea for anyone.

Who knows?  Maybe Trump is actually as guilty of this as Democrats say.  And if that is proven through real investigation rather than biased accusations, then good.  We caught a pedophile.  If not, then we're going to have one heck of a changing of the guards in the House come next November.  We may even have a supermajority in the Senate.

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Guest Mores
21 minutes ago, Traveler said:

I do try to avoid speculation and inundado. 

None of this was speculation.  Innuendo may be there.  But I was stating the actual facts. 

  • He lied about having sex with a female much younger than he is (Monica Lewinsky).
  • His name was on flight records on a couple dozen flights (as part of Epstein's operation) where the underage girls were being flown to be raped by wealthy and powerful older men. 
  • He stated that he had no knowledge of Epstein's sex traffiking.

These are facts.  Is there any way to state these facts without implying the conclusion you've already jumped to?  If there is, please provide the way of stating these facts without the innuendo that you already believe.

With Trump, there is plenty of plausible deniability.  Sure, he could be connected.  I have no idea yet.  But look at the facts that we do know.

  • He stood up for underage girls who were being mistreated by Epstein.  He even kicked him out of his club.
  • People have already been caught accusing him of such criminal activity -- and found to be lying.  When people lie to make an accusation, that already says that those who want it to be true are on weak ground.
  • The infamous black book doesn't have his name in it.  There is sometimes lack of evidence because we simply don't know where to look.  But here, we know exactly where to look.  And it ain't there.

Again, I'll say it: I'm not married to Trump.  And let's face it, the only reason this accusation has any steam at all is that he really is deficient in the sexual morality department.  So, if it turns out to be true, many people can be disappointed.  But will anyone really be surprised?

But evidence is required.  And we just don't have it yet.

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Guest Mores
6 hours ago, Godless said:

You're probably right about Clinton, unfortunately.

At least you're sane.

6 hours ago, Godless said:

I'm not sure what makes you think that Epstein will walk, considering that there are currently multiple Trump associates serving prison sentences for far less.

There.  Right there...  You've bought into the narrative already and you don't even realize it.  Do you see it?  I'm not going to complete the thought just yet.  I want to give you a chance to see if you can see it.  Do you understand what I'm saying?

6 hours ago, Godless said:

And of course, Trump will remain untouched by all this because Pelosi doesn't want to make waves right before an election

I'm not sure if you've recognized it.  But Pelosi has lost some of her teeth.  Not only that, but she specifically DID make waves just before the election.  The timing was critical.  She knew it was all false with Russian Collusion.  It was important that the investigation continue with "just" enough credibility to swing the vote.  Then AFTER the election, the report was released showing that it was a big nothing burger.

Only AFTER the report was released did many voters give up on the Dems.

6 hours ago, Godless said:

and the GOP has gouged out its collective eyes in the name of economic growth and immigration reform.

I'm not sure what you're meaning here.  "Gouged out its collective eyes".  It seems that the right has been very successful in making life better for all Americans regardless of political affiliation.  And a lot of people have recognized that.  One reason Trump beat Clinton was that many life-long Democrats got tired of the empty promises of the left and decided to finally give a political outsider a chance.  And many have since said,"It's worked out better than I could have imagined."  

There were enough of them to more than make up for the loss of conservative voters who refused to vote for a morally bankrupt man.

So, as much success that the right has made, I don't know what you're talking about by "gouging out" of eyes.

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Guest Godless
20 minutes ago, Mores said:

There.  Right there...  You've bought into the narrative already and you don't even realize it.  Do you see it?  I'm not going to complete the thought just yet.  I want to give you a chance to see if you can see it.  Do you understand what I'm saying?

Nope. I don't know what you're saying at all. Several people linked to Trump are either in prison or in some stage of federal indictment. Why do you think Epstein will be safe?

20 minutes ago, Mores said:

I'm not sure what you're meaning here.  "Gouged out its collective eyes".  It seems that the right has been very successful in making life better for all Americans regardless of political affiliation.  And a lot of people have recognized that.

So, as much success that the right has made, I don't know what you're talking about by "gouging out" of eyes.

