Wow. CNN's Chris Cillizza is a bona fide idiot. (Or a liar.)


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Either Chris Cillizza is so incredibly stupid that he doesn't recognize a silly and rather obvious joke, or (perhaps more likely) he's a liar looking to smear someone falsely and hoping that everyone else is too stupid to see through his deception. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just say he's an imbecile.

If you want more evidence why CNN has fallen from respectability to sub-NYT levels, here is yet another example.

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46 minutes ago, Vort said:

Either Chris Cillizza is so incredibly stupid that he doesn't recognize a silly and rather obvious joke, or (perhaps more likely) he's a liar looking to smear someone falsely and hoping that everyone else is too stupid to see through his deception. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just say he's an imbecile.

If you want more evidence why CNN has fallen from respectability to sub-NYT levels, here is yet another example.

It's not a dichotomy.  He is a liar AND an imbecile.

As Tim Pool like to say (especially in the light of Cuomo finally expressing disgust about the irrationality and hyperpartisanship of his job) - did these journalists think this over... how much will it take for them to sell their souls to stay working at CNN?  Or did they just happily jump into the pool doing these ridiculous stories that pass for news these days?


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16 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

It's not a dichotomy.  He is a liar AND an imbecile.

Oh, there's a third explanation.  He's sold his soul to spin at all costs, even if the spin is something that would be bought only by the bottom 10% (or maybe bottom 35% of CNN viewers).

  When it comes to accusations of lying, well, plenty of people subscribe to the Lionel Hutz theory of truths.

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The commentary on CNN in the article seems to basically be there to try to mock Conway while at the same time being rather obnoxious themselves.

However, it touches upon a much more serious thing I think that has bothered many (who are not Republicans or more favored towards the Republican right.  This does not necessarily mean democrats, simply those who are not in the groups that favored Trump already for the most part).

While there were mistakes all around, I see Trump trying to say he will not give the WHO money (first, that is Congress's delegation, unless we are going to take the power of the checks and balances and give them all to the President) as more of him trying to blame anyone and everyone except for himself for the problems.

The WHO has much to blame and many things they did wrong, but Trump himself is FAR more responsible for the ridiculous things he did or did not do in the US than the WHO.  He didn't even BAN travel from China like some claim he did, the AIRLINES were already in the process of doing it and he simply tried to claim credit.  Even as he did, he ignores that those the airlines did not ban themselves were let into the US (several 10,000 from China during his supposed 'ban') without even a temperature gauge to determine if they may have any signs or indications of any ailment or illness.

Trump conveniently ignores that the WHO WAS wrong in many ways, they STILL came out with statements regarding the seriousness of the illness almost a month before Trump even admitted it was something the US needed to be worried about.

Instead of taking responsibility, Trump is wanting to blame anyone and anything other than himself for things going on.  While he cannot be held responsible for all that is going on in the US, the absolute way he's gone about trying to blame others and refuse to take charge or responsibility in this time has not impressed anyone other than those who already favored him to a degree.

It was the State Governors and local governments that threw up their hands and finally started taking action LONG before he really even admitted there was a problem arising in the US.

I think Trump realizes that there are many like me out there have problems with what he did and how he acted.  Rather than take responsibility for his actions, I see him trying to do anything and everything to try to blame someone other than himself for them.

On the bright side, it appears that if the current trend continues, we may fall FAR short of the projected deaths and maybe be under 60K deaths in the US.  Of course, that is if we continue social distancing (Which could bring us to a depression if we continue it for as long as it takes to stop the progression of the disease).  If, or when, we instead stop the social distancing and isolation there is a very real and strong possibility of a second wave.  I'm not sure what the future holds at this point, but I still see Trump trying to blame others rather than take responsibility for any detrimental actions he may have taken (though I see him also trying to claim responsibility for actions others have taken) at this point.

The entire WHO thing I think is trying to play the blame game rather than man up and be a leader. 

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PS:  For a different take on the story (yes, I do read stories off of the Yahoo news pages) here is a link

WH Says Kellyanne Conway ‘Well Aware’ What COVID-19 Means After Inaccurately Referencing ‘COVID-1’


A White House official told TheWrap, “Kellyanne is well aware that ’19’ refers to the year.  She attends Task Force meetings daily and sits right behind Drs. Birx and Fauci.  Kellyanne never mentioned ’18 other coronaviruses’. In three different interviews today, Kellyanne made the same point: The WHO has one job, to anticipate infectious disease pandemics. They are charged with managing the information – the facts and figures –  and are paid handsomely to do so. ‘This is COVID 19, not COVID 1’ on one show addressed the sheer number of years the U.S. has given billions and billions of dollars to WHO and were failed by them when it came to the origins, severity, human-to-human transmission and such related to Coronavirus.”


