True and Living


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I put this thread in the topic of General Discussion for a purpose and a reason.  Often in religion we speak of the "True and Living" G-d.  What is meant by "True and Living"?  As we ponder what True and Living means my question is -- If there is really a True and Living G-d such that there is an advantage in this life to believe in "The One and Only"  "True and Living G-d";  how can it be that any one could worship that "One and Only True and Living G-d" and NOT believe that there is a "One and Only True and Living" Church of G-d through which we can "know" and "worship" him?

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I've mentioned before that one meaning of "true" is "it points straight", as in truing a rifle. A gun that shoots true hits what you're aiming at, assuming you can aim a gun correctly. I think this is a valid and important meaning of a "true Church".

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18 minutes ago, Vort said:

I've mentioned before that one meaning of "true" is "it points straight", as in truing a rifle. A gun that shoots true hits what you're aiming at, assuming you can aim a gun correctly. I think this is a valid and important meaning of a "true Church".

I guess that fits what I was getting at with "The Spirit."  Joseph Smith said that the primary difference between our Church and others is that we have the Holy Ghost.

It is worthy to note that he did not say

  • Living prophets
  • Priesthood/authority
  • True doctrines
  • More scriptures
  • Organization
  • Directed by God


He said the Holy Ghost.  The primary purpose of the Spirit is to point us to the Savior.  So, that works -- for some aspects of the principle.  But I'm not sure I agree with you in this context.

I won't argue with you because I remember your discussion on this earlier.  And I agreed with it -- in that context.  But I believe a single statement can have multiple meanings.  And for this context, it means something different.

Edited by Carborendum
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2 hours ago, Traveler said:

how can it be that any one could worship that "One and Only True and Living G-d" and NOT believe that there is a "One and Only True and Living" Church of G-d through which we can "know" and "worship" him?

I totally agree with @Carborendum's answer above for the OP.

However, I don't think that this particular part was addressed.  I'm interpreting the quoted part as "doesn't everyone think that their God (LDS Christian or not) is the True and Living one, whom we can know and worship?".  I'll break my response up into two parts:

True: ok, I can't think of a person whom doesn't believe their views are the most true / correct.  That's why they do hold those views after all.  Though, I do know people whom believe in openly relativist truths.  

Living: *Jane tries to figure out how to phrase this the best* .... I do know people (Christian and non) whom believe God distant.  Non-participatory in our lives, non-approachable, non-knowable, etc.  One thing I love about the LDS Christian faith is the stress that God IS involved, is approachable, and is knowable.  If you seek wisdom, then just go ask Him!  It's that simple!    He lives!!!  Go talk to Him and have the real active relationship with Him!!!  

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I tend to think that there are several categories of people who:

1) Believe in ONE TRUE GOD.
2) Do NOT believe in ONE TRUE CHURCH.

Here are the categories that I'm personally aware of.

  • Many do believe in ONE true church.  But they basically think that all (at least most) sects of Christianity are true.  But they simply emphasize one aspect or another.
  • Many do believe in ONE true church. And theirs is it.
  • Many do believe in ONE true church.  But it is not on the earth.
  • Many do not believe in one true church because worship is personal, not collective.  And we receive salvation through our personal relationship with God.
  • Many do not believe in one true church because church is a manmade construct and we rely on Christ, not man.

I can sympathize with each of these philosophies.  But having known the truth, I simply can't accept them.

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4 hours ago, Traveler said:

how can it be that any one could worship that "One and Only True and Living G-d" and NOT believe that there is a "One and Only True and Living" Church of G-d through which we can "know" and "worship" him?


God wants us to be the best we can be and accept whatever form of him  we can find as his Lord and savior. Everything else is mute and is inconsequential when it comes to our salvation.

Edited by Fether
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