The GOP, which still holds a majority in the Senate, has shown zero interest in holding Trump accountable for his missteps. They'll wring their hands and express profound disappointment when he steps out of line, but they refuse to DO anything about it. A video could be released tomorrow showing Trump indisputably raping a minor and GOP congresssmen wouldn't do a thing about it. THAT'S what I mean by gouging their eyes out. Their executive is morally bankrupt and takes every opportunity to throw gasoline on the fire of our national division, but the economy is booming, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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1 hour ago, Godless said:

A video could be released tomorrow showing Trump indisputably raping a minor and GOP congresssmen wouldn't do a thing about it.


Seriously??? Simply not true. Why would you say something like that? This is exhibit A of what "Trump derangement syndrome'" looks like. That is a terrible thing to say, and I'm sorry you feel that way.

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Guest Godless
20 minutes ago, scottyg said:

Seriously??? Simply not true. Why would you say something like that? This is exhibit A of what "Trump derangement syndrome'" looks like. That is a terrible thing to say, and I'm sorry you feel that way.

I was being hyperbolic to make a point. It is my sincere hope that, were something like what I described to come out, that would be the breaking point for GOP legislators.

But it still leaves open the question of why they've been silent in the face of:

- the Stormy Daniels story (which Trump inadvertently validated on Twitter)

- Trump's defiance of Congressional subpoenas (can you imagine the fire and brimstone that the GOP would be spitting if Obama did that?)

- multiple allegations of attempted rape and sexual assault

- reckless use of tariffs to shape international trade policy 

- consistent leniency towards nations like North Korea and Russia; the former is responsible not only for countless human rights atrocities against their own citizens, but also responsible for the death of a US citizen, and the latter has mountains of evidence stacked against it suggesting that it interfered in the 2016 election.

- blatant and repetitive conflict of interest issues (if you think Trump not taking a salary has stopped him from profiting off his presidency, then I have a casino to sell you)

- increasingly obvious and alarming conditions at the migrant camps at the border. Say what you want about Obama's separation policy, but this is Trump's baby now. If we're beyond the point of giving Obama credit for the economy, then we're beyond the point of blaming him for how refugees are being treated at the border.

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2 hours ago, scottyg said:

Seriously??? Simply not true. Why would you say something like that? This is exhibit A of what "Trump derangement syndrome'" looks like. That is a terrible thing to say, and I'm sorry you feel that way.

Why is it so terrible for a Trump critic to say this, but not problematic for Trump himself to boast that he could literally get away with murder?  

I think @Godless‘s statement is wrong.  At least, I desperately hope it is.  But is it really Trump Derangement Syndrome for someone to indulge in the same sort of speculations that Trump himself has indulged in?

As for Epstein:  it’s fun to watch mainstream media suddenly decide Epstein is a Trump flunkie, after literally ten years of the guy’s palling around with the proggie elite (including the Clintons).  I get the feeling that once you’re playing at a certain level of income/political influence, your world gets very small and everyone in that sphere pretty much knows and socializes with everyone regardless of avowed political allegiances.  

The only other observation I’d make is that there’s a BIG difference between having relations with an available-and-willing 22-year-old, versus having relations with a pimped 14-year-old.  I wouldn’t be surprised to hear Bill Clinton had done the latter—but I hope it isn’t true.  

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Guest Mores
10 hours ago, Godless said:

Nope. I don't know what you're saying at all.

You've already bought into the narrative that Trump was part of Epstein's crimes.  Let me be clear.  I DON'T KNOW if he is.  I'd really be ecstatic if we found that even Bill Clinton was not involved in it.  But the evidence is already there for Clinton being involved.  There has yet been NO EVIDENCE provided that Trump was involved in it.

I'm not married to the guy.  I have no trouble removing him from office if it was found that he did.  But can we at least wait for actual EVIDENCE before you're ready to impeach the guy?  That's all I'm asking for.  EVIDENCE.  Yet you've already become convinced it's an established fact.

10 hours ago, Godless said:

Several people linked to Trump are either in prison or in some stage of federal indictment. Why do you think Epstein will be safe?