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10 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

PS:  For a different take on the story (yes, I do read stories off of the Yahoo news pages) here is a link

WH Says Kellyanne Conway ‘Well Aware’ What COVID-19 Means After Inaccurately Referencing ‘COVID-1’

Correction: That is not a different take from my thread. It is exactly the same take. Conway understood exactly what she was saying; she was being facetious, as anyone with an IQ higher than a bowl of warm oatmeal can plainly see. It's only the imbeciles/liars/fools of the Democrat/media left who are unable to fathom this.

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1 minute ago, Vort said:

Correction: That is not a different take from my thread. It is exactly the same take. Conway understood exactly what she was saying; she was being facetious, as anyone with an IQ higher than a bowl of warm oatmeal can plainly see. It's only the imbeciles/liars/fools of the Democrat/media left who are unable to fathom this.

I'm not sure what you mean.

They are from different sources (Yours is CNN, mine is the Wrap via Yahoo).

Where as mine includes the statement from the Whitehouse clarifying, the CNN article merely mocks her without any other sources that may show what the other side's (the WH) response is.

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3 hours ago, Vort said:

Either Chris Cillizza is so incredibly stupid that he doesn't recognize a silly and rather obvious joke, or (perhaps more likely) he's a liar looking to smear someone falsely and hoping that everyone else is too stupid to see through his deception. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and just say he's an imbecile.

If you want more evidence why CNN has fallen from respectability to sub-NYT levels, here is yet another example.

It would be incredibly helpful in the future if you would copy a paste a summary from the story so that we don’t have to generate more traffic for these sites. 

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18 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

While there were mistakes all around, I see Trump trying to say he will not give the WHO money (first, that is Congress's delegation, unless we are going to take the power of the checks and balances and give them all to the President) as more of him trying to blame anyone and everyone except for himself for the problems.

It is completely the Presidents discretion HOW/WHEN to execute the Congressional Budget.  Congress simply APPROPRIATES it.  And no, he's not the one trying to blame anyone and everyone.  WHO has been criticizing Trump's response since January.  By April, the pattern has become quite clear such that other governments have made notice of it.  WHO is in China's pocket.

Next stop - UN.


18 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Trump conveniently ignores that the WHO WAS wrong in many ways, they STILL came out with statements regarding the seriousness of the illness almost a month before Trump even admitted it was something the US needed to be worried about.

It's pretty obvious where you get your political news from.

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7 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Very interesting graph:


Extraordinarily biased graph, where CNN is classified as almost neutral and solidly "fair" while Fox News is on the same level as The Daily Kos. Oh, yes, and CBS/ABC News and the LA Times are rated above the Wall Street Journal in factuality of reporting. Just another meaningless normalization of radical left elements as "fair" "news" sources.

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1 hour ago, Vort said:

Extraordinarily biased graph, where CNN is classified as almost neutral and solidly "fair" while Fox News is on the same level as The Daily Kos. Oh, yes, and CBS/ABC News and the LA Times are rated above the Wall Street Journal in factuality of reporting. Just another meaningless normalization of radical left elements as "fair" "news" sources.

Oh, I guess I see it as a graph where CNN is rated crappier and less fair than Mother Jones, MSNBC, the Drudge Report, Time, the vast majority of orgs out there.  And keep in mind this chart came out in 2018, and CNN has become far more click-baitey and stupid since then.  I figure CNN and Fox news both have been in orange at least for years.

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52 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Oh, I guess I see it as a graph where CNN is rated crappier and less fair than Mother Jones, MSNBC, the Drudge Report, Time, the vast majority of orgs out there.  And keep in mind this chart came out in 2018, and CNN has become far more click-baitey and stupid since then.  I figure CNN and Fox news both have been in orange at least for years.

The biggest clue you got on the source bias of that graph is the positioning of The Hill.

The Hill is marked as "Skews Right".  The Hill, even with Newt Gingrich contributing, leans more left than right (they have more left leaning contributors than right leaning contributors).  But their left-leaning contributors are split between the populist progressive democrats (Sanders) and the establishment "old guard" democrats (Biden) and the populist wing of The Hill - especially in their video channels - tend to go anti-establishment, going anti-Pelosi/Schumer/Biden more than they are anti-Trump (populist) which I would pull even more to the left in the direction of Sanders and not towards the right.  So, the positioning of leans right tells me that the creators of that graph have an establishment democrat bias.  So, to interpret that graph, you put Biden/Pelosi/Schumer on Neutral.

In any case, when it comes to anything, including The Hill, it is always best to pay attention to the contributor and know his bias independent from the publisher.  CNN is chock full of Chris Cillizzas.

Edited by anatess2
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On 4/15/2020 at 2:37 PM, JohnsonJones said:

the absolute way he's gone about trying to blame others and refuse to take charge or responsibility in this time has not impressed anyone other than those who already favored him to a degree.

Unlike people like you who will always blame him for ills and refuses to give even a modicum of credit no matter what he does to help.  Yeah.  That's MUCH more virtuous and even-minded.

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