Disinformation Governance Board


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1 hour ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Of course it needs to be run by non-political, intelligent, rational people who have our country's best interests in mind. 

Even if it was possible to find these people, who would take the job? The moment you report something-anything-you’ll have people jumping up and down screaming about “fake news”. 

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1 minute ago, LDSGator said:

Even if it was possible to find these people, who would take the job? The moment you report something-anything-you’ll have people jumping up and down screaming about “fake news”. 

I'm not suggesting it's possible. I'm simply saying that in a perfect world we'd have it because it is sorely needed. There is, clearly, a great deal of mis and disinformation that's wreaking havoc on the world and our country. It's really bad. But, yeah....it's not going to work to deal with the real mis and disinformation.

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1 minute ago, The Folk Prophet said:

There is, clearly, a great deal of mis and disinformation that's wreaking havoc on the world and our country. It's really bad. 

I think people of all sides would agree with you-it’s just that all of us differ vastly on what “disinformation” is. 

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Just now, LDSGator said:

I think people of all sides would agree with you-it’s just that all of us differ vastly on what “disinformation” is. 

Right. And I think it would be key that censorship is not part of the proposed solution. There are cases where censorship is appropriate, of course. But for the most part, free speech should reign. In point of fact, that should be the primary directive of any disinformation board. Making sure ALL sides have a voice.

There are cases where straight up censorship should exist, but they should be pretty rare, overall.

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On 4/29/2022 at 10:43 AM, The Folk Prophet said:

Of course. It could, still, theoretically. But it won't. We are headed into the end times. Things will get worse.

It's more than just "the end times" that is preventing it.  The very nature of government is power.  The very nature of mankind is ambition.  The genius of the Constitution is that it uses ambition to offset ambition.

The first amendment admits that government cannot be the determiner of "truth".  The ultimate arbiter of truth must and always will be the people.  This is true in religion, press, speech, assembly, and petitioning the government for grievances.  Each of those rights is an avenue to truth.  And the most accurate truth can be reached only if the vast majority of individuals in this country can express as many voices as possible, and for as many ears to have access to as much information as possible.  

With that in place, all that needs to be upheld is for enough people to have enough freedom of thought to weigh all the voices and come to a consensus.  I believe as Reagan did that as long as the people have ample access to all the information, the mass of the population will always make the right choice.

IOW, the solution to misinformation is not censorship -- or a governing board determining what is truth.  The answer is allowing even more voices to be heard, then giving the people the freedom to determine the truth for themselves.

One more condition exists.  It was stated by the Founding Fathers.  It was stated in the Book of Mormon.  And this is more along the lines of it being the end times:

  • Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other (John Adams).
  • ...if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity, that is, if the time should come that this people should fall into transgression, they would be ripe for destruction.
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I’m not following this closely; but some Dem acquaintance of mine on Facebook says that it was actually Trump who initiated the office.  I’d be interested to learn more here.  Whatever the case, the new nominee seems to have a history that rather disqualifies her from defining “disinformation” . . .

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6 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I’m not following this closely; but some Dem acquaintance of mine on Facebook says that it was actually Trump who initiated the office.  I’d be interested to learn more here.  

No, Psaki said that without any evidence. And now the media will run with it -- again without evidence.

Giving her the benefit of the doubt, the best guess I can come up with is:

Trump was complaining about fake news and asked if there is something that can be done about it.  It never went anywhere because of Constitutional hurdles and the political backlash that would occur from both sides of the aisle.  Biden is now using that kernel as justification for a much broader and over-reaching application.  Instead of fearing backlash or worrying about the Constitution (as elected officials should -- on both issues) Biden is pushing forward with wild abandon.

6 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

Whatever the case, the new nominee seems to have a history that rather disqualifies her from defining “disinformation” . . .


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There's a massive laundry list of situations from the past 18+ years where US government "experts" and officials have been dead wrong on various topics, leaving many Americans outright dead. 

And now the government says it wants its own personal Ministry of Truth? 

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16 hours ago, Carborendum said:

It's more than just "the end times" that is preventing it.  The very nature of government is power.  The very nature of mankind is ambition.  The genius of the Constitution is that it uses ambition to offset ambition.

The first amendment admits that government cannot be the determiner of "truth".  The ultimate arbiter of truth must and always will be the people.  This is true in religion, press, speech, assembly, and petitioning the government for grievances.  Each of those rights is an avenue to truth.  And the most accurate truth can be reached only if the vast majority of individuals in this country can express as many voices as possible, and for as many ears to have access to as much information as possible.  

With that in place, all that needs to be upheld is for enough people to have enough freedom of thought to weigh all the voices and come to a consensus.  I believe as Reagan did that as long as the people have ample access to all the information, the mass of the population will always make the right choice.

IOW, the solution to misinformation is not censorship -- or a governing board determining what is truth.  The answer is allowing even more voices to be heard, then giving the people the freedom to determine the truth for themselves.

One more condition exists.  It was stated by the Founding Fathers.  It was stated in the Book of Mormon.  And this is more along the lines of it being the end times:

  • Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other (John Adams).
  • ...if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity, that is, if the time should come that this people should fall into transgression, they would be ripe for destruction.

I'm not sure what it is you think I'm saying that you're trying to counter. 

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6 hours ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I'm not sure what it is you think I'm saying that you're trying to counter. 

Counter?  I think you may have misinterpreted my intent.

I was adding to what was written.

Based on the short posts, there was a lot missing.  So for the benefit of anyone reading, I filled in the blanks.

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