Epstein has already been convicted of a number of related offenses.  It happened years ago.  What exactly is new?  There are some additional allegations.  But no one (hyperbolic) involved in the actual trials and legal proceedings actually cares about Epstein.  The whole reason it has gained national attention again is that the liberal media hopes to be able to spin it towards something Trump has done wrong.  That is all.  They simply don't care about getting Epstein.  That is why he will not get much more done to him.  They (those involved in the legal proceedings as well as the politicians and media voicing their rage) don't really care about Epstein.

10 hours ago, Godless said:

The GOP, which still holds a majority in the Senate, has shown zero interest in holding Trump accountable for his missteps. They'll wring their hands and express profound disappointment when he steps out of line, but they refuse to DO anything about it. A video could be released tomorrow showing Trump indisputably raping a minor and GOP congresssmen wouldn't do a thing about it. THAT'S what I mean by gouging their eyes out. Their executive is morally bankrupt and takes every opportunity to throw gasoline on the fire of our national division, but the economy is booming, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This complaint is 100% characterization and politically motivated. 

I was going to ask you for examples of what you found so offensive.  Then I read the following post.  So, let me address them as well.

8 hours ago, Godless said:

I was being hyperbolic to make a point. It is my sincere hope that, were something like what I described to come out, that would be the breaking point for GOP legislators.

And so do I.

8 hours ago, Godless said:

But it still leaves open the question of why they've been silent in the face of:

I'd ask you to take a step back and TRULY CONSIDER how much of this is characterization.  How much of it is only politically motivated?  Remember, we ALL readily admit the guy is morally bankrupt.  But Bill Clinton proved that such character is not sufficient to be classified as "High Crimes & Misdemeanors."  Since Clinton set the precedent, the GOP realizes that there's no use in spending time, money, and political capital on something that will not achieve anything (e.g. Ted Cruz said the reason why they wouldn't impeach Obama was because they knew there weren't enough votes in the Senate to remove him anyway.  So, what's the point?  He was right)  Dems, on the other hand, are perfectly content running every witch hunt and fishing expedition ad nauseam.

Litmus test: What is stuff that "I disapprove of"?  And what is ILLEGAL!!!

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- the Stormy Daniels story (which Trump inadvertently validated on Twitter)

Firmly disapprove of his behavior.  What was illegal?

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- Trump's defiance of Congressional subpoenas (can you imagine the fire and brimstone that the GOP would be spitting if Obama did that?)

Again, Obama DID do that.  And he set the precedent.  So, Dems are proving their hypocrisy.

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- multiple allegations of attempted rape and sexual assault

Allegations based on no evidence and no corroborating witnesses.  And many times evidence and witnesses provided actually refuted the accusations.  What would actually be PROVABLE in a court of law?

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- reckless use of tariffs to shape international trade policy 

Define "reckless" in this sense.  Characterization.  Nothing more.  What has he actually DONE that would harm American trade strategies?  Not what he's talked about.  Not what he's considered.  Not what he's threatened.  What has he actually DONE that would be considered "reckless" by the informed, educated, swing voter?

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- consistent leniency towards nations like North Korea and Russia; the former is responsible not only for countless human rights atrocities against their own citizens, but also responsible for the death of a US citizen, and the latter has mountains of evidence stacked against it suggesting that it interfered in the 2016 election.

What would you expect him to do?  NK already has the strictest sanctions imposed on them.  Do you want to go to war with them?  For what?  And risk war with China as well? Now who's reckless?

Russia?  Lenient?  How?  What actions has he taken that would be considered "lenient" in your mind?  Facts.  Not characterizations.

As far as election interference -- again, I'm troubled at your lack of self awareness.  The entire Mueller investigation dug up TONS of evidence against Hillary Clinton being the beneficiary of such meddling.  But I don't hear anyone on your side crying for her arrest.  So, what exactly do you want him to do?

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- blatant and repetitive conflict of interest issues (if you think Trump not taking a salary has stopped him from profiting off his presidency, then I have a casino to sell you)

Name them.  We can discuss.  But those I've read about over the last year were penny candy and meaningless accusations.  Tell me something I haven't heard of and we can discuss.

8 hours ago, Godless said:

- increasingly obvious and alarming conditions at the migrant camps at the border. Say what you want about Obama's separation policy, but this is Trump's baby now. If we're beyond the point of giving Obama credit for the economy, then we're beyond the point of blaming him for how refugees are being treated at the border.

Not so.  I don't blame Obama for the refugee situation.  I blame the Democratic members of the House.

Obama had the same problems that Trump has because of the same funding and legislative issues.  Trump has set out the plan to fix the problem.  But he requires Congressional approval to do much of what needs to be done.  And the Democratic House will.not.budge.  They're using these children as a political football rather than wanting to solve the problem. Trump wants funding to expand programs at the border so, the detainees will not have to be so cramped.  But Dems just want to keep emphasizing how bad Trump is to the point that they refuse to fund the obvious solutions.

 If Obama asked for the same things, the bills would have been rushed through the House with tens of billions in pork attached to it.  But because it is Trump... He could ask for emergency medical funding to help "The Mother Teresa of America" pay her medical bills, and they would call it racist and elitist. 

So, what do you want to do?  He's got solutions.  And they've proven to be effective -- to the level that he has power to implement them.  But Dems won't admit it.  He is now taking to Executive Order options -- which he has continually only used as a last resort.  But you'd blame him for inaction when he doesn't do it.  And you blame him for abuse of power when he does do it. So, exactly what are his options?

1) Work with a hostile House who refuses to agree to anything unless he sells the entire farm.
2) Don't use executive orders -- so he'll be called ineffective or inactive.
3) Use executive orders -- so he'll be accused of abusing his power.

So, what do you want, Goldilocks?

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10 hours ago, Godless said:

I was being hyperbolic to make a point. It is my sincere hope that, were something like what I described to come out, that would be the breaking point for GOP legislators.

But it still leaves open the question of why they've been silent in the face of:

- the Stormy Daniels story (which Trump inadvertently validated on Twitter)

- Trump's defiance of Congressional subpoenas (can you imagine the fire and brimstone that the GOP would be spitting if Obama did that?)

- multiple allegations of attempted rape and sexual assault

- reckless use of tariffs to shape international trade policy 

- consistent leniency towards nations like North Korea and Russia; the former is responsible not only for countless human rights atrocities against their own citizens, but also responsible for the death of a US citizen, and the latter has mountains of evidence stacked against it suggesting that it interfered in the 2016 election.

- blatant and repetitive conflict of interest issues (if you think Trump not taking a salary has stopped him from profiting off his presidency, then I have a casino to sell you)

- increasingly obvious and alarming conditions at the migrant camps at the border. Say what you want about Obama's separation policy, but this is Trump's baby now. If we're beyond the point of giving Obama credit for the economy, then we're beyond the point of blaming him for how refugees are being treated at the border.

Seriously, Godless.  You just parrot Left-wing Mainstream Media - the same media that gleefully defamed and libeled the Covington Boys - without critical analysis.

THIS ESPECIALLY:  " reckless use of tariffs to shape international trade policy  - consistent leniency towards nations like North Korea and Russia; the former is responsible not only for countless human rights atrocities against their own citizens, but also responsible for the death of a US citizen, and the latter has mountains of evidence stacked against it suggesting that it interfered in the 2016 election."
This is the type of stuff that makes us non-Americans who have to live under your foreign policy be thoroughly disgusted at the average voting American's ignorance.


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Guest Scott
1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

Seriously, Godless.  You just parrot Left-wing Mainstream Media - the same media that gleefully defamed and libeled the Covington Boys - without critical analysis.

THIS ESPECIALLY:  " reckless use of tariffs to shape international trade policy  - consistent leniency towards nations like North Korea and Russia; the former is responsible not only for countless human rights atrocities against their own citizens, but also responsible for the death of a US citizen, and the latter has mountains of evidence stacked against it suggesting that it interfered in the 2016 election."
This is the type of stuff that makes us non-Americans who have to live under your foreign policy be thoroughly disgusted at the average voting American's ignorance.

No it doesn't.    You only seem to be concerned with the Phillipines.    I have been to sixty countries, six alone in the past few months (just returning a week and a half ago) and what Godless points out is exactly the kinds of things that a lot of other countries think of the US.  Luckily most of them like Americans, just not a lot of our politics.   

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Guest Scott

You guys are serious arguing as to whether Bill Clinton or Donald Trump is more sexually immoral?

NEWS FLASH (for people on both sides):

They both are (or at least were) incredibly sexually immoral.

Trump cheated on his wives multiple times, starred in pornographic films, raped his formal wife without denying it (saying that there's no such thing as "martial rape"), has been divorced for serial cheating, bragged about grabbing other women's privates, etc.

Clinton cheated on his wife (probably multiple times), lied about it,  was a serial womanizer, etc.

And you guys are trying to point the finger at the other saying your politician is morally superior?

I'm going to say it plainly, you all (on both sides) are a bunch of hypocrits.    There, I said it.  I'm completely serious as well.  


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Guest Scott
2 hours ago, Mores said:

What would you expect him to do?  NK already has the strictest sanctions imposed on them.  Do you want to go to war with them?  For what?  And risk war with China as well? Now who's reckless?

I'm going to try some meaningful conversation here.

Here's is the only viable solution I can see if people really do want to disarm North Korea.   

China supports North Korea and is one of their few supporters.     China's economy is largely depended on the US consumption of Chinese goods.  

China does not want a war with the US.   In fact, China has gone out of their way in recent decades to avoid any foereign wars at all, despite what we say about China.   When is the last time China started a war?     

Instead of tarrifs and a trade ware against China for what Trump is claiming as "unfair trade practices", go after China for supporting North Korea.  Make it hurt.   It might (and almost surely will) harm our economy as well, but if it get's rid of the nukes in North Korea, I'd still support it.  If China is forced to choose between the US and North Korea, I can almost guarantee that they would choose the US in the end.   They may flx their political muscles and throw a fit, but it would be that long before they caved.   

Oh and by the way, in case you were going to bring it up, I already know and will say that Obama did nothing at all to help the situation in North Korea.  

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13 minutes ago, Scott said:

No it doesn't.    You only seem to be concerned with the Phillipines.    I have been to sixty countries, six alone in the past few months (just returning a week and a half ago) and what Godless points out is exactly the kinds of things that a lot of other countries think of the US.  Luckily most of them like Americans, just not a lot of our politics.   

Really, Scott?  The number of stamps on your passport doesn't make you knowledgeable in foreign policy impacts - as I have already shown to you previously.  Working in the Philippine government, having to perform a balancing act of US, Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Israeli, EU foreign policies do - especially when you have a country with factions of communists and jihadi terrorists and druglords that could blow up any time depending on the success and failure of any one of these countries... and that doesn't count having to protect yourself from things such as the American "mortgage crisis" dumping your entire country's economy.









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32 minutes ago, Scott said:

You guys are serious arguing as to whether Bill Clinton or Donald Trump is more sexually immoral.

NEWS FLASH (for people on both sides):

They both are (or at least were) incredibly sexually immoral.

Trump cheated on his wives multiple times, starred in pornographic films, raped his formal wife without denying it (saying that there's no such thing as martial rape, bragged about grabbing other women's privates, etc.

Clinton cheated on his wife (probably multiple times), lied about it,  was a serial womanizer, etc.

And you guys are trying to point the finger at the other saying your politician is morally superior?

I'm going to say it plainly, you all (on both sides) are a bunch of hypocrits.    There, I said it.  I'm completely serious as well.  


And, as usual, you're carrying your own conversation.  There is nobody here arguing over who is morally superior.  What we are arguing here is Trump being involved in Epstein's Lolita Express.  This is not just about what is immoral... this is about what is CRIMINAL.

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Guest Scott
2 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

The number of stamps on your passport doesn't make you knowledgeable in foreign policy impacts - as I have already shown to you previously.

Agreed.  I interact with people from many other countries (including ones I haven't been to) on an almost daily basis and I am very well versed in history, geography, foreign policies, etc.    